Generic errors  

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In all the Sage X3 software packages, there is a group of generic messages that are likely to be displayed as a result of an entry error. These generic messages are presented below, together with a description of the contexts in which these messages can be displayed.

Preliminary note

In the messages below, [ record ] represents a type of data controlled by a table. [ record ] can for example be replaced by Customer, Account, Product, Journal, BOM, Dimension, Invoice, reference number, Transaction, Screen

General messages in control

  • [ record ]: [ key ]
Record does not exist

A controlled code has been entered in an annex table identified by [ record ] , and the key entered (identified by [ key ] does not exist in the table.

  • The [ record ] does not exist

This is a variant of the previous message.

  • [ record ] exists !
  • Record that already exists

This time a code that does not exist in a table has been entered. For example, during a stock count entry if a serial number is entered that exists already to enter the stock.

  • Inactive record

An attempt has been made to use a key where the principal table manages an Active (yes/no) flag, and the record in question is inactive.

  • Locked record

An attempt has been made to modify a record locked by another user (in this case the key is normally displayed at the bottom of the screen).

  • Cancel (creation, modification, copy)?

This message appears during creation, modification or copying (the Save or Create buttons are grayed-out) and the user wishes to change the current record (essentially by clicking on a left list line). In this case, a positive response to this message causes a change to the record without saving the modifications in process, which are therefore lost. If the user does not want to lose the changes, it is necessary to respond No, then to save the modifications, then change the record.

  • Change In Progress on another workstation

An attempt has been made to modify a record that is being modified by another user. This is identified by an icon (key) at the bottom (client-server) or at the top (Web) of the screen. A double click on the icon displays the code for the user that has locked the record. Whilst the record remains locked by the other user, it remains unmodified.

  • Operation in process on another workstation

An attempt has been made to start an operation (closing, global validation) that can only be executed on one workstation at a time and that it is already in process (started by another user either directly or in batch).

  • Code already entered on line...

This generic message is displayed when, in an entry grid, there is a column that can only display non-duplicated values and an attempt has been made to enter a code that has already been entered on another line.

  • Full grid

This generic message is displayed when the capacity of a grid on the screen is exceeded. This message can be displayed if an attempt is made to insert a line or during the display of a results grid where the last lines are not present.

  • The end range is greater to the start range
  • Value too small

These messages appear when two range fields must be entered if the first value is greater than the second one.

  • Date greater than the current date

In some management cases, it is forbidden to create movement that are later than the current date. This message is displayed in case it happens.

  • Empty grid

This generic message is displayed when at least one line must be entered and this has not been done.

  • Insertion not possible

In certain grids, the insertion of consecutive lines is limited. In the case of repeated insertion in a given location, it is possible that this message may be displayed. The solution is then to insert lines elsewhere in the grid.

  • Action impossible

This message is displayed using a specific button (non-grayed out) is not possible given the circumstances. This message is rare, since usually a button calling an action that is impossible in a given context is greyed out, but it can appear in exceptional cases.

  • The record is used by [Key] (Table name)
It is necessary to delete this link

An attempt has been made to delete a record that is used elsewhere (for example, a GL account that contains movements). This makes the deletion impossible.

  • Object is already being managed

This message is displayed when a combination of tunnels means that an attempt is made to recall a function that is already being used in the current session (for example, if starting from a movement in an invoice, a tunnel on the customer is made, from the customer a zoom is made on the invoice list and then an attempt is made to view the detail of one of the invoices, then the user is returning to an object - the invoice - that is already being viewed (i.e. back to where they started).

  • Transaction interrupted

This message is in general followed by another, which should be noted carefully because it explains the cause of the interruption. This cause is in general linked to a error in the database: attempt to create an existing key (duplication), record locks due to other transaction in process...

Authorization problems

The messages of these type are linked to the authorization management. The user seeing this type of message has not got the access rights to the data, functions or actions that they wish to manage.

  • Not possible to access this record
  • Access not authorized for this [ record ]
  • You do not have the rights for this record

These two messages displayed above signify that a code has been entered for a record whose access is not authorized (even in inquiry mode). Remember that the authorizations are used notably to restrict the data as a function of a site or a group of sites, of an access code , of the definition of theuser roles

  • You only have access to this function in inquiry mode

An attempt has been made to carryout a modification, however the function is only accessible in inquiry mode.

  • Modification impossible

An attempt has been made to modify a record, however the modification is prohibited (either due to authorization reasons or because the records has a status that prohibits its modification (final status, validated or posted elements for example).

  • Password incorrect

An incorrect password has been given either for the current user (during the connection phase), or for another user whose privileges the user wishes to use (for example to create a request under the account of another user).

  • Function not authorized

The current user function profile does not authorize access to this function.

  • Function not authorized for this site

The current user function profile does not authorize the use of the current function for the site in question.

  • You should change the password

Your password has expired (validity period being defined by the CHGPAS setup).

  • Operation reserved for the administrator

An attempt has been made to launch an operation (e.g. table maintenance )that is prohibited to all users except the general administrator (defined by the ADMUSR setup).

  • A utility is in process in the module

An attempt has been made to launch an operation that is impossible because a user has launched a maintenance operation in mono-module mode.

Sequence number management

The sequence number counters are used in the automatic numbering of certain records or movement at the time of their creation. The available sequence number assignment to documents setup.

  • Assignment of sequence numbers not found

On record creation, the automatic numbering is defined by a sequence number that has not been defined or assigned.

  • The ‘[record] Chrono ’sequence number is incorrect or not defined

On record creation, the automatic numbering is carried out by a sequence number counter that has not been defined, or where the specific definition rules have not been respected. For example, certain chronological numbers demand a minimum length (10 digits for example). If it is this type of error, the non-respected constraint is in general indicated at the end of the message.

  • Error in the counter
  • Capacity of the sequence number counter exceeded
  • Problem in recovering the sequence number

Theses messages appear if it has not been possible to assign an invoice number.

The sequence number counter used used in the record creation is not able to return a number (for example because the end of the numbering sequence has been reached where a limited number range exists, all the possible number having been assigned).

Setup problems

  • The parameters [ … ] have not been defined
Process impossible

The setup necessary for the execution of an element of software functionality has not been correctly carried out. It should be noted that each functional documentation defines, in a paragraph title Prerequisites, the minimum parameters necessary for the correct operation of the function.

  • Error during file access…
  • Error during file write…

This in general is an access problem to a sequential file (log, bank file, patch file...) during its creation or the file read. The user access rights (in the system sense of the term) should be verified.

  • Incorrect expression

This message is displayed when a calculated expression containing incorrect syntax is entered in a setup operation. In general an additional message describes the specific problem, for example: Closing bracket missing, Incorrect number of parameters

  • Text memory size exceeded

The memory size reserved for the management of long texts is not sufficient to temporarily store the texts in the process of being modified. It is necessary to modify this setup in the folder management.

Exploitation errors

  • Incorrect date

The movement date entered does not correspond to any period or fiscal year. The entry is refused.

  • Fiscal Year Not Open

The fiscal year to which the movement date belongs is not open. The entry is refused.

  • Period Not Open

The period to which the movement date belongs is not open. The entry is refused.

  • Closed Period

The period to which the movement date belongs is closed. The entry is refused.

  • Rollback following an error in the transaction
Problem in the table XXXXXXXX

Issue (possibly serious issue) upon accessing the database.

Folder errors

  • Modification of the folder in process
  • Folder backup in process
  • Return to zero in process
  • Connection not possible

These messages are displayed during the connection to a folder, if it is in the process of a heavy maintenance operation (folder revalidation, return to zero) or during a backup. If one of these operations is interrupted, leaving the folder in an inconsistent state, the only solution will be to unlock the folder (by connecting to another folder).

  • Mono-user mode

This message type indicates that a folder has been locked by a user to prohibit multiple connections. Therefore, the connection is impossible until the folder is returned to multi-user mode.

  • Maximum number of sessions exceeded
  • Too many users connected

These messages are displayed during connection to a folder, when the maximum number of authorized connections has been exceeded. The first messages corresponds to a voluntary limitation of the number of sessions accorded to a user (see the MAXSES1 and MAXSES2 parameters), the second corresponds to a limit in terms of license management (it is then necessary to contact your partner to acquire additional licenses).

  • Operation impossible in this folder

An attempt is made to carryout a specific operation in a folder in which it is prohibited (in general it is the X3 folder, in which operations such as vocabulary personalization are impossible).