Before creating your site, it is advised to read the documentation: Before beginning.
This function is used to locate an XTEND setup element used by other XTEND elements.
In other words, a where-used case of the XTEND element is searched.
This is a useful function to:
Refer to documentation Implementation
The following fields are present on this tab :
Type of the XTEND element to be selected. |
Code range of an XTEND element whose type is known. |
Code range of an XTEND element whose type is known. |
Current Web site |
Used to search the dependences in a recursive manner on 1, 2 or 3 levels. For instance: A field can be referenced by an entity that can itself be referenced by a block that can be referenced by a page. Each level (maximum of 3) uses 3 columns to display the code, the type (Niv.#-Type) and the description of the record. |
Displays those elements that are not referenced in any XTEND element. |
The following fields are present on this tab :
Action icon
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
PRTSCR : Screen print
This can be changed using a different setup.