Stock Issues  

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This screen is used to determine or to modify the stock to be issued for a line on a stock note. On exiting this function (Saving or Creating the document), the selected stock lines will be allocated in detail.

In the case of notes that provide for a validation stage (shipment advice note is an example), the issue of stock for these lines is carried out at the time of validation, if not, the movements are made on saving or creating the document.

A detailed allocation consists of a reservation of the goods on a stock line. This means explicitly reserving a lot number, a sub-lot number, a version number, a serial number with a specific status, with a packing unit or stock unit and for a specific location (and given warehouse when managed).

For the determination of stock lines to be issued, the stock management rules defined for the Product category and for the given movement type apply (a link between Movement code and Movement type can be defined and used by the note transaction), namely upon picking so as to control the status of the product to be issued.

The allocation rules are those used to choose the stock lines to issue in the stock issue proposal function (see [Proposal] button). These allocation rules are restricted by the issue rule defined for the given stock movement (authorized sub-statuses, expired lot, picking locations, versions). The allocation rules also provide a sorting feature for the stock lines suggested in the selection panel, based on the main order chosen for the stock issue (FIFO, LIFO, FEFO, By lot).

If no allocation rule is available, then the system will set the issue to lines in stock units in a FIFO order.

Method of operation

The selection of stock lines to issue is made in a screen containing a grid of stock lines to issue and a selection panel used to select the stock lines. The table including the stock lines can only be filled using the selection panel or by automatic proposal, accessed via the [Proposal] button at the bottom of the screen. Only the quantity to be issued in stock units and the quantity in packing units are accessible in this grid.

You can enter the grid and add stock shortages (or serial numbers for the products managed with serial numbers on issue). In this case, only the quantity in stock unit is mandatory. You can also enter information used for determining the stock to be issued (Lot, Sub-lot, Version, Serial number, Warehouse, Location). A stock shortage can only be recorded for those products that allow stock shortage management. A stock shortage can be entered either because the stock is physically present but has not been recorded in the system; or because the picking location used is in shortage. 

Stock lines to be issued screen

This screen is divided into three sections:

The first section shows the information from the stock line note. This includes the issue site concerned, the product code, the issue note number (for example shipment code) and the packing unit (sales unit in the case of a shipment) for the document line with the conversion coefficient between the document unit and the stock unit. The description of the movement can be modified on this screen. It is initialized with the movement description that has been entered on the issue note line. If this description is modified, it will be carried through to the issue note line. The movement description will be the same for all the issue movements associated with a issue note line.

The second section recalls the context of the shipment line. The following information is found:

 Quantity to be issued: this is the quantity on the line in the issue note expressed in stock unit.

 Total: this is the total quantity already selected within the stock issue to be carried out.

 Shortages: this is the shortage quantity on the issue note line expressed in stock units.

The last section of the screen is a grid referencing the selected stock lines for the stock issue. It contains the following information:

 The lot number

 The sub-lot number

 The major/minor version

 The start and end Serial numbers For products managed with serial numbers on receipts/issues these two columns are never accessible except for the management of stock shortages (see Issue a stock shortage accessed from Actions icon on the grid line or from the Options menu in the action panel). The serial numbers are loaded by selection of the stock lines. For products managed by serial numbers on issue, you have the possibility (if no serial number sequence is associated with the product) to enter manually the start and end serial numbers on the stock line selected to carry out the issue. These numbers will then serve to identify the issue numbers at the time of shipment validation. For the selected stock line, if serial numbers to assign are not consecutive, click Serial no. to issue in the Actions menu to enter separate number. The entry of separate numbers will lead to a splitting of the selected line. For the serial numbers managed only on issue, there can be in stock, lines identified by a serial number. These lines corresponds to customer returns.

 The location

 The warehouse

 The status

 The quantity available in stock units for the selected stock line.

 The quantity to be issued in stock units for this stock line and specific to the delivery. This quantity is the only information that can be modified, with the quantity to be issued in packing units, in the grid of selected stock lines. It is used to adjust the quantity to be collected on a stock line after it has been selected via the selection panel. In fact, the picking of a stock line in the selection panel loads the line in the grid with, as the issue quantity, the quantity remaining to be issued on the delivery line.

 The quantity available in packing unit on the selected stock line.          

 The quantity to be issued in packing units for this stock line, specific to the delivery.

 The packing unit for the stock line.

 The conversion coefficient between the packing unit and the stock unit.

 The total quantity in stock for the selected line expressed in stock unit.

 The expiry date for the lot if relevant.

 Identifiers 1 and 2

 User zones 1 and 2

 The Owner site

SEEINFO The presence of certain columns in this grid depends on the product characteristics.Information on:

  • The lot and sub-lot only appear if the product is managed by lot. 
  • The lot expiry date only appears if expiry management is activated and the product is lot managed.
  • The Serial number only appears if the product is managed by serial number.
  • The location of the product will only be present if the Product-site is managed by location.In this case, the warehouse is only displayed if the storage site manages warehouses.
  • Major and minor versions are only displayed in the tracking of versions is activated.

Selection panel containing stock lines

The selection panel is used to select the eligible stock lines to process the stock issue for the note line. The stock information is presented as follows:

 The lot number

 The sub-lot number

 The version number. Stock lines are not filtered based on the version status. Use the picking criteria to add a filter on versions.

 The serial number.

 The location.

 The stock line status.

 The available quantity in stock units for the stock line.

 The conversion coefficient between the packing unit and the stock unit.

 The packing unit code for the stock line.

 The two free identifiers for the stock line.

 The analysis request.

 The Use-by date.

 The owner site.

 The warehouse.

The order in which the stock lines are presented depends on the allocation rules associated with the product category.
If the product is managed by lot or serial number, the order is a function of the allocation rule. By lot, FIFO, FEFO, LIFO for products managed by lot, FIFO, LIFO or by Serial number for the products managed by serial number. For other products, the selection panel is sorted by location. The only difference between the selection panel and the allocation rule can stem from the order associated with the statuses. If the allocation rule authorizes, for example, the allocation of products with the status A or Q, but by always starting with status A, the selection panel will display the stock lines as they are selected without consideration of the priority between statuses.

If the product is not managed by serial number, the stock lines in the selection panel will be displayed as follows based on the order defined by the allocation rule:

By lot:          Lot + Sub-lot + Location + Stock chrono

FIFO:             Lot creation date + Lot + Sub-lot + Location + Stock chrono

FEFO :           Expiry date + Lot + Sub-lot + Location + Stock chrono

LIFO :             Inverse sort of FIFO

If the product is managed by serial number, the stock lines in the selection panel will be displayed as follows as a function of the order defined in the allocation rule:

By lot and FEFO:       Lot + Sub-lot + Serial number + Stock chrono

FIFO:                        Lot creation date + Lot + Sub-lot + Receipt date for the serial number + Serial number + Stock chrono

LIFO :                         Inverse sort of FIFO

You can sort the information displayed in a column by clicking on the required column. You can also make selections by column: choose the Rapid selection mode on the chosen column.

When accessing the function, two situations can present themselves:

  • Either the issue note line has no stock line to issue available. In this case, the grid is empty and the selection panel is loaded with the stock lines that can be selected. The quantity to be issued is equal to the quantity to be shipped.
  • Or the issue note line has either a part or all of the stock lines to be issued. In this case, the grid is loaded with the stock lines already allocated and the selection panel is empty. If you want to display the available stock lines in order to carry out a modification on the stock to be issued lines or to add info to the previously allocated stock lines (to carry out the issue), press [Esc.] and [F5] to refresh the selection panel. The lines already selected (still having stock available) are highlighted in colors in the selection panel.

Once the stock lines are selected, it is necessary to save the entry. See [Save] button.

In the case of deliveries, it should be noted that a detailed allocation of the stock lines to be issued will only be carried out for the selected lines on the saving of the delivery.

It is possible to cancel the selection of a line loaded in the grid. To do so, you can:
- either delete the grid line (you cannot use a null quantity in the entry screen): the selection panel is refreshed,
- or unselect the grid line using the selection panel.

SEEINFO As long as no modification has been saved, the deleted line cannot restore the available stock in the stock line.This remark is only valid for lines that have already been allocated upon entering the function. 

Specific case of kits and sales BOMs:

 Sales kits: the issue of stock of parent product and its components is inseparable. This means that if a parent product is issued, its components will be generated at the level of the issue quantity of the parent product. If the stock to be issued is insufficient for certain components, the negative stocks will automatically be generated on the issue note line even if the component management method does not authorize negative stock. For a component, the sum of Allocated Quantity + Negative stock quantity / by Link quantity is always equal to the sum of the Allocated Quantity + Negative stock quantity of the parent quantity. If negative stock is prohibited for at least one of the components and this has generated at least one negative stock, the shipment validation (issue) will not be authorized whilst the negative stock is not yet put in order. A shipment line which has negative stocks is displayed in green whilst the shipment has not been saved. 

Two cases can occur :

  • If the parent product is managed in stock, you can access the stock issue function from the parent product. It is then possible to select the lines of stock to be issued for the parent component just the same as for a classic product.
  • If the parent product is not managed in stock, you cannot access the function from the parent product.

In both cases, you can manually modify the lines of stock to be issued for the components by this function. The interest in accessing this function for a component is to modify the line of stock to be issued (modification of the lot, the status...) or to specify a negative stock quantity. You will not be able to exit the function if the Quantity to be issued is different from the Total selected + Stock shortage quantity. For a component, the stock shortage quantity must be specified manually by clicking Stock shortage issue available in the Actions menu on a grid line or via the Options menu in the menu bar.

 Sales BOMs: contrary to sales kits, the links between the parent product and the components are not strict. This means that you can issue the parent product or components independently (if they are stock-managed). It will be possible, for a component, to issue a different quantity to the link quantity with respect to the parent product.

Specific buttons in the stock line grid

When the product is managed with negative stock authorized and the total quantity of the selected stock lines is less than the quantity to be issued, the following actions can be accessed from the Actions menu of a grid line. For commercial kit components, you can access this function even if the component is not managed with negative stock authorized.

 Stock shortage issue:

When you activate this function, a line in red is then generated in the grid with as quantity to be issued, the quantity remaining to be issued. When the line is generated, no stock attribute is specified. If you want to, you can enter attributes manually (Status, Warehouse, Location, Lot, Sub-lot, Major/minor version, Serial). In this case, the issue note line can only be used when the attributes assigned are in stock. This is used for example to give information on the lot, sub-lot, major version, minor version or serial number even though they have not been entered in stock automatically yet but are physically available. The issue will be adjusted once the system entry is carried out with stock having the characteristics identified (issue note line allocation on negative stock or adjustment on pending movements).

 Serial no. to be issued:

This function is only accessible on the selected stock line for products managed with serial numbers on issue. It is used to allocate separate serial numbers to a selected stock line. The result of this entry leads to a splitting of the stock line to as many lines as the ranges entered for the serial numbers to be issued.

Menu bar

Options / Issue of a negative stock

When you activate this function, a line in red is then generated in the grid with, as quantity to be issued, the quantity remaining to be issued. When the line is generated, no stock attribute is specified. If you want to, you can enter attributes manually (Status, Warehouse, Location, Lot, Sub-lot, Major/minor version, Serial). In this case, the issue note line can only be used when the attributes assigned are in stock. This is used for example to give information on the lot, sub-lot or serial number whilst the receipt to stock has not been made on the system but they are physically available. The issue will be regularised once the system entry is carried out with stock having the characteristics identified (issue note line allocation on negative stock or adjustment on pending movements).

Inquiries / Stock by site

This function is used to access the stock by site inquiry for the product currently being processed.

Inquiries / Management rules

This function is used to view the stock issue management rules that are applied to the product currently being processed. The information displayed includes the product category, the movement code used for the chosen transaction, the location category, the authorized statuses and sub-statuses...

Specific Buttons

This button is used to save the selection of lines of stock to be allocated in detail (to carryout the exit). A check is carried out to verify that the sum of the selected stock line quantities plus the negative stocks entered correspond to the quantity to be issued. If this is not the case then a question will be displayed for the user.

Two outcomes can then arise:

 Either the product has negative stock management authorized. The system then asks the user whether they wish to generate negative stocks for the balance. On exiting the function the issue note line will appear in green to indicate that negative stocks are present on the line. It will be possible to create or save the issue note; the negative stocks and the stock allocations will be generated at this time. Negative stock generated for the balance does not stipulate any particular stock information.

* Or the product is managed with negative stock prohibited. The system then asks the user if they wish to continue. No negative stocks will be generated. On exiting the function, the issue note line will be displayed in red to indicate that not all the stock information has been completed for this line. In this case the issue note cannot be created or saved (this is indicated by an error message).

* For kits, it is possible to generate negative stocks, even if the components are not managed with authorized negative stocks. On the other hand, it will not be possible to save the selection of stock lines chosen for a component, whilst the Total Quantity of the selected lines + the Negative stock quantity is less than the quantity to be issued. It will be necessary to manually create the negative stocks if the available stock is insufficient.

It should be noted that the stock line allocation and generation of negative stock will not be carried out except during the creation or saving of the shipment. 

This button is used to cancel all the modifications made on the lines entered. The total quantity selected is reinitialized with the total quantity originally selected and the initially allocated stock liens are recreated. 

This button is used to trigger an automatic proposition for the lines of stock to be issued. The system will read the allocation rule for the category of the product to propose the lines of stock to be issued by restricting these by the stock management rule for the movement to be created (authorized sub-statuses for the movement, the expired lot, or picking locations). Before executing this function, it will be possible to enter exclusive or preferential filters according to the product management method that will add the allocation rule for the product. These filters can already be loaded if they have been assigned to the document line (order or the shipment request for example) that is the origin of the issue note line (shipment for example) during the processing. This screen contains the following information:

 The first section of this screen - Origin, displays the shipment site concerned, the product, the delivery number.

* The second section of the screen, Filters (exclusive), is used to enter exclusive filters. For products that are lot managed, you can enter a lot or an expression used to describe a group of lots (for example: LOT*A ? all lots starting with LOT and ending with A plus one character). For all the products, you can enter exclusive filters on the statuses (example: A*,Q1,Q2 all the stock lines with the status A and the stock lines with the status Q1 and Q2). Only the stock lines responding to these filters will be selected. The combination of statuses entered will be inclusive in the Issue rule associated with the issue type and the movement code entered in the issue note transaction.

* The third part of the screen, Filter (preferential), is used to enter, for the products managed by location, a location or an expression providing the description of a group of locations (example: LOC*B? all the locations starting with LOC and ending with B plus one character). This filter is used to orientate the search in a manner that prioritizes the chosen location, but that does not prevent the selection of other locations if there remain quantities to be processed. The search then carried out for the balance as a function of the product allocation rule. If the detailed allocation rule associated with the product category defines the picking locations, the picking location will then be specified by default.

The exclusive filters present in this screen are also used to load the selection panel containing the stock lines. The stock lines not corresponding to these criteria will therefore not be proposed.

SEEINFO When accessing this function in issue note modification, and stock lines are already allocated for the chosen issue note, the function will not allow the proposal of stock lines other than for the stock shortage quantities.Any lines already allocated will be restored automatically.If you want the system to suggest new lines, you will need to generate a complete shortage on the note line (if the product is managed with negative stocks authorized or if it is a kit component) and to access again the stock issue function.  

This button is used to access the additional selection criteria used to filter the stock lines in the selection panel. This screen contains in addition, the following information (the existence of the information displayed in this screen depends on the management rules for the product concerned from the point of view of the lot and location management):


In this section of the screen the issue site, the product and the issue note number concerned are displayed.

Quality criteria

Authorized sub-statuses: The authorized sub-statuses are those defined by the issue rule for the movement type used and also the movement code function defined in the issue note transaction. It is possible to modify these authorized sub-statuses to view the stock lines (in the selection panel) that are not authorized by the issue rule. The stock lines that are not authorized by the issue rule cannot be selected (except by a stock administrator see the user parameter STOADMIN - Stock administrator), but their presence can be used to rapidly view the stock lines that could potentially be available. This notably includes the lines of stock waiting to be controlled (status Q).

 Expired lots: It will also be possible to display the expired lots in the selection panel. These, as with all sub-statuses not authorized by the issue rule, can only be selected by a stock administrator.

 UBD lots: You can filter lots having a use-by date that can be used upon issue.

Taking into account locations

 Waiting put-away: If this criteria is activated, it will be possible to authorize the selection of goods waiting put-away (for products managed by location), that is to say those goods received to dock and not yet placed in their final storage locations. Products having certain stock attributes that are yet to be assigned (lot, sub-lot, serial number), will be displayed in the selection panel, but they cannot be selected if their characteristics have not yet been specified. If a selection is carried out on a product in dock, the detailed allocation will be updated when putting away the product (new location, new status...).

 Sub-contractor: This criterion is only significant in the context of Production management. If this criterion is activated, it will be possible to authorize the selection of components assigned to sub-contractors (for products managed by location).

Filters (exclusive)

They allow the entry of additional criteria that serve to restrict the selection of stock lines. These filters can already be added if they have been entered on the document which is the origin of the issue note (for example the order or the delivery request at the origin of a delivery line). For products that are lot managed, you can enter a lot or an expression used to describe a group of lots (for example: LOT*A ? all lots starting with LOT and ending with A plus one character). For all the products, you can enter exclusive filters on the statuses (example: A*,Q1,Q2 all the stock lines with the status A and the stock lines with the status Q1 and Q2). Only the stock lines responding to these filters will be selected. The combination of the statuses entered must be included in the Issue rule associated with the corresponding document type. If the exclusive filters are entered for the statuses then the quality criteria on the statuses will be grayed out and will no longer be considered for the stock line filter.

Preferential filters

The preferential filter on location is displayed as a reminder. There is no significance in the picking of stock lines context. It can already be loaded if it has been assigned in the document line at the origin of the issue note line.

Non available stock

Stock display: This parameter is used to specify if you want to view stock lines with a null available stock in the selection panel. These stock lines cannot be selected.

Additional filters

They allow the entry of additional criteria that serve to restrict the selection of stock lines. It is possible to make the selections on the free identifiers for the stock and on the stock lines for a specific packing unit.

Stock consideration

You can specify if only the stock belonging to the site must be considered. If the stock belonging to another site can be considered, specify the given owner site (this setup only applies to sub-contracting).

Issue rule:

Filter set up locations: check this box to only filter locations that have been set up and can be used upon issue (crossing allocation rules, management rules and locations set up for the Product-site).
Filter versions: when checking this box, only versions compatible with the management rules of the product and the versions statuses are displayed. If you do not check the box, the complete available stock is displayed.

Filter warehouse

It is loaded by the warehouse specified in the note line, and is displayed as a reminder. If no warehouse has been entered on the issue note line, it is loaded by default with the warehouse set for the Product-site, for the movement type. It can be modified or cleared.
For every issue flow, the considered warehouse is the one linked to the corresponding movement type:
- Miscellaneous issue: Internal movement
- Deliveries (normal): Shipment
- Delivery (sub-contracting): Subcontract shipment
- Returns: Shipment
- Assembly (for the component): Material consumption
- Disassembly (for the parent product): Material consumption
- Production tracking Material consumption
- Material tracking plan: Material consumption
- Sub-contract consumptions: Subcontract consumption
SEEINFO Stocks attached to a location of the Customer and Sub-contractor type are never filtered by this criterion.

This button is used to cancel all the stock lines already selected. It is then possible to restart the selection of lines of stock. If no line appears in the grid, the button is not active. 

This button is used to exit the function. The lines that have been selected during the entry are not considered.

Error messages

Status: X Lot: Y status not authorized or lot expired

This message appears when an attempt is made to carryout a selection on a line of stock where the status is not authorized by the issue rule or when a selection is made of a lot which has exceeded its expiry date. For these two examples, only the stock administrator is authorized to carryout this type of selection. These lines of stock do not appear by default, they are visible if the picking criteria have been modified.

The quantity cannot be zero, you must delete the line

This message appears when a zero quantity is entered on a selected line of stock. The deletion of a selected stock line must be carried out by deleting the line or de-selecting the line in the selection panel.

No stock available!

This message appears when a line of stock is selected where the available quantity is zero.

Stock characteristics XXX (will be displayed the lot if the product is lot managed, the serial number if the product is serial number managed, the status, the location if the product is location managed) Quantity required: X available Quantity: X The stock having changed, the allocation cannot be carried out

This message appears when trying to save the selected stock lines to allocate the document line but the available quantity of some stock lines has changed in the meanwhile (as a result of another allocation for example).

Kit component. The quantity selected cannot be less than the quantity to be processed.

This message will appear when, for a component in a kit not managed with authorized negative stocks, the user saves the selection of the stock lines and that the sum of the Total quantity selected + the Negative stock quantity is less that the quantity to be shipped. It is necessary in this case to manually assign the negative stock in the stock line grid.

Site Product Location: Stock waiting put-away: Stock line incomplete:

This message will appear when trying to select a line of stock awaiting put-away and the characteristics for the product to put away have not yet been entered (Lot, Sub-lot, Serial number). 

Tables used

The tables involved are:

SDELIVERY (Shipment headers)

SDELIVERYD (Shipment lines)

SMVTH (Movement headers)

SMVTD (Stock movement detail)

STOALL Allocations

ITMMVT (Product movements)

STOCK (Stock lines)

STOLOT (Lot numbers)

STOSER (Serial numbers)