ADONIX calculator  

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The Adonix calculator, usable throughout the software either via the use of the Tools / Calculator menu or by using the following shortcut key   , enables the assessment of calculation formulas complying with the adonix expressions. These can be simple calculations (such as 3.14159265358+2.71828182845, for example), or more complex formulas with variables, functions and operators (such as sigma(1,20,log(indcum)*pi), or len([BPC]BPCNUM)).

Method of operation

The entry of the formula is made in a window where a maximum of 240 characters can be entered. The carriage return key is used to evaluate the formula: the result is then displayed below the formula. The initial formula remains displayed by default in the field where it was entered.

A certain number of functions are accessible via right click:


This function is used to display the recent formulas entered by the user, with the result obtained during the evaluation, and is also used to recover one of these formulas for reuse. The number of formulas maintained in this way can be set up by the user (Calculator history field in the user management).


This function is used to define the number of decimals to be used when displaying the result (0 to 24).

Formula editor

This function is used to call the formula editor, to aid the user in the construction of the calculation formula.

Variable classes

This function is used to give access to certain debugger functions (display of a class, the table list and open masks...). This choice is only possible if the debugger variables allow this access.

Error messages

All the error messages linked to syntax (for example a missing closing bracket) or calculation errors (for example division by 0, non-existent variable) can be displayed.

Tables used

The ACALCUL [AKL] table stores the most recent operations carried out by each user according with the value of the HISTCALC setup.