Common data >  Products >  Product categories  

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Product categories are used to:

  • sort products based on their management method (purchased, manufactured, subcontracted, generic, etc.).
  • form an association between management rules common to the products attached to this category.
    These management rules will be mainly used as default values upon product creation for the category.

A category can be defined at folder and site levels.
In the first instance, it is recommended to create the folder category and then create the category for the relevant sites.
The site category is useful essentially to assign a set of default values to the product-site description attached to the site category.

In the product record and product-site, all the information inherited by default from the category can be modified at the time of creation.
On the other hand, all modifications of the category information after the creation of products and product-sites, are not passed onto the products/product-sites assigned to the category.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The category management function contains several tabs that are used to:

  • create,
  • inquire,
  • and update product categories. 

SEEINFO Only the main attributes are described in this documentation.



The following information is presented in the function header: 

  • the category code and description,
  • the site code and its description: a category can be described for the folder as a whole and at site level.

In the first instance, it is convenient to create the folder category then to create the category for the relevant sites.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Category (field TCLCOD)

The product categories are used to classify and filter the products according to their use. This step makes it possible to refine the selection prior to carrying out the adjustment process. This code is specified in the Product record to enable selections.

  • Description (field TCLAXX)


Enter or select a storage site at which the selected product is active.

The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table.



Tab Description


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Short description (field TCLSHOAXX)

Enter the short description.

By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
You can add your translation in another language using the Translation function:

  • Click Translation from the Actions icon in the corresponding field.
  • In the Translation window, add a new language code with the translation in this language.

A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.

SEEINFO The connection language must be defined as a default language for the folder.

The Product reference counter is a code of three alphanumerical characters selected in the ACODNUM counter table.
When a counter has been specified, the product reference cannot be entered in product creation: it is automatically generated based on the counter format.

  • Creation method (field ITMCREMOD)

The product creation method is used to introduce a validation phase before making it available:

  • Direct: the product is immediately available for all processes with status "Active",
  • With validation: the product is created with status "In process". It will be necessary to validate the product in product management and to modify its status so as to make it available.


This access code is used to specify the user in charge of the product quality function for the category (correction of the product).
The user can modify or cancel the product if this access code is associated with their profile with a Modification indicator set to 'Yes'.

Operator in charge of reordering the product for the considered site.
This code is referenced in several scripts, such as the buyer plan, the supplier order entry, etc.

Operator in charge of performing the production planning or product ordering.

Category types

  • Service (field SCSFLG)

A Service type category with a Sold flow is a category relating to subcontract products.
A product of this category can be used in:

  • a subcontract BOM,
  • a subcontract routing operation.

If this particular flow type is Sold, then the product is always Deliverable (so it can be received).

However, with a Sold flow type only, the product does not always have to be Deliverable. In this case, the product is a sheer service product, which is not included in deliveries.
This product will be invoiced through invoicing open items.

  • Phantom (field PHAFLG)

When ticked, this box indicates that the product can be called in BOMS in two cases:

  • to manage the grouping of components used in various manufactured products.
    Only calling the phantom product in a BOM of a same type prevents the copy of all components in this BOM.
  • to manage how the stock wears out
    When the product is managed in stock, the MRP calculation will consume the available stock on this product. The system then proposes suggestions on product of inferior levels once the stock wears out.
  • Tools (field TOOFLG)

When ticked, this box is used to indicate that the product is used in routing operations to represent the tools.

  • Generic (field GENFLG)

When ticked, this box is used to indicate that the product is of type 'Generic'.
SEEINFO Generic products are not managed in stock (example: services, etc.).

  • Maintenance (field MCEFLG)

Access to this box is submitted to the MMS - MMS - X3 Interface activity code.
When checked, this box specifies that the product belongs to the 'Maintenance' category.
During the interface processing with the AXEL - MMS product, only the products of this category will be exported.
This type of category must be associated to the flow type: 'Purchased'

  • field FIL4


Flow types

  • Bought (field PURFLG)

When ticked, this box indicates that the product is of type 'Purchased".

  • Sold (field SALFLG)

When ticked, this box indicates that the product is of type 'Sold".

  • Manufactured (field MFGFLG)

When ticked, this box indicates that the product is of type 'Manufactured".

  • Deliverable (field DLVFLG)

This check box is selected by default when the flow type is Sold.

  • You can select this box even if the product type is not Soldand perform deliveries.
  • When the product category is Service or Genericand flows are of the Soldtype, you can clear the check box. This setup applies to products that are not included in deliveries. These products are invoiced through invoicing open items. They cannot be used in sales loan orders or open orders.
  • When the category type is Serviceand the flow types are both Purchased and Sold, this category corresponds to sub-contracting products. These products are always Deliverable
  • Subcontracted (field SCPFLG)

When ticked, this box indicates that the product of of type subcontracted (subcontract BOM).


  • ABC class (field ABCCLS)


A product line is used to:

  • define spcific indentifying fields for a product group,
    SEEINFO  The 'Configurator' module is based on the item product lines, but product lines can be used separately from the configurator.
  • define matching rules between products.
  • SAF-T product type (field ITMSFTTYP)

This field is only displayed when the KPO - Portuguese localization activity code is activated. It only applies to the SAFT file generation. This file is exported according to the type of product indicated:

      • None
      • Product
      • Service
      • Other (including fixed assets).

Statistical groups

This is the product statistical group code, which is composed of three alphanumerical characters to be entered for a chosen group. It is associated with a specific description.



Tab Management


The following fields are present on this tab :

Stock management

  • Stock management (field STOMGTCOD)

Several management methods can be selected, which influence the management of stock quantities:

  • Not managed: the product is never transferred by the stock. This is the case for example, for services or general purchases. According to the category type, this value can be imposed (generic products or sub-contractor for example).
  • Product managed: the product is normally managed, without any special feature.
  • Product managed title: A product is managed in stock, with a rule. The management of the quantities in stock is carried out with an active quantity and a physical quantity.

Lot management

  • Lot management (field LOTMGTCOD)

This field is used to define whether products of a same category must be managed in lot or not.
The lot can either be mandatory or optional (in this case, it is possible to have for a sinlge product stock lines with lot and stock lines without lot).
The lot is a differentiating criterion of the stock line. (See the description of Stock lines)

It is also possible to have a management in sub-lot, which is then a subdivision of the lot.
The sub-lot is also a differentiating criterion of the stock line. The numbering of sub-lots is free (number or group of characters for 5 places, by default, on stock receipt the first sub-lot for a lot will be proposed as 00001).

SEEINFO The management of lots and sub-lots in the folder is controlled by the activity codes LOT, for the management of lots and SLO, for the management of sub-lots.

This field is used to specify a global lot counter (via the Sequence Number Counter Assignment function - stock section) that is used as default value for field "Lot sequence number counter" of the category Product.
The lot sequence number counter of the category Product is also used as a default value by the product lot sequence number counter. The lot code contains a maximum of 15 characters.
At the time of a receipt into stock for a product managed by mandatory lot, the system tries to number it with the help of the product sequence number counter.
SEEINFO The management of lots and sub-lots in the folder is controlled by the activity codes LOT, for the management of lots and SLO, for the management of sub-lots.
SEEREFERTTO If the Lot management mode has been chosen with a product sequence number counter, the number of the sequence number counter must be specified here. It is possible to open the selection window in the sequence number counter table or to create a new one via the tunnel.

Stock parameters

  • Negative stock (field NEGSTO)

This tickbox is used to indicate whether it is possible to issue stock that is not present in the system.
Example: to deliver stock that has physically been delivered or manufactured, but for which the computerized input to stock has not been entered yet.
The system then generates a "pending" issue. This issue is adjusted upon input of the stock into the system.

  • Management mode (field STDFLG)

The product management mode is used to specify whether the products are:

  • not managed,
  • not managed in stock,
  • managed by order,
  • managed for the stock.

This indicator is used in the reorder calculation (MRP and MPS).

  • Count mode (field CUNCOD)

this field is used to specify the stock count method for the products in the category.
SEEINFO The option "No stock count" concerns the products that are not managed in stock.

  • Stock withdrawal mode (field STOCOD)

The stock issue mode can be defined at category level, then refined by site category.
It is necessary to specify, for the product, when it is defined as material for a finished or semi-finished product:

  • whether it has to be consumed upon tracking the work order (immediate consumption),
  • or whether it can be consumed upon closing the work order (post-consumption).

Two parameters from the material tracking transaction are associated with the issue mode: upon material tracking, it is possible to filter the materials to be proposed for consumption in the transaction (« post consumption / immediate / all stock issue » in the materials tab in the tacking transaction).

These parameters are:

  • Immediate: in the tracking transaction, it is possible to impose a detailed entry of the material consumption (parameter Strict manual issue).
  • Post consumption: the products will be consumed upon closing the work order. They can be excluded from the manual material issue entry on WO.
  • No management: for a product not managed in stock.
  • Traceability (field TRKCOD)


  • Product type (field INVPRODTYP)


Serial no. management

  • Serial no. management (field SERMGTCOD)

Use this field to indicate if the serial number management applies to the product. If yes, you can program a sequence number counter for the serial numbers (with a maximum of 10 characters).
Several management modes are available:

  • On issue : serial numbers are not managed in stock, but only indicated upon issue for customer tracking purposes.
  • Issue & Receipt : the management of the serial numbers is per unit. The serial number is a differentiating criteria for the stock line: X serial numbers of the same lot / sublot / status / location are present on X different stock lines.
  • Global receipt & issue : the management of the serial numbers is global. The serial number is not a differentiating criteria for the stock line: a range of X serial numbers of the same lot / sublot / status / location is present on one stock line.

SEEINFO The serial number management in the folder is subject to the SER activity code - Serial number management.



  • QC management (field QUAFLG)

This code is used to define whether the product must be controlled on stock receipt.
The setup defined in the Product category is used to initialize the level of control of the Product-site record and Supplier-product record.The level of stock control on the Supplier-product record represents the finest level of setup and is used to initialize the level of control by purchase order. 

  • No control
    The control is defined according to the management rules. It can be modified manually.
  • Non modifiable control
    The quality control is mandatory in stock receipt: only a 'Q' status can be entered.
  • Modifiable control
    In a miscellaneous receipt into stock, the quality status is initialized to the value 'Q', modifiable by 'A' or 'R'.
    The quality control code can also be defined at the purchase order level.
    • If in the order the quality control is set to 'Yes', the quality control is mandatory and the receipt is made with one of the sub-statuses Q* defined in the product management rule for movements of receipt type.
      If no sub-status is defined, the status cannot be entered upon receipt.
    • If in the order the quality control is set to NO, the quality control is not mandatory.
      At the time of receipt, the default value of the suggested status is 'A' and it is possible to enter or select all the statuses defined in the rule for the management of the receipt type movement for the product.
  • Periodic control 
    The control is automated according to the number of receipts for this supplier and this product. In that case, the stock status can still be modified upon receipt.

The quality control process for the product can be described via a technical record, to be chosen from the technical record table. These records contain text descriptions, but also a set of questions and answers used to carry out statistical analyses concerning the quality control results.
SEEINFO It is possible to specify this record for a product and a supplier.


Version management

  • Version management (field ECCFLG)

The management of versions is subject to the EEC - Product version management activity code.

During the lifetime of a product, some of its characteristics can sometimes be modified. These modifications can be tracked back by activating the version management.
To do so, the product must be managed in stock. The tracking of versions will then be active at the Manufacturing module level. For the tracking of versions to be effectively managed at the stocks level, the product must also be managed in Lot (mandatory).

The choice of managing or not versions is initialized in the product Category. At product level, the management of versions is an option that can be modified, provided that the product has no stock.
In product creation, if the management of versions is activated, a message is displayed to suggest the automatic creation of the first major version. This version takes the To be activated status. In order to use the version, its status must be modified.

  • Stock version (field ECCSTO)

This field can only be accessed if the tracking of versions is managed at the stocks level: the product is managed by lot and the management of versions is activated.
It is used to specify if only major versions or majors and minor versions are to be managed at the stocks level.

  • Major: if you select this option, only the major versions of this product are managed at the stocks level. You must enter in the next field a counter code for major versions.
  • Major and minor: if you select this option, both the major and minor versions of this product are managed at the stocks level. You must enter in the next fields a counter code for major versions as well as a counter code for minor versions.

A link can be used to directly access the management screen of Versions.

If the major versions are managed in stock, enter here the counter code used to automatically assign a code to each major version of the product.
For instance, the major versions can be identified by an alphanumeric code: A then B, then C, etc.

If the major and minor versions are managed in stock, enter here the counter code used to automatically assign a code to each minor version of the product.
For instance, the major versions can be identified by an alphanumeric code: A then B, then C, etc., and the minor versions by a numeric code: 01, 02, 03, etc.


  • Expiration management (field EXYMGTCOD)

Expiry management is subject to the activity code EXY - Expiry management.

The calculation mode of the expiry date can be set up according to the criteria:

  • Not managed
    If there is no management, the fields status and lead time cannot be entered.
  • Without rounding
    The expiry date is calculated based on the number of days.
  • Rounding month end
    The expiry date is calculated based on a rounded value on the month's end.
  • Rounding month start + 1
    The expiry date is calculated based on a rounded value on the next month's start.
  • Mandatory entry
    If the option "Mandatory entry" is selected, an entry window for the expiry date will automatically open when recording of the stock receipt. The expiry date will be initialized based on the reference date and lead time.
  • Manual entry
    If the option "Manual entry" is selected, an entry window for the expiry date will open automatically when recording the stock receipt. The expiry date will be blank.

SEEINFO The expiry date management is only possible if the product is managed by lot.
In this case, the status of expired lots can be planned.
This set of information, defined at the category level, is used at the product level where the shelf life can also be specified.

  • Expiration status (field EXYSTA)

SEEINFO This field cannot be accessed if field Management is set to "No management".

When a lot in stock is to expire, a process is used to automatically change its status based on a product setup.

  • 'A': the product does not change status on expiry.
  • 'Q': the product can be controlled again on expiry, for a potential date extension or rejection.
  • 'R': the product is rejected when it has reached its expiry date.


  • Packing (field PCKFLG)

Update 8.0.0 and higher:
Check this box to indicate that this product is taken into account in the packing.
This information can be defined at the product category level then modified at the product-site level.

  • Stock detail (field PCKSTKFLG)


Code on 3 alphanumerical characters.

Enter the packaging in which the product is to be delivered.
This code is used for automatic packing.
The user can open the selection window in the packaging table or create a new one via the tunnel.

  • Packaging capacity (field PCKCAP)

It is the the number of products, expressed in sales units, that the package can contain.
This value is initialized by default with the quantity entered in the product-site record.

Bill of lading

As of update 8.0.0:

Enter the freight class to use when creating a new product-site record for use in Bill of lading. The value is controlled by the legislation and site groupings.

As of update 8.0.0:

Enter the NMFC (National Motor Freight Codes) code to use when creating a new product-site record for use in Bill of lading. This field is available only if the activity code KUS - USA Localization and the USABOL - Bill of Lading parameter (LOC chapter, USA group) are set to "Yes".



Tab Logistics


This tab is available only if warehouses are linked to the site entered.
It is used to enter the storage sites, as well as to associate a preferred warehouse by flow type.

Allocation flows

  • Order
  • Work Order

Output flow

  • Shipment
  • Material consumption
  • Internal movement
  • Subcontract shipment
  • Subcontract consumption

This parameter is used to initialize the preferred warehouses defined at the level of the Product-site record.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Location management (field LOCMGTCOD)


Grid Dedicated locations

  • Location category (field LOCDES)


Allocation flows

Lorsque le site renseigné comporte des dépôts à gérer, il est possible de désigner dans cet onglet un dépôt préférentiel par type de flux.

Issue flows

Lorsque le site renseigné comporte des dépôts à gérer, il est possible de désigner dans cet onglet un dépôt préférentiel par type de flux.



Tab Units of measure


The Units tab makes it possible to reference all the units to be submitted by default for the products belonging to the category.  This information, described below, can be modified product by product,

The definition of a mandatory stock unit and an associated label format, and the default weight unit, statistical unit and an EU unit.

Defined for the units other that the stock unit is a conversion coefficient with the stock unit.

For the sales unit, it is possible to specify via the "Modifiable" attribute if the conversion coefficient for this unit with the stock unit can be modified or not during sales or purchase order entry.

The various units can be accessed based on the category type (purchased, manufactured, sold, etc.).

A packing unit grid is available for the product. This grid is sized for 4 default packing units, modifiable via the sizing code NPU number of packing units. Found here is the packing unit code, the conversion coefficient for this unit with the stock unit, the indicator Modifiable Yes/No, a label format and an indicator defining the unit of measure management when there is an issue from stock of a fraction of this packing unit.
This indicator can take the following values:

  • 'Incomplete': it means that it is possible to vary the coefficient for the stock line by causing a split if necessary (this choice is possible only if the entry of the coefficient is authorized).
    Example: Let us consider a stock line of 5 boxes each containing 12 units. 18 units are issued from this line. This issue results in 2 stock lines: one line with 3 boxes containing 12 units and one line with 1 box containing 6 units.
  • 'Splitting': it means that it is possible to make the quantities on the stock lines vary by splitting them.
    Example: Let us consider a stock line of 5 boxes each containing 12 units. 18 units are issued from this line. The result of this stock issue is 1 stock line with 3.5 boxes with 12 units.
  • 'Unpacking': it means that it is possible to set the fraction of the stock line back to stock unit by splitting it if necessary (this choice is only possible if the entry of the factor is authorized).
    Example: Let us consider a stock line of 5 boxes each containing 12 units. 18 units are issued from this line. This results in 2 stock lines: one line with 3 boxes containing 12 units and one line with 6 units.

SEEINFO The sales and purchasing units must occur in the packing units table if it is necessary to keep the document unit entered in the resulting stock line. If this is not the case, the stock line generated by the document in sales or purchasing units is managed in stock units.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Units of measure

This field indicates the product management unit in which are expressed:

  • The stock
  • The standard price
  • The BOM link quantity, etc.

This information is always displayed, regardless of the transaction used. It cannot be modified.

Label format.

The stock labels can be printed at the time of movement entry or with the production folder. The label format can be parameterised an can vary according to the packing unit defined.

A label format is also associated with a stock unit.

The weight unit.

  • STK weight (field ITMWEI)

Weight of a product stock unit, expressed in the displayed weight unit.


  • STK volume (field ITMVOU)


This is the purchase unit defined for the product-supplier pair or for the products that do not exist in the Product-supplier record.
The product has two purchase units:

  • purchase unit defined at the level of the unit product record,
  • purchase unit linked to the supplier.

The purchase unit cannot be modified.

This unit is used as the default value when entering an order, subcontract order or receipt, with the supplier unit suggested in priority when the product-supplier record exists.
The purchase units are accessible depending on the type of category.
SEEINFO Upon invoicing of a product, the product PUR is used.

  • PUR-STK conv. (field PUUSTUCOE)

Coefficient used to calculate the quantity in STK unit from a quantity entered in PUR: Qty in STK = Qty in PUR * coeff.
This coefficient can be accessed if a purchase unit has been entered, and has a value different from the stock unit.
It can be initialized using the conversion factor table if the combination exists.

Sales unit of the product, to which is associated the sales price. Sales unit of the product, to which is associated the sales price. It is used by default upon sales document entry.
The sales unit entered here in the unit tab of the product record is reminded by default in the tab Sales and Customer.
SEEINFO The sales unit can be accessed according to thecategory type.

  • SAL-STK conv. (field SAUSTUCOE)

Coefficient used to calculate the quantity in stock unit, from a quantity entered in sales unit. Qty in STK = Qty in SAL* factor
This factor is available when a sales unit has been entered, and has a different value than the stock unit. It can be initialized using the conversion factor table if the combination exists.

  • Changeable (field DACSAUCOE)

This flag is used to authorize the modification of the coefficient between the sales unit and the stock unit at the level of the order.

This unit is used for the calculation of statistics in quantity. It is used to carry out analyses with a unit that is common to all products, when the analysis criteria are of type customer or supplier, for example.

  • STA-STK conv. (field SSUSTUCOE)

Coefficient used to calculate the quantity in stock units from a quantity expressed in statistical units Qty in STK = Qty in statU * coeff
This coefficient can be accessed if the statistical unit has been entered, and it has a different value from the stock unit.
It can be initialized using the conversion factor table if the combination exists.

This is the additional EU unit in which is expressed the quantity issued for the Customs Document File.

  • EU-STK conv. (field EEUSTUCOE)

Conversion coefficient EUU-STK
Coefficient used to calculate the quantity in stock units from a quantity expressed in additional EU unit Qty in STK = Qty in EUU * coeff
This coefficient can be accessed if the statistical unit has been entered with a value different from the stock unit.
It can be initialized using the conversion factor table if the combination exists.

Grid Packing unit

It is possible to specify a packing unit by supplier.
The product can have several packing units:

  • the packing units entered in the table of the product record ( Units tab). They are proposed during stock transaction entry.
    The number of packing units that can be entered is linked to the NUC activity code.
  • a packing unit linked to the supplier ( Product-supplier record).
  • two customer packing units ( Product-customer record). They can be used as sales units in order entry.

Only packing type units form the units of measure table can be chosen.

  • PAC-STK conv. (field PCUSTUCOE)

The PAC-STK conversion factor is used to calculate the quantity in stock unit from a quantity entered in packing unit: Qty in STK = Qty in PAC * coeff .
This coefficient can be accessed if the packing unit has been entered, and has a value different from the stock unit. It can be initialized using the conversion factor table if the combination exists.

  • Changeable (field DACPCUCOE)

This indicator is used to authorize the modification of the coefficient between the packing unit and the stock unit at the level of the order or the receipt.

Label format.

The stock labels can be printed at the time of movement entry or with the production folder. The label format can be parameterised an can vary according to the packing unit defined.

A label format is also associated with a stock unit.

  • Issuing PAC (field PCURUL)

This local menu is used to chose the fashion in which the stock lines will be exploded in the case where unpacking takes place.

  • Unpacking: it means that it is possible to smooth out the fraction of the stock line by causing a split if necessary (this choice is only possible if the entry of the coefficient is authorized).
    Let us consider a stock line of 5 boxes each containing 12 units. 18 units are picked on this line.
    This results in 2 stock lines: one line with 3 boxes containing 12 units and one line with 6 units.
  • Incomplete: it means that it is possible to vary the coefficient for the stock line by causing a split if necessary (this choice is only possible if the entry of the coefficient is authorized). Example:

    Let us consider a stock line of 5 boxes each containing 12 units. 18 units are picked on this line.
    This results in 2 stock lines: one line with 3 boxes containing 12 units and one line with 6 units.
  • Splitting: this value means that it is possible to vary the quantities on the stock lines by division.
    The packing unit must as a consequence be decimalized.
    For instance:
    Let us consider a stock line of 5 boxes each containing 12 units. 18 units are issued from this line.
    This issue results in a stock line of 3 boxes and a half containing 12 units

SEEINFO The sales and purchase units must occur in the packing units table if the unit entered in the document is to be kept in the resulting stock line. If this is not the case, the stock line generated by the document in sales or purchase units is managed in stock units.

SEEWARNING Stock issue modes Unpacking and Incomplete are not authorized for materials weighed with the weighing station.



Tab Receipts


Management Rules

This grid defines for each movement type the rules used to generate the receipt behavior.

This grid is preloaded by default based on a setup of global rules for all categories and all sites, by movement type and defined via the Stock management rules function.

For each movement type, the management rules can be refined by movement code (movement codes are defined in miscellaneous table 14), which allows the assignment of several management rules to a single movement type. The movement codes used are attached to a stock note transaction: the choice of a note carrying a specific movement code determines the management rule that will be used.

SEEINFO At the time of the modification of the category information, the system suggests to transfer the modifications to the site categories. The management rules are not included in this. In case of a management rule change for a category it is necessary to modify each site category to carry out the update.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Management rules

  • Movement type (field TRSTYPE)

Type of the transaction to be set up, to be chosen among the various proposed values. Each transaction type corresponds to an identified stock movement.
The access to some parameters of the transacrtion or to some values of local menus depends on the chosen transaction type.

A stock transaction code is used to specify rules within a similar transaction type.

SEEINFOThese codes must be created in the miscellaneous table number 14.

The movement code is used to define specific stock receipt rules and stock issue rules for some transactions. Expert users could for instance authorize a receipt to stock of goods with the status A using a dedicated transaction, whereas for all other users the goods will have the status Q.
SEEWARNINGThis will only be possible for product categories authorizing this type of receipt rules and having such a movement code (see Product category).

  • Location (field LOCNUME)

Indicate via the local menu the location to be proposed for this stock movement.

  • Authorized statuses (field AUZSTAE)

Indicate which statuses are authorized in this stock movement type.
A control is carried out upon frid validation so as to only display the chosen authorized statuses.

  • Authorized substatuses (field AUZSSTE)

It is possible to specify which sub-statuses are authorized in this type of stock movement. A contextual button makes it possible to enter them in a grid by selecting them from the stock status table or by entering a sub-status template with generic characters (*,?,#,!). On validating this grid, a check is carried out to keep only those corresponding to the chosen authorized statuses.

If this field is left empty, it will be automatically loaded with the sub-status templates corresponding to the authorized statuses.

It is possible to specify a sub-status by default to facilitate the entry of stock movements. The latter must respect one of the templates defined previously.

  • Analysis request (field QLYCTLFLG)

This parameter is used to enter an analysis request to be processed with function quality control, when the status has been entered with value "Q".
If this parameter is set to "No", the status change from "A" to "R" cannot be completed in the quality control function: it is necessary to use a status change ticket.

  • Lot entry (field DACLOT)

This indicator is used to authorize the manual entry of the lot number in this stock movement type.

  • free entry: whether the code exists or not,
  • new lot: if the code does not exist in the database,
  • no: if it is impossible to enter a lot code. The set up default value for the lot code is used again and the lot counter is activated.

  • Lot by default (field LOTSUPINH)

It is possible to set up a default value for the lot entered:

  • none,
  • supplier lot: the system proposes the lot number of the entered supplier as internal lot number,
  • document number: the system proposes as lot number default value the journal number that triggered the receipt to stock.

The grid below summarises the impact of the management rule setup on the Receipt type movements in mandatory lot management. In the case of optional lots, there is an additional function available upon receipt by right click on the lot field allowing the user to leave the lot number blank.

Lot entry



New lot

Default lot


No entry on the line or in the stock detail window.


Automatic assignment based on sequence number counter (*).

Selection for all the lots.

Lot info function

No initialization.

Free entry.

"Next lot counter number" function to pre-allocate a lot counter number

If the lot is not entered, allocation of a lot code based on the lot counter at the time of the creation of the line.

No selection

Lot info function

No initialization.

It is possible to enter a lot code on the condition that it does not already exist for the product.

Next lot number in the counter function.

If the lot is not assigned, the allocation of a lot code according to the lot counter at the time of the creation of the line.

Document no.

No entry on the line or in the detail.


Automatic assignment according to the document no.


Selection of all the lots existing for the product

Lot info function

No initialisation if there is an automatic document sequence number counter

It is possible to enter any desired information.

"Next lot number in the counter" function.

If lot not entered document N° allocation.

No selection.

Lot info function.

No initialization if there is an automatic document sequence number counter

It is possible to enter a lot code on the condition that it does not already exist for the product.

Next lot number in the counter function.

If non-assigned lot, document no. allocation.

Supplier lot

No entry on the line or in the stock detail window.

Automatic allocation of the supplier lot code in the lot field.

Selection of all the lots existing for the product

Lot info function

Initialisation with the supplier lot code

It is possible to enter any desired information.

"Next lot number in the counter" function.

If the lot is not assigned, the allocation of a lot code according to the lot counter at the time of the creation of the line.

No product lot selection

Lot info function

Initialisation with the supplier lot code

It is possible to enter a lot code on the condition that it does not already exist for the product.

"Next lot number in the counter" function.

If the lot is not assigned, the allocation of a lot code according to the lot counter at the time of the creation of the line.

(*) The allocation of a lot by sequence number counter is made in the following manner: the system uses the lot sequence number counter associated with the product.



Tab Issue flow


The information set up in this tab is specific to the products of the category and constitutes the non-modifiable values for the products.

Management Rules

This grid defines for each movement type the rules used to manage the issue behavior.

This grid is preloaded by default based on a setup of global rules for all categories and all sites, by movement type and defined via the Stock management rules function.

For each movement type, the management rules can be refined by a movement code (the movement codes must have been defined in the miscellaneous table 14); which allows the assignment of several management rules to a single movement type. The movement codes used are attached to a stock note transaction: the choice of a note carrying a specific movement code determines the management rule that will be used.

SEEINFO At the time of the modification of the category information, the system suggests to transfer the modifications to the site categories. The management rules are not included in this. Where there is a management rule change for a category it is necessary to modify each of the site categories to carry out the update.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Allocation rules

A code is attached to each rule. This code is defined in the allocation rules table.

Specify the allocation rule to be applied to work orders. This code refers to the allocation and issue rules table.

Issue rules

Specify the assignment rule to be applied to deliveries and pickings.

Specify the assignment rule to be applied to work orders and material tracking (for materials not attached to subcontract operations).

Specify the assignment rule to be applied to internal movements (miscellaneous issues, assembly/disassembly, transfers).

Specify the assignment rule to be applied to subcontract deliveries and consumption field reorder plan for subcontractor-type locations.

Specify the assignment rule to be applied to material tracking (for the materials assigned to subcontract operations).
SEEINFO This rule is also used in the subcons without WO (when allocating materials on a sub-contracting order).

Global allocation

  • Allow A (field GLOAAAFLG)

Within the framework of a global assignment, it is possible to specify which statuses are regarded as available for the assignment.
If this indicator is ticked, it will be possible to globally assign products with status "A".
At least one box has to be ticked in this section.

  • Allow Q (field GLOQQQFLG)

Within the framework of a global assignment, it is possible to specify which statuses are regarded as available for the assignment.
If this indicator is ticked, it will be possible to globally assign products with status "Q".
At least one box has to be ticked in this section.

  • Allow R (field GLORRRFLG)

Within the framework of a global assignment, it is possible to specify which statuses are regarded as available for the assignment.
If this indicator is ticked, it will be possible to globally assign products with status "R".
At least one box has to be ticked in this section.

Grid Management rules

  • Movement type (field TRSTYPS)

Type of the transaction to be set up, to be chosen among the various proposed values. Each transaction type corresponds to an identified stock movement.
The access to some parameters of the transacrtion or to some values of local menus depends on the chosen transaction type.

A stock transaction code is used to specify rules within a similar transaction type.

SEEINFOThese codes must be created in the miscellaneous table number 14.

The movement code is used to define specific stock receipt rules and stock issue rules for some transactions. Expert users could for instance authorize a receipt to stock of goods with the status A using a dedicated transaction, whereas for all other users the goods will have the status Q.
SEEWARNINGThis will only be possible for product categories authorizing this type of receipt rules and having such a movement code (see Product category).

  • Location 1 (field LOCNUM)

Indicate via the local menu the location to be proposed for this stock movement.

  • Location 2 (field LOCNUM2)


  • Location 3 (field LOCNUM3)


  • Authorized statuses (field AUZSTAS)

Indicate which statuses are authorized in this stock movement type.
A control is carried out upon frid validation so as to only display the chosen authorized statuses.

  • Authorized substatuses (field AUZSSTS)

It is possible to specify which sub-statuses are authorized in this type of stock movement. A contextual button makes it possible to enter them in a grid by selecting them from the stock status table or by entering a sub-status template with generic characters (*,?,#,!). On validating this grid, a check is carried out to keep only those corresponding to the chosen authorized statuses.

If this field is left empty, it will be automatically loaded with the sub-status templates corresponding to the authorized statuses.

  • Output lot (field SHLLOT)

This flag mkes it possible to issue stock for an expired lot.

  • No, UBD control: the use by date has to be controlled before lot issue,
  • No, expiry control: the expiry date has to be controlled before lot issue,
  • Yes: the lot can be issued, irrespective of the use by date and expiry date.
  • Prototype version (field AUZPRO)

Specify whether the versions that have the Prototype status are authorized or not for this type of stock issue movement.
You can also specify that they are authorized unless they are on hold.

  • Active version (field AUZACT)

Specify whether the versions that have the Active status are authorized or not for this type of stock issue movement.
You can also specify that they are authorized unless they are on hold.

  • Version stopped (field AUZSTP)

Specify whether the versions that have the Stopped status are authorized or not for this type of stock issue movement.
You can also specify they are not authorized unless they are subject to a derogation.

  • Exclusive entry version (field ORDVER)

Specify whether the version entered in the issue line should be exclusive or not.

  • When the entered version is exclusive:
      • In the case of an automatic determination of the stock to be issued, only the stock lines with this version will be selected.
      • When the stock to be issued is not automatically determined, only the stock lines with this version will be suggested in the picking window of the detailed stock.
  • When the entered version is not exclusive :  
      • In the case of an automatic determination of the stock to be issued, the entered version will prevail on the other stock lines assigned to another version.



Tab Accounts/costs


This tab is used to define:

  • the accounting data,
  • the pieces of information linked to the valuation/costs,
  • the pieces of information linked to the analytical management,
  • The overheads.




The following fields are present on this tab :


This code makes it possible to define the accounting allocation terms for entries automatically generated by the software.
The accounting codes are associated with the basic data (employee, service, currency...) and define a group of accounts or modifiers (payroll MO account, associated collective account...) and of natures to be used at the time of automatic generation of entries in accounting.
During the setup of Entry diagrams the list of accounting codes to be used should be given as well as the priority for assignment of the accounting codes.

Use this field to specify the tax level.
Each country being ruled by its own tax rates, the tax level alone does not enable the rate to be applied to be determined. The tax is generally determined by crossing the tax rule associated with a BP and the tax level associated with a product.
SEEREFERTTO See the documentation on Tax determination for further information.
The tax level only displays the list of the different rates applied within a same rule.



Valuation method defining the valuation options for the stock movements.
This method will be the default method taken into account when no method is indicated at the product-site level.

SEEINFO When stock is present for the product-site, changing the valuation method is not recommended because WOs in process may already exist. This modification leads to the display of a warning message.

SEEREFERTTO For further information on stock valuation, please refer to the related documentation: Basic principles for the valuation of the stocks.

  • Cost group (field BRDCOD)

Cost calculations are used to break down material costs. Use this field to define which field (subtotal) the material cost for this product category must be posted.

 Activity code MAT - Number of material groups defines how many family cost groups are available.

  • Standard cost update (field STDCSTUPD)

This field is used to enter the cost update indicator (for each type):

  • 'Entered': the cost calculation does not modify the data entered for this type of cost, and is not passed on to the lower levels of the BOM.
  • 'Calculated': the existing costs (entered or calculated) will be overwritten by the next calculation.
    The corresponding column can still be entered.

Fixed assets

  • Capitalizable (field FLGFAS)

This check box is used when the Fixed Assets module is managed.
When it is activated, it is used to identify the product as capitalizable, that is to say, that can be referenced on an expense saved by direct entry or automatically generated upon the posting of a stock miscellaneous issue movement.


Use this field to assign this product category to a specific cost type. Cost types are used by Project management. In a product context, a cost type defines the types of product that can affect a project such as the purchase of raw materials.

 You should only define a project cost type for products managed 'On stock' and for purchased products managed 'By order'. You do not need to define a cost type for manufactured products managed 'By order' as the products to be valued, as per their cost type, will be the components in the bill of materials (BOM), not the manufactured product itself. The components will either be managed 'On stock' or purchased 'By order'.

Grid Analytical


The setup determines whether the analytical dimensions can be modified. These are initialized in compliance with the default dimension setup.

In creation mode, if no order line has been entered and the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are reset based on the setup of the default dimensions.

In creation mode, as in modification mode, if an order line has been entered and the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are not reset.

Grid Overhead

  • Movement type (field OTRSTYP)


Select an overhead code.

Overhead codes are used as follows:

  • To value selected stock movement types.
    The column that defines the formula or fixed rate to be used for the calculation is defined by the OVECOLSTK - Stock overhead column parameter (STO chapter, VAL group).
  • To determine the cost price or the production cost price calculation.
    Selected functions use the overhead code for the following:
    • To value work center overheads associated with the valuation dimension.
    • To value overheads for materials or semi-finished products.

The overheads column that contains the formula or fixed rate to be used in the cost price calculation functions is defined by parameters. For standard cost calculations the OVECOLSTD - Standard calc overhead column parameter (GPA chapter, COS group) applies.

You can modify the column to be applied before running the calculation.

  • Include lower level ovrh. (field OVECPNFLG)

Use this field to select the calculation type.

  • No. The overhead calculation for the manufactured product does not take into account the overhead amount for the lower-level products.
  • Yes. The overhead calculation for the manufactured product takes into account the overhead amount for the lower-level products.

SEEINFO Lower-level products are products that are not finished products, in other words, the semi-finished products and the raw materials.



Tab Purchase/sales


The set up information in this tab is specific to the products of the category and constitutes the modifiable default values for the products.

The access to the "Purchasing" and "Sales" block information is subject to the Type of flow generated for this product category (for example, the Purchase block information is only accessible if the relating product category is defined as "Bought"). This setup is carried out at the level of the Description tab.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Firm horizon (field FIMHOR)

Horizon for which the firm delivery requests must be carried out (based on a week, month or other unit).

  • field FIMHORUOM

Unit of time in which the firm horizon will be expressed.

  • Planning horizon (field FRTHOR)

Horizon for which the planned delivery requests must be carried out (based on a week, month or other unit).

  • field FRTHORUOM

Unit of time in which the planning horizon will be expressed.

  • Reorder LT (field OFS)

Number of days corresponding to:

  • the reorder lead-time for a purchased product,
  • To the manufacturing lead-time for a finished or semi-finished product.

It is in general fixed for a given lot size, and is used to calculate the start date for the MRP suggestions.

  • field JOURS1


  • Delivery tolerance % (field MINRMNPRC)

Balance tolerance in percentage
This is the quantity on the order, in purchasing units, below which the closure of the order can be carried out after partial delivery.

Use this field to specify the match code for a given product category.
This code is chosen in the list created in the Matching tolerance function.
It corresponds to the code defined by default for any new product associated with this product category.

Reminder: The Three-way match is a reconciliation process used to validate the payment of an invoice, with a minimum and a maximum tolerance threshold. The reconciliation is carried out:

  • either between the invoice and the order,
  • or between the receipt and the invoice,
  • or in succession (order-receipt, then receipt-invoice).
  • Received product (field RCPFLG)

This flag determines whether the product will be subject to a receipt or not.

SEEINFOA product managed in stock is necessarily received into stock.

  • Mandatory PO request (field PRQFLG)

This indicator determines if the entry of a product is prohibited on a direct order. It is in this case mandatory to use a purchase request.

  • Version preloading (field LOAECCFLG)


This non modifiable field recalls the purchase unit specified in the "Units" tab.

  • Landed cost coef. (field CPRCOE)

The management of landed costs makes it possible to quantify the routing costs of the goods ordered from a supplier and to allocate them to the products upon order, receipt or invoice. These costs are used for the calculation of the purchase cost and stock cost.
The evaluation of these costs can be performed according to one of the two following methods:

  • global method in which a Landed cost coefficient is applied and/or a Fixed cost per unit is taken into account,
  • method in which a set of costs detailed in a cost structure is taken into account.

Only one method can be used, the choice of this method is performed at the level of the product management.

This field makes it possible to enter a coefficient included in the calculation of the cost price.
The value entered must be greater than 1.
This value makes it possible to load, by default, the landed cost coefficient recorded in the "Product" record, at the level of the reordering cost.

SEEINFOOnly one method can be selected to calculate the landed costs: if a cost structure is entered, entering a landed cost coefficient and/or a fixed cost per unit triggers the erasing of the cost structure, after validation of a warning message.

  • Fixed cost per unit (field CPRAMT)

The management of landed costs makes it possible to quantify the routing costs of the goods ordered from a supplier and to allocate them to the products upon order, receipt or invoice. These costs are used for the calculation of the purchase cost and stock cost.
The evaluation of these costs can be performed according to one of the two following methods:

  • global method in which a Landed cost coefficient is applied and/or a Fixed cost per unit is taken into account,
  • method in which a set of costs detailed in a cost structure is taken into account.

Only one method can be used, the choice of this method is performed at the level of the product management.

This field makes it possible to enter a unit fixed cost.
The value entered must be a positive value. This value makes it possible to load, by default, the unit fixed cost recorded in the "Product" record, at the level of the reordering cost.
This amount applies to the purchase unit of the product category defined in the "Units of measure" tab.
This is expressed in the company's management currency to which the specified site is associated as the default site for the Common data management. This setup is carried out at the level of the Function profile assigned to the User.
It refers to the display currency, the amount being always stored in the folder's currency (the conversion is carried out, if necessary, from the average monthly exchange rate). If no site is entered at the function Profile level, the amount is expressed in the folder currency.
SEEINFOOnly one method can be selected to calculate the landed costs: if a cost structure is entered, entering a landed cost coefficient and/or a fixed cost per unit triggers the erasing of the cost structure, after validation of a warning message.

  • Cost structure (field STCNUM)

The management of landed costs makes it possible to quantify the routing costs of the goods ordered from a supplier and to allocate them to the products upon order, receipt or invoice. These costs are used for the calculation of the purchase cost and stock cost.
The evaluation of these costs can be performed according to one of the two following methods:

  • global method in which a Landed cost coefficient is applied and/or a Fixed cost per unit is taken into account,
  • method in which a set of costs detailed in a cost structure is taken into account.

Only one method can be used, the choice of this method is performed at the level of the product management.

This field makes it possible to enter a cost structure used in the calculation of the cost price. It can be entered manually or via the right-click options "Selection" and "Cost structure" (tunnel to the Cost structure function).
The value of this field makes it possible to load, by default, the cost structure recorded in the "Product" record at the level of the reordering cost.

SEEINFOOnly one method can be selected to calculate the landed costs: if a landed cost coefficient or a fixed cost per unit are entered, entering a cost structure triggers their reinitialization, after validation of a warning message.

SEEWARNINGIf a cost structure whose unit is not consistent with the units of the product category is entered, a blocking message listing the different inconsistencies is displayed.
Indeed, the purchase unit of the cost structure must be the same as either the purchase unit, the stock unit, or the packing unit. If it is a weight or volume unit, its conversion with respect to those of the product category must be defined in the Unit conversion table.


  • Type (field ITMTYP)

This is the product type, which can be:

  • standard product,
  • BOM product: an order line will be generated for the parent product and for each component of the kit. These lines will be independent.
  • Kit product: an order line will be generated for the parent product and for each component of the kit. The order lines of this kit are linked.
  • Delivery tolerance % (field SALRMNPRC)

This is the quantity on the order, in purchasing units, below which the closure of the order can be carried out after partial receipt.

  • Minimum quantity (field MINQTY)

Minimum quantity of order, in sales units.

  • Maximum quantity (field MAXQTY)

Maximum quantity of order, in sales units.

  • Loan authorized (field LNDFLG)

if this box is not checked, this product cannot be the subject of a loan.

  • Back-to-back order (field CTMFLG)

If this box is checked, the product is subject to a direct order management and the operation is as follows:

  • If it is a purchased product, the system will propose, from the customer order, the generation of a purchase order for this product,
  • If it is a purchased/manufactured product whose suggestion type is "Purchase", the system will propose, from the customer order, the generation of a purchase order for this product,
  • If it is a manufactured product, the system will propose, from the customer order, the generation of a work order for this product,
  • If it is a purchased/manufactured product whose suggestion type is "Manufactured", the system will propose, from the customer order, the generation of a work order for this product.
  • Back-to-back direct qty. (field CTMQTY)

Quantity (expressed in sales units) from which the direct order will be straightforward.

  • Price origin (field BASPRIORI)


  • % applied (field PURPRIPRC)


This field can only be accessed when the following conditions are met:

  • the category type is Service or Generic,
  • the flow is Sold flow and not Deliverabletype.

You use this field to enter an Invoicing term. This information is optional. This information is used as the default invoicing term on the sales order lines when the header invoicing term is not entered and cannot be used to initialize the invoicing term on order lines.



Tab Planning


This tab can only be accessed when a category has been defined by site: it is used to enter default values for the products/site of this category. 

  • "PLANNING" section: this defines the demand and firm horizons for the product, the seasonality to be taken into account if necessary.
  • "REORDER" section": this indicates whether the product must be reordered by MRP, MPS, the reorder process with a threshold or periodic replenishment, or finally no process, according to the reorder policies, the coverage policies, etc.
  • Block "PRODUCTION" : this contains information which will be operated by the follow-up to manufacturing.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Firm horizon (field PLH)

The fixed horizon (in leadtime unit) is used in the calculation of the Master Production Schedule (MPS) and Material Requirements Planning (MRP). It can be used to freeze the production plan on a given period: the suggestions used to cover the shortages located within this horizon are transferred onto the first period beyond this horizon.

These suggestions are subject to a specific marking in the MRP results and MPS results inquiries: in the Order column, the order code is followed by an asterisk (*).

  • field PLHUOT

Planning horizon lead-time unit (weeks, fortnights or months).

  • Demand horizon (field FOH)

The request horizon, expressed in number of days, is used to calculate the projected stock: the available stock is calculated using the customer order book below this horizon, and the forecasts above this horizon.

  • field FOHUOT

Request horizon lead-time unit (weeks, fortnights or months).

Seasonality - This is an allocation curve used to create forecasts, based on a seasonality variation structure that can be parameterized. Seasonality curves are created in the seasonality table.

  • Shrinkage percent (field SHR)

The loss percentage corresponds to the production or storage loss.

The production loss corresponds to the totaled loss generated for each routing operation.

This percentage is taken into account in the material requirements planning and in the work order management. it is used to calculate the quantity to be reordered to obtain the quantity to cover the requirement.


  • Reorder mode (field REOMGTCOD)

Reorder mode selection:

  • No reorder management
  • Reorder calculated by the MRP requirements
  • Reorder calculated by the MPS
  • Reorder on threshold
  • Reorder by periodic replenishment
  • Reorder frequency (field REOPER)

For a periodic reorder mode, indicate here the number of calendar days between two reorders.

  • field JOURS8


The reorder policy is used to set up the calculation mode of suggestions in the MRP processing:

  • Taking into account of the stock and stock under control.
  • Triggering of the suggestion.
  • Quantity calculation.
  • Splitting of the calculated quantity.
    It must be chosen from the reorder policy table.
  • Coverage (field DAYCOV)

The coverage, expressed in weeks, is one of the MRP parameters. It makes it possible to work with changeable security and reorder lots depending on the order book or on the forecasts recorded during the coverage period.

  • field SEMAINE


  • Suggestion type (field REOCOD)

The suggestion type is used in the material requirements planning. It is used to define if the product has to be subject to:

  • an Inter-site,
  • a Purchase,
  • a Production suggestion
    If the suggestion is of type Inter-site, the reorder site must be specified below.

When the suggestion is of the type inter-site, this field serves to indicate the supplier site from which the replenishment must be carried out. The inter-site suggestion is coupled with a requirement at the replenishment site.

SEEINFO The inter-site reorder is a flow between two sites in a single company.

  • Safety stock (field SAFSTO)

The security stock is used in the material requirements planning. It features an additional stock implemented to be able to face a longer deadline to obtain stock or a request higher than the average request.

  • Reorder threshold (field REOTSD)

The reorder treshold is used in the stock management on order. This is the stock level from which a reordering (or work order) is triggered. It is generally equal to the consumption sum during the reorder time, to which the security stock is added.

  • Maximum stock (field MAXSTO)

The maximum stock is taken into account in the reorder calculations.

  • EOQ (field REOMINQTY)

Minimum reorder quantity
The minimum reorder quantity is used in the material requirements planning according to the selected reorder policy. It is submitted as the calculation quantity in the cost calculation. In general it represents:

  • a production economical quantity,
  • a minimum order quantity imposed by the supplier.

  • Technical lot (field MFGLOTQTY)

Lot size
The lot size is used in the MRP calculation. Based on the reorder policy, it makes it possible to:

  • split a global suggestion into several lots (manufacturing constraint: tank size, for instance)
  • round the requirement beyond the minimum of the order, by fixed lot size (purchase constraint: boxes of n units).
  • manufacture suggestion of 500, to be divided into 5 suggestions of 100
  • purchase suggestion of 52 bottles with a lot size of 12: this requires to order 60 bottles.


  • Release if shortage (field MFGSHTCOD)

This flag defines the blocking behavior for a shortage of the product with respect to the printing of the manufacturing folders and production tracking.

  • Automatic closing % (field CLEPCTAUT)

This percentage defines the threshold being applied to automatically close the materials during production tracking.

For instance, if the value is 95% and the material requirement is 200 UN, the system will suggest to close the material if the consumed quantity is greater than or equal to 190 UN.






By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  TABITMCLS : Product categories

This can be changed using a different setup.

Menu Bar

Management rules/default rules

It is possible to use this button to access the description of the management rules that are set up by default for the folder and used by default by the system if nothing is specified at the product level category.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation