Common data >  BOMs >  Where used >  Services  

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The where-used function is used to list all the parent products of a subcontract service from the BOM file.

The lists of where-used can be obtained simultaneously for several BOMs and displayed on the screen or printed.

The where-used cases are the following:

  • first level where_used case: list of parent products using the selected service directly,
  • multi-level where-used cases: lists of parent products using the selected service directly or indirectly. If a component uses a service, the parent products using this component will be listed and so on until the last level.
  • last level where_used case: list of the parent products of lowest level (without displaying intermediary levels) that use the selected service.


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Screen management

The user can use the first screen to specify selection criteria.

The second screen displays, for a specific BOM, the list of parent products using the selected service.

When multiple BOMs are used, the Next and Previous buttons display the pages of the other BOMs.
A contextual button on the BOM code can be used to select the requested code directly.

Inquiry screens of the where-used irrespective of the level.

  • They are similar.
  • They display the details of the BOM links



The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

This field specifies the component for which the where-used is displayed.

Block number 2

  • field W1



  • Reference date (field DATREF)

The reference date is used to select the products according to their validity start date and end date.
The entry of a date dated 00/00/00 is used to select all the products irrespective of their validity date.

SEEINFO The reference date cannot be equal to zero or be earlier than the current date.



  • Processing mode (field TRT)

This flag is used to select the elements to process.

SEEINFO The user can choose to print only the first level links, the last level links, or the multi-level BOM.


  • Screen (field SCRFLG)

The result of the process will be displayed on the screen if this indicator is set.

  • Report (field PRNFLG)

It is possible to view these where-used cases on the screen, on a print or both.
If both options are retained, the screen view is suggested first.



Tab Sub-contract links


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Multiple bills of materials (BOMs) can be defined for a single product. Each BOM code can be assigned specific management features. For manufactured or subcontracted products this includes restriction of the BOM to a specific site and to specific areas of functionality (for costing or for capacity planning).


  • Sequence (field BOMSEQ)

This field identifies the sequence number of this service item in this BOM (bill of materials). It identifies a service item where multiple service items with the same product code are defined.

The BOMSTE - Component sequence increment parameter (TC chapter, BOM group) defines the first sequence number and the increment applied to subsequent sequence numbers.

  • Lev. (field NIV)

This field displays the level at which this subcontract service item is found in the bill of materials.

This parent product code describes what is referred to as a 'Bill of Materials' or a 'BOM'. A BOM contains structured information for making and costing a product. It defines the components that make up a product, and given this, the cost of the product.

The parent product code is a stock code. It is the assembly or finished goods code.

  • Valid from (field BOMSTRDAT)

Use this field to define the start date of this service item's validity period.

Alternatively, leave the default date. This is defined as the start date of the parent product's validity period.

 This service item's validity dates must be within the date range defined for the parent product.

  • Valid to (field BOMENDDAT)

Use this field to define the last date of this service item's validity period.

Alternatively, leave the default date. This is defined as the end date of the parent product's validity period.

 This service item's validity dates must be within the date range defined for the parent product.

  • Link quantity code (field LIKQTYCOD)

Use this field to define how the quantity of this component in the stock unit that is needed to make the parent product is determined:

  • Proportional. The quantity of this component is multiplied by the quantity required for the parent product.
  • Fixed. The quantity of this component is fixed, regardless of the quantity required of the parent product.

  • Link description (field BOMSHO)
  • Valuation (field CSTFLG)

Leave as 'Yes' if the value of this component must be taken into account when calculating the standard cost of the parent product; if the value of this component must not be included in the standard cost, set to 'No'.



Action icon

Standard object management

Provides quick access to the product record.

Standard object management

Provides easy access to the BOM for which the service search is conducted.




Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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