Setup >  Users >  Users  

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Each user must identify themselves by a code when using the software. This code of 5 uppercase alphanumeric characters refers to particular information defined in the Users table.

Use this function to administrate users and their rights.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

To create a user:

  • enter their code and name,
  • select the Activecheck box to authorize this user to log on,
  • enter the user's identification information in the various tabs, as well as the parameter values related to this user.



The following fields are present on this tab :

This code identifies the current record in a unique way.

  • Name (field INTUSR)

Enter the description of the relevant record.

This long description is used as a title in screens and reports.

  • Active (field ENAFLG)



Tab General


Use this tab to define the identification information and general characteristics of the user.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • X3 connection (field USRCONNECT)

Currently, there are different levels of "collaborators" in X3. This field makes it possible to differenciate them by the right or not to connect to the system, which gives the 2 following catergories : The users who can connect to the system. The employees who cannot connect to the system.

  • Web services connection (field USRCONXTD)

  • No directory check (field WITHOUTLDA)


  • Login (field LOGIN)

The login corresponds to the system access code on the server. This code is the one entered in the application login box (by default, it is the user code, but this code can be longer than the user's internal code which is limited to 5 characters). It must be different for each user.

The business code is used to associate a user to a business profile. A business profile corresponds to a set of users grouped according to the same menu profile, function profile and possibly the same BI user profile and Safe X3 WAS profile.

Select the warehouse associated to the selected user. This is the warehouse that will be initialized by default, in the stock, purchasing, sales and production functions.

SEEINFO This field is not mandatory.When entered, it has the priority over the field defined at the site level.

This menu profile code enables the definition of the tree structure proposed by default to the user. It does in no case define the authorizations relating to the functions, the latter being defined by the function profilecode.

  • field DEFMEN


This function profile code is used to define the user's authorizations, function by function, or in bulk. These authorizations are complemented by the user's roles, the user parameter values and the access codes allowed for said user. This information is entered in the tabs of the user record.

  • field DEFFCT


  • field DEFBI




  • field DEFXTD


  • Workflow email address (field ADDEML)

The user e-mail address can be used in the workflow system integrated to the Adonix software in order to send messages to the user.

  • Default telephone (field TELEP)

These fields define the information to contact the user.

  • Default fax (field FAX1)


This access code makes it possible to prohibit access to the current record for some users.

If the field is populated only users that have this access code with read access rights (and write access rights respectively) can view (or with write access rights, modify) the record.

Rather than having to define printing destinations in the table at the bottom of the screen, it is possible for the current user to use the destination list of another user (who is then entered here).

Grid Default destinations

  • Type (field TYPIMP)

This displayed field defines the type of destination from the values of the number 22 local parameterizable menu.

This code identifies for each type of printer defined by the 22 parameterizable local menu a printing destination which will be proposed by default when launching a report in the absence of a more accurate rule.


  • field AUSPIC

This image-type field enables the picture of the user to be displayed.




Tab Organization


Use this tab to define the roles held by the user in the company: managers, external users, and data filtering rules (using the Roles table).




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Relationships

  • Type (field RESPO)

Type of manager defined by the number 50 local parameterizable menu.

It makes it possible to define a list of managers related to the user (which can be used for the Workflow functions, among others) : access to the manager of rank rank is made possible using the variables [AUS]CHEF(rank) or by means of the function func AFNC.CHEF(user_code,rank).

  • Name (field NOMCHEF)

Title associated to the previous code.


Grid Row level permissions

This table is used to enter the roles played by the user, along with the corresponding codes. These roles are defined in the miscellaneous table number 60. Role management is used to set fine filtering on data, especially when restricted system access must be granted to external BPs and restricted filtering must be applied to the data viewed by said BPs.

A parameterization makes it possible to associate with each role filtering criteria on standard object type functions. For instance, within a commercial management context, it can be decided that the Customer role for the Order function induces a filtering on the Ordering Customer field.

In practical terms, it happens in the following way :

  • A role is identified by a code : for instance, the ORD (ordering customer) code within a commercial management context.
  • A role is associated with a list of functions for which a filter is applied on a given field (for instance, the order on the Ordering Customer field).
  • When this parameterization is performed, the entry of the ORD role code on two lines, successively associated with A and B customer codes, will enable a filter to be applied upon order entry : only the orders placed by customers A and B can be viewed, only the orders for customer A and B can be entered.
  • Key (field BPR)

This code corresponds to the value selected to filter the data associated with the role. For instance, if a role involves having to manage the customers who place orders, the customer code for which the filter will be performed for the user will be available here.



Tab Parameters


Use this tab to access the setup of all the parameters associated with the user. These parameters are classified by chapter and group.

One chapter corresponds to one functional or technical module (Supervisor, Financials and BPare modules, for instance).

A group is a logical grouping of interdependent parameters.

The table displayed in this tab only contains the list of chapters and groups. To get a quick view of the parameter values within a given group:

  • click on the relevant chapter and group line from the table,
  • display the Parameters per group list in the selection panel.

This is a tree view. This list expands automatically and displays the value of each parameter belonging the selected group.

It is not mandatory to define the parameters user by user. If no value has indeed been defined at this level, the user inherits from the defined parameter value, by order of priority:

  • at the level of their default site (for the corresponding functional module),
  • at the level of the company related to the site,
  • at the level of the legislation related to the company,
  • and at last, at the general level.

The effective level at which a parameter is defined is displayed in the detail entry table. At the level of the parameter group, the displayed level is the lowest level where one of the parameters of the group is defined. If three parameters are included in a group and if they are respectively defined at the Legislation, Company, and Folderlevels, the line related to the group will display the Companylevel.

In order to quickly enter the parameters of a group, you can associate it to a standard or predefined set of values. When Supervisor security parameters are considered, you can have the following sets of values: HIG (high), MED (average), LOW (minimal). After choosing one of these default levels, it is no longer mandatory to document the parameters in further details.

When mores details are required, you can define customized values parameter by parameter by clicking Detail from the Actionsicon. In case of a detailed modification, the set of values is no longer applied: the corresponding column is therefore empty.

Only a main administrator has the right to enter the values for all the parameters. Another user only has the right to enter particular parameter values (these are those available to the user him/herself in the Personalization function of the Usage menu). In this case, the parameter values appear in a different font (for example italic, according to the client workstation setup).

A certain number of these parameters make it possible to refine the security. For a given user, you can:

More generally, you can use the global parameter CHGPASS - Password management parameter (SUP chapter, SEC group) to define a period of time beyond which the password must be changed by the user.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Table number 1

  • Chapter (field CHPDES)

In this chapter, the parameters are grouped in a logical manner. This code is defined in the miscellaneous table number 901.

This code, defined in the miscellaneous table 903, is used to group those parameters usually consistently entered in a chapter. Sets of values can be defined in order to rapidly enter the parameters of a given group with preset values.

This code is used to associate under an explicit name a consistent set of values which can be applied to all the parameters. If the parameters have been directly defined with separate values, the code displayed in the record is empty.

  • Level (field NIVGRP)

This field indicates the level of definition of the entered parameter. It can take the values defined in the local menu 987. When the level is indicated for a group of parameters, the finest level encountered for the group parameters is the one to be displayed.



Action icon



The following fields are included in this window :

Block number 1

Code identifying the variable with 5 characters.

Block number 2

In this chapter, the parameters are grouped in a logical manner. This code is defined in the miscellaneous table number 901.

This code, defined in the miscellaneous table 903, is used to group those parameters usually consistently entered in a chapter. Sets of values can be defined in order to rapidly enter the parameters of a given group with preset values.


  • Parameter (field PARAM)

This code identifies the parameter to be entered.

  • Description (field NAME)

Title associated to the previous code.

  • Value (field VALEUR)

The parameter value is entered here. Depending on the case, this value is entered as if it were a number, a date or an alphanumeric code. When the parameter is of local menu type, it is possible to enter either the beginning of the name or the numeric value corresponding to the position of the name in the list. When the code is controlled by an annex table, a selection key may be used to select it.

This code is used to associate under an explicit name a consistent set of values which can be applied to all the parameters. If the parameters have been directly defined with separate values, the code displayed in the record is empty.

  • Level (field NIVEAU)

This field indicates the level of definition of the entered parameter. It can take the values defined in the local menu 987. When the level is indicated for a group of parameters, the finest level encountered for the group parameters is the one to be displayed.


Click this action to access the details of a group parameters, in order to enter each value separately.

You can:

  • enter each value or select it if it belongs to a table,
  • recall, using the Actionsicon, the higher level value (Folder, Legislation, Company, Site).

Parameter search


The following fields are included in this window :

Block number 1

Code identifying the variable with 5 characters.

Block number 2

In this chapter, the parameters are grouped in a logical manner. This code is defined in the miscellaneous table number 901.

This code, defined in the miscellaneous table 903, is used to group those parameters usually consistently entered in a chapter. Sets of values can be defined in order to rapidly enter the parameters of a given group with preset values.


  • Parameter (field PARAM)

This code identifies the parameter to be entered.

  • Description (field NAME)

Title associated to the previous code.

  • Value (field VALEUR)

The parameter value is entered here. Depending on the case, this value is entered as if it were a number, a date or an alphanumeric code. When the parameter is of local menu type, it is possible to enter either the beginning of the name or the numeric value corresponding to the position of the name in the list. When the code is controlled by an annex table, a selection key may be used to select it.

This code is used to associate under an explicit name a consistent set of values which can be applied to all the parameters. If the parameters have been directly defined with separate values, the code displayed in the record is empty.

  • Level (field NIVEAU)

This field indicates the level of definition of the entered parameter. It can take the values defined in the local menu 987. When the level is indicated for a group of parameters, the finest level encountered for the group parameters is the one to be displayed.


Click this action to select or search for a parameter based on its name or code rather than its group.




Tab Access


Use this tab to:

  • define the authorizations granted to the user in terms of access codes.
    Accessing the data of this tab in modification mode can be prohibited for a user who is not a general administrator (parameter Aassociated with the function determines the right to modification).
  • view the date and time information of the last connection.


  • a specific table is available for you to view the history of all operations performed by one user,
  • more advanced audit functionalities can be implemented in the Data dictionary.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Access rights

  • All access codes (field ALLACS)

If this box is checked, the user has been granted all the rights (in read, write and execution mode) on all the access codes. This makes it no longer necessary to supply the complete list of access codes for the privileged users.

Grid Access code

The access codes are the codes that are used to protect the information or the functions, in read, write and execution mode (when the context permits it). In this case, these codes act a bit like a lock placed on a field in a screen, in a transaction, in a report or in a database record.

Then, for this field and for each user, it is determined whether they can access protected information in this way (thus they have the key available allowing them to open the lock).

The number of access codes and their codification is totally free, since what only matters is the assignment that is made in the different records, which can be controlled in this way .

An All access codes box is used to give access to all the access codes present or to come. If this box is not checked, the entry can be made in the tab grid.

  • Inquiry (field CONSUL)

If this field is set to Yes, the user is entitled to view the records (or fields) protected by the access code.

  • Modification (field MODIF)

If this field is set to Yes, the user is entitled to modify the records (or fields) protected by the access code.

  • Execution (field EXEC)

If this field is set to Yes, the user has been granted the execution right (if available) defined within the context of those records protected by the access code. Use cases of execution rights for access codes can be found in an appended documentation.


  • Date /hour of last connection (field DATCONN)

This field contains the date on which the user has logged on for the last time.

  • field TIMCONN

This field contains the time at which the user has logged on for the last time.



Tab Financials


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

This accounting code is used to define the posting conditions based on an on-line user code in the posting conditions (for instance a buyer code in a purchasing context). This code can be used in the automatic journals in the accounting.

Grid Analytical dimensions


This field is used to indicate default analytical dimensions which can be used to define, via the default analytical dimensions, values to load the accounting interfaces.



Tab Addresses


Use this tab to define a list of addresses associated with the user.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Addresses

  • Address (field CODADR)

This code is used to identify the various addresses associated with the managed record (user, company, site, business partner of any description, etc.).
Each address code is unique to a given record.
In general, it is mandatory to enter an address for each record, and one of them must be declared as the default address using the corresponding box.

You cannot modify or delete an address code when it is used at the level of a Bank ID number or for a contact.
In this case, to be able to modify or delete an address code, you first need to remove it from the level of the Bank ID number or contact.


  • Code (field XCODADR)

This code is used to identify the various addresses associated with the managed record (user, company, site, business partner of any description, etc.).
Each address code is unique to a given record.
In general, it is mandatory to enter an address for each record, and one of them must be declared as the default address using the corresponding box.

You cannot modify or delete an address code when it is used at the level of a Bank ID number or for a contact.
In this case, to be able to modify or delete an address code, you first need to remove it from the level of the Bank ID number or contact.

  • field XBPADES

Specify the information linked to the address.

This code is used to identify the country associated with the address.

In the Country table, which controls this field, some specific characteristics are used to perform controls on the related information, in particular:

  • the phone number format,
  • the format of the number identifying a company or an activity (SIRET, NAF in France),
  • the format of the postal/town-city code as well as that of the geographical subdivision, and whether their entry is mandatory or not,
  • the format of the bank ID number,
  • the IBAN management.
  • field XCRYNAM

Title associated to the previous code.

  • field XADDLIG1

This table lists the various address lines. The formats of the title and of the entry are defined in the country table.

  • Postal code/city (field XPOSCOD)

The postal code whose entry format is defined in the Country table enables the city/town to be specified. When the postal code is changed the city/town corresponding to the new code is automatically displayed.

  • field XCTY

The city/town name is automatically suggested if a city is associated with the postal code previously listed in the postal codes table.

It is also possible to manually enter the city/town. If the latter is defined, the associated postal code is automatically displayed and if the city/town does not exist and the postal code control has been parameterized, a warning message appears whithout however preventing the entry to be continued.

  • field XSAT

This field includes the geographical subdivision which is part of the postal address definition.
For instance, it can be the department for France or the state for the United States. The subdivision title and the potential control on its entry are defined in the Country setup.
If it is controlled, this code depends on the corresponding geographical subdivision.

This subdivision is automatically fed after the postal code and town/city have been entered, based on the Postal codes setup.

  • Website (field XFCYWEB)

This field is used to indicate a web site.

  • External identifier (field XEXTNUM)

This free field makes it possible to stock a variable identifier, which can be used for specific processing.
Example: when generating international transfer files in XML format, the content of this field identifies the credited BP, when the SIRET number is missing (see setup of Bank files).

  • Default address (field XBPAADDFLG)

When selected, this check box indicates that this is the default address.
Only one of the addresses in the selected record can (and must) be selected. This always corresponds to one of the BP's addresses.


  • field ATYPTEL


  • field XTEL1

This field indicates the phone number. Its entry format depends on the country.
The level of control applied to the entered number format depends on the general parameter CTLTEL - Phone number control (SUP chapter, INT group).


  • field ATYPWEB


  • field XWEB1

This field is used to specify the email address of the contact.



Action icon

Copy Addresses




Tab Addresses


Use this tab to define the bank details of the user, in a homogeneous fashion to how it is done for all business partners.




The following fields are present on this tab :


This code is used to identify the country associated with the bank account.

The country table, containing this code, gathers information that is useful to perform controls, and namely:

  • the telephone number format,
  • the format of the number identifying a company or an activity (SIRET, NAF in France),
  • the postal code format,
  • the format of the Bank ID number code.
  • IBAN pref (field IBAN)

The IBAN is an internationally agreed standard of identifying bank accounts in a structured format.
IBAN can be used in national and/or international payment transactions (country-specific).
The IBAN code consists of: 

  • A 4-digit IBAN prefix composed of:
    - a country code (2 letters),
    - two check digits
    This prefix is displayed. It is calculated automatically upon the bank account information entered in the Bank ID field. the bank account information (country specific, up to 30 characters).
  • The bank account information (country-specific, up to 30 characters).

SEEINFO Not all countries support IBAN. The IBAN format applied to bank accounts is controlled by the IBAN management option, defined in the Countries setup.

  • Bank acct. number (field BIDNUM)


  • Default (field BIDNUMFLG)

This field indicates that the Bank ID number is used by default for payments (in the absence of a more precise rule).

  • Addr. (field BIDBPAADD)

This field specifies the address code of the bank ID number, controlled in the address codes of the managed entity (company, site, customer, supplier, etc.).

This address code is used to define the default bank ID number in payment contexts where an address is known.

This code is used to identify the currency associated with the bank account.
It is managed in the currency table.

It is recommended to use the ISO coding during the creation of a new currency.

  • ISR customer no. (field BVRNUM)


  • Paying bank (field PAB1)

This field, which is mandatory for payments, defines the paying bank related to the account number. The first line contains the name of the bank.

  • Beneficiary (field BNF)

This field identifies the bank account's beneficiary (physical or moral person).

  • Paying bank 2 (field PAB2)


  • Paying bank 3 (field PAB3)


  • Paying bank 4 (field PAB4)


  • BIC code (field BICCOD)

To perform the automatic processing of payment requests, the sender's bank needs the BIC code of the recipient's bank. This code is an ISO identifier managed by the international banking system, and namley the SWIFT system, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication.

The BIC code is the only standardized bank identifier at international level. All banks can have a BIC code, even if they do not belong to the SWIFT network.

The BIC code can be comprised of 8 to 11 characters. In both cases, the first 8 characters of the BIC code generally designate the bank's head office and are structured under the form BBBB PP AA, which correspond to the following information :

  • BBBB is the bank mnemonic identifier;
  • PP is the ISO country code;
  • AA stands for a service code often to serve a geographic purpose.
  • Intermediary bank (field MIDPAB1)

In some commercial exchanges, upon the request of Business Partners or payment issuing banks, an intermediary bank is sometimes used. For that purpose, the identifiers of this bank must be entered (BIC code, paying bank, country). This information remains optional (it does not need to be entered if no intermediary bank is mandatory).

  • Paying bank 1 (field MIDPAB2)


  • Paying bank 2 (field MIDPAB3)


  • Paying bank 3 (field MIDPAB4)


  • BIC code (field MIDBICCOD)





Action icon

Address copy
BID screen management




Tab Bank ID


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Active employee on projects (field ENAFLGPJM)


  • Hourly rate (field PAUSCST)



  • Time entry (field PAUSTT)



  • Time entry administrator (field PAUSPA)





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  PRTSCR : Screen print

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

  • field OBJET


  • field CLES


Block number 2

  • From folder (field DOSORG)

Use this field to define the folder from which the record will be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the Dedicated appendix.

  • All folders (field TOUDOS)

Use this option to copy the record to all the folders defined in the dictionary (ADOSSIER table of the current solution).

  • To folder (field DOSDES)

Use this field to define the folder to which the record will be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the Dedicated appendix.


This button is used to copy the record definition from or to another folder.

Menu bar

Functions / Password

Click this action to:

  • Delete the current user's password, if it is not mandatory: this point is defined by the PASSWD - Mandatory password parameter (SUP chapter, SEC group).
  • Assign a temporary password if the password is mandatory. If the PSWNEW - New password assignment workflow rule associated with the PWD miscellaneous event exists, it is triggered. It is designed to send the password assigned to the user.

    Otherwise, the password is displayed on the screen so you can write it down.

    This temporary password must to be modified upon the next connection. The BLKPSW - Expired password lock Workflow rule, delivered in standard, can be used to lock a user who has not changed his password in time after being assigned a temporary password.

SEEINFO The CHGPASS - Password management parameter (SUP chapter, SEC group) is used to give a maximum number of days for the validity of a password (above which, the password must be changed). If this parameter is set to '0', the passwords may have an unlimited life span.

Functions / Sage Exchange processing

Click this action to access the Document traceability inquiry function. This function is used to view and browse through the hierarchy of journals at the origin or coming from the document.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Login (XXX) already defined

You have attempted to define a connection code already used by another user (the user XXX).

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation