Setup >  Organizational structure >  Sites  

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All operating actions are performed within a site: the site is the core element for organizing the management data of companies and sites.

A site must exist within a company.

Certain management data belong to a given site, others are common to a group of sites managed in the same folder:

  • the ledger, that is, the set of identification information used by sites to communicate, is common to all the sites: this essentially involves products, business partners, the chart of accounts and common tables (units etc.),
  • in the files that contain the data linked to a site (for instance, the transactions, but also certain data linked to the product). Access is always made via a key including the code for the corresponding site.

Even if each management act is clearly referenced to a single site, a certain number of processes require the cooperation between several sites.
Examples of this are:

  • the multi-site planning (MPS, MRP or DRP).
  • the exchange of goods between 2 storage sites,
  • the consumption of a product at another storage site,
  • the taking into account in the same order of purchase requests generated by different sites,
  • the splitting of a delivery across several sites depending on the requesters,
  • the generation of account postings over several sites from a single supplier invoice,
  • the allocation of a customer order to several sites, warehouses, etc.

Conversely, it should be noted that the user, when logging into the software, is not connected to a site or company.
Only the user's authorizations define if filters exist so that s/he does not see data assigned to certain sites.
On the other hand, the default values are defined so as to propose to the user the appropriate sites for their profiles. The default sites are defined by module in the Sites tab in the user profile definition record.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Several tabs are required to manage a site.



The following fields are present on this tab :

This code is used to identify the site concerned. It is unique for each site.

  • field FCYNAM

This title is used to identify the Site clearly.

This information is intended to be reproduced on documents and reports.



Tab General


This tab presents general information (Site registration no., SIC code, etc.), as well as the code of the legal company to which the company it linked. This company, which must have previously been created, corresponds to the attached company in the accounting sense of the term.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Short description (field FCYSHO)

This title, which provides a description of the record, is used in some screens or records when there is not enough space to visualize the long title.

Select or directly enter the company code for which the site is attached.

This code is used to identify the country associated with the information.

In the country table, which controls this field, there is a certain number of characteristics useful to perform controls on dependent information, and especially :

  • the telephone number format
  • the format of the number identifying a company or an activity (SIRET, NAF in France)
  • the postal code format
  • the format of the bank ID number
  • Site tax ID no. (field CRN)

The Site Registration number identifies a company.

This numerical identifier made of 14 numbers is sub-divided into two parts: the first part is the Company Registration number the company (or legal unit or legal entity) to which the Site Registration number belongs; the second part is usually called the NIC (internal classification number), and is made up of a four-figure number assigned to the establishment and a control figure used to validate the Site Registration number as a whole.

This information must necessarily be entered if the Site Registration number code is setup as being mandatory for the country of the company for which the site is attached.

  • SIC code (field NAF)

This is the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code, which characterizes the principle activity of the business partner and can be used for selection, sorting, reporting, etc.

The entry format of the activity code depends on the Country.



Tab Accounting


This tab presents information of an accounting nature, such as:

  • a flag used to identify whether the site is an accounting site (declaration site).
    If not, it is necessary to specify to which accounting site this site is attached,
  • a grid containing the default dimensions (used to enter the latter in the various documents, by means of the corresponding setup),
  • an accounting code used to determine the general ledger postings and the analytical nature.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Financial site (field FINFLG)

If this box is checked, the site is an accounting site (financial site).

If the box is unchecked, the site is not an accounting site and you must enter the financial site to which it is attached to in the next field: Financial site.

SEEWARNINGCaution: if the site is a financial site, you can uncheck the box but only after the site accounts have been closed and after the company FY end.

In addition, this site will no longer be considered in the inquiries of balances, accounts, etc. This is also true for FYs prior to the status change.

It is the code of the site on which the accounting is carried out.

If this site is an accounting site, this information is useless.
On the contrary, this code is mandatory. It has to correspond to an already existing financial site.

The accounting code is a default value used in the setting up of accounting journals. It refers to a table in which a certain number of elements can be found (collectives, accounts or parts of accounts) that can be used to determine the accounting journals that will be posted.

Grid Analytical dimensions

The pre-loaded dimensions in the grid correspond to the default dimensions associated with the 'Site' basic data.

The setup determines whether the analytical dimensions can be modified. These are initialized in compliance with the default dimension setup.

In creation mode, if no order line has been entered and the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are reset based on the setup of the default dimensions.

In creation mode, as in modification mode, if an order line has been entered and the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are not reset.



Tab Addresses


Use this tab to define a list of addresses associated with the current site.
Each address is identified by a code and the set of related data.
Select the Address by default check box on the default address required for the site (default address mandatory).




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Addresses

  • Address (field CODADR)

This code is used to identify the various addresses associated with the managed record (user, company, site, business partner of any description, etc.).
Each address code is unique to a given record.
In general, it is mandatory to enter an address for each record, and one of them must be declared as the default address using the corresponding box.

You cannot modify or delete an address code when it is used at the level of a Bank ID number or for a contact.
In this case, to be able to modify or delete an address code, you first need to remove it from the level of the Bank ID number or contact.


  • Code (field XCODADR)


  • Description (field XBPADES)



  • Description (field XCRYNAM)


  • Type (field XADDTYPSA)


  • Service type (field XADDSRVTYP)


  • Unit/postal number (field XADDPOSNBR)


  • Complex (field XADDCPXSA)


  • field XADDLIG1


  • field XADDLIG2


  • Suburb/District (field XADDSUBSA)


  • field XADDLIG3


  • Postal code/city (field XPOSCOD)


  • field XCTY


  • field XSAT


  • Website (field XFCYWEB)


  • External identifier (field XEXTNUM)


  • Default address (field XBPAADDFLG)


  • Address validation (field VALADR)


  • Validated (field XADRVAL)




  • field ATYPTEL


  • field XTEL1


  • field XTEL2


  • field XTEL3


  • field XTEL4


  • field XTEL5



  • field ATYPWEB


  • field XWEB1


  • field XWEB2


  • field XWEB3


  • field XWEB4


  • field XWEB5




Action icon

Copy addresses




Tab Bank ID number


This tab is used to define a list of bank ID statements associated with this site. You can enter as many lines as needed in the table.




The following fields are present on this tab :


This code is used to identify the country associated with the information.

In the country table, which controls this field, there is a certain number of characteristics useful to perform controls on dependent information, and especially :

  • the telephone number format
  • the format of the number identifying a company or an activity (SIRET, NAF in France)
  • the postal code format
  • the format of the bank ID number
  • IBAN prefix (field IBAN)

The IBAN is an internationally agreed standard of identifying bank accounts in a structured format.
IBAN can be used in national and/or international payment transactions (country-specific).
The IBAN code consists of: 

  • A 4-digit IBAN prefix composed of:
    - a country code (2 letters),
    - two check digits
    This prefix is displayed. It is calculated automatically upon the bank account information entered in the Bank ID field. the bank account information (country specific, up to 30 characters).
  • The bank account information (country-specific, up to 30 characters).

SEEINFO Not all countries support IBAN. The IBAN format applied to bank accounts is controlled by the IBAN management option, defined in the Countries setup.

  • Bank acct. number (field BIDNUM)

This number identifies the bank account of a given bank, for a given country.
The entry format of a Bank ID number is dependent on the country where the bank is domiciled.

For the entry of the Bank ID number to be correct, it is necessary to predefine the entry format in the Country table and to activate the option IBAN management for those countries supporting the IBAN format.

SEEINFO In case of an IBAN this field has to contain the bank account part only, beginning from the 5th character of the IBAN. The first 4 characters of the IBAN (country code and check digits) are calculated automatically and displayed in the field IBAN pref.

  • Default (field BIDNUMFLG)

No help linked to this field.

  • Address (field BIDBPAADD)

This field specifies the address code of the bank ID number, controlled in the address codes of the managed entity (company, site, customer, supplier, etc.).

This address code is used to define the default bank ID number in payment contexts where an address is known.

Code making it possible to identify the currency for a site, a Business Partner, or to define a default value. This code is controlled in the currency table. It is advisable to use the ISO coding during the creation of a new currency.

  • ISR customer no. (field BVRNUM)


  • Paying bank (field PAB1)

This field, which is mandatory for payments, defines the paying bank related to the account number. The first line contains the name of the bank.

  • Beneficiary (field BNF)

No help linked to this field.

  • Paying bank 2 (field PAB2)


  • Paying bank 3 (field PAB3)


  • Paying bank 4 (field PAB4)


  • BIC code (field BICCOD)


  • Intermediary bank (field MIDPAB1)


  • Paying bank 1 (field MIDPAB2)


  • Paying bank 2 (field MIDPAB3)


  • Paying bank 3 (field MIDPAB4)


  • BIC code (field MIDBICCOD)





Action icon

Copy bank ID
Enter local BID




Tab Contacts


Use this tab to list the persons linked to this site in the contacts table. The full contact information linked to the name are displayed next to the grid.

In order to add a new contact:

  • select an existing contact (relationship) or
  • create a new contact:
    - you can enter a code and detailed information about this contact,
    - you can also simply enter the detailed information as the code is automatically created when saving the record.
    In both cases, the contact is automatically recorded in the Contacts table.

The contacts management, based on Contacts (relationships), ensures that each individual record is unique. A contact with a particular role can be recorded as one Contact among many companies, sites or BPs. Based on the record of one contact, you can indeed create relationships across records, provided they have a Contact tab.

SEEINFO However, a contact considered as a relationship can only be recorded as a person or individual. Only identification information such as the last name, first name, date of birth and cell phone number are common to the contact (relationship) record and to the details entered at the general contact level.
Other information such as the address, email address, landline number and fax number are managed separately between the contact and each of their particular contacts. At relationship level, the information is considered as being personal; at general contact level, the information is considered as being professional.

SEEREFERTTO For further examples, see the documentation of the Contacts function.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Code (field CCNCRM)

No help linked to this field.

  • Last name (field CNTLNA)


Block number 2

  • Code (field KCCNCRM)


  • Title (field KCNTTTL)

This field associates a closing sentence with a contact's family name.
This information can be used on documents to be sent to contacts.

  • Last name (field KCNTLNA)

No help linked to this field.

  • First name (field KCNTFNA)

First name of the contact.

  • Function (field KCNTFNC)

This field specifies the position of the contact to choose from a pre-defined list.
The local menu 233 lists all the possible positions.

  • Department (field KCNTSRV)

This text field indicates the department to which the contact is attached.
No table controls this information.

No help linked to this field.


  • Date of birth (field KCNTBIR)



  • Address (field KCNTADD)

The value of the contact's address code, controlled in the address codes of the supported entity ( Addressestab), is for information purposes only. This code is used to link the contact to one of the addresses of the relevant entity.

  • field KADDNAM


  • Email (field KCNTWEB)

This field is used to specify the email address of the contact.

  • Telephone (field KCNTTEL)

This field indicates the phone number. Its entry format depends on the country.
The level of control applied to the entered number format depends on the general parameter CTLTEL - Phone number control (SUP chapter, INT group).

  • Fax (field KCNTFAX)

This field specifies the fax number where the entry format is identical to that of the telephone and is dependent on the country.

  • Mobile phone (field KCNTMOB)

This field indicates the mobile phone number with an entry format that depends on the country.

  • Type (field KRSACNTTYP)


  • Mailing prohibited (field KCNTFBDMAG)


  • Default contact (field KCNTFLG)

When this box is checked, the selected contact becomes the default contact.



Action icon

Contacts (relationships)

This function is used to access the Contact record.

Copy contacts




Tab Detailed:


Use this tab to define the management elements that can be assigned to a site.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Type of site

  • DAS2 (field DADFLG)

This ticked box indicates that the supplier is a contractor within the framework of the fees declaration (DASD2). The site submit the DASD2 declaration (French specificity).

If it is not, the next field needs to define a deposing site code assigned to the same legal company.

This information is used to extract the fees lines (associated to a European expenses site) of the journal entries (associated to a posting site), in order to generate the European expenses.

If the European expense site is identical to the posting site, the field must remain empty. Otherwise, it is necessary to specify the associated European expenses site.
  • Manufacturing (field MFGFLG)

When checked, this box specifies that the site is a production site.
In this case, the data linked to the different management activities can be linked to this site.

  • Sales (field SALFLG)

When checked, this box specifies that this site is a sales site.
In this case, the data linked to these different management activities can be linked with this site.

  • Purchase (field PURFLG)

This checkbox specifies that the site is a purchase site.
In this case, the data linked to these different management activities can be linked with this site.

  • Stock (field WRHFLG)

This box, if checked, means that this site is a storage site (Warehouse).

SEEINFO This box must be checked when dealing with manufacturing.

Default workdays

  • field UVYDAY

This field mentions that this day of the week is considered as being a day worked for the site concerned.

The un-available period code is used to specify the periods during which a BP or a site is not available (annual closing period, for instance).


This field indicates the default carrier for a site. It depends on the delivery site by default.

Use this field to indicate the payment bank associate to the site.
This information is displayed in the default initialization of the bank code in payment invoice entry when this information is mandatory.
The initialization is based on the following order of priority: the customer or supplier bank/cash funds and the bank entered on the site. Then, the user parameter BANKDEF - Bank by default, is used for banks and the user parameter CAISDEF - Default cash (chapter TRS, group DEF) for cash.

  • IGIC operations (field SPAOPEIGIC)

This flag is displayed only when the KSP activity code is activated.
It is used to mark that the site will do IGIC Operations (Sales and Purchases in Canarias).

  • Transp. starting hour (field STRHOU)


  • Transp. ending hour (field ENDHOU)




Tab DAS2


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Company name (field DADFCYNAM)

This field indicates the name or corporate name of the site.
If this zone is not entered, the TDS control will indicate an abnormality
The initialization button is used to load this screen's zones via the site's default address.

  • Address complement (field ADDCPL)

The address of the site is entered in accordance with the AFNOR format requested of the TDS declarations:

  • additional information on the address (entrance, building, building block, floor, named place, etc.)
  • the lane number,
  • The suffix of the lane number,
  • the lane name,
  • the registered number of the commune which format varies according to the country code of the address,
  • the name of the commune,
  • the postal code which format varies according to the country code of the address,
  • the distributing office.
    The TDS control indicates an anomaly if the commune or the distributing office are not entered, or if the first two digits of the postal code are not entered.

  • Street number (field STREETNUM)


  • field ABC

There can be suffixes:

  • B for Bis,
  • T for Ter,
  • Q for Quarter,
  • C for Cinques,
  • empty if no suffixe is specified.
  • Street (field STREET)

The address of the site is entered in accordance with the AFNOR format requested of the TDS declarations:

  • additional information on the address (entrance, building, building block, floor, named place, etc.)
  • the lane number,
  • The suffix of the lane number,
  • the lane name,
  • the registered number of the commune which format varies according to the country code of the address,
  • the name of the commune,
  • the postal code which format varies according to the country code of the address,
  • the distributing office.
    The TDS control indicates an anomaly if the commune or the distributing office are not entered, or if the first two digits of the postal code are not entered.

  • Municipality code (field POSCTYCOD)

This field indicate the INSEE code of the town.
This field remains empty is this code is unknown.

SEEWARNING This code should not be mistaken for the post code.

  • Municipality (field CTYNAM)

This field is assigned if the commune is not the same as the distributing office.

  • Postal code (field DADPOSCOD)

The entry format for the postal code depends on the country.

Particular cases:

  • ANDORRE's post code is 99130,
  • MONACO's post code is 99138,
  • for the other overseas countries, indicate the INSEE code of the country or 99999 if not known.

  • Distributor office (field POSCTY)

This field specifies the city/town name.
The town/city automatically suggested is the one associated to the postal code previously indicated.

It is also possible to manually enter the name of a city/town:

  • If the town/city is already defined, the associated postal code is automatically displayed,
  • if it doesn't't exist, a warning message will appear and the continuation of the entry is authorized.

Block number 2

  • Site tax ID no. (field DADCRN)

Single identification number for the company.
It is mandatory to enter this number if both the following conditions are satisfied:

  • its entry is set to mandatory by setup of the country record,
  • the BP is a corporate body.

Its entry format depends on the setup carried out at the level of the Country record.

In France, this number, assigned by the INSEE on registering a company with the national registrar of companies, contains 9 numbers, is unique and cannot be changed. This is used by all public bodies and the administrations in contact with businesses.

  • Site tax ID no. on 01/01 (field CRN01)

This field is assigned if the Business code (NAF) changed during the year TDS.
In this case, it is necessary to enter the Business code (NAF) of the site, on the 1st of January from the TDS year.

  • SIC code (field DADNAF)

This fields displays the SIC code (subject to activity code KFA), according to the French company's activity codification.

  • URSSAF code (field URSCOD)

This fields specifies the URSSAF organism (French social security and family benefit contributions) to which the payment of contributions is made.

  • URSSAF account (field URSCPT)

This field indicates the account number for the contribution payments to URSSAF (French social security and family benefit contribution).

Block number 3

  • DAS2 number (field NBDAS)

This field specifies the number of DADS yearly salary declarations placed by the site.

X3 generates a 1099 file (DADS) containing only the fees:
Number of DADS=1.

If the site provides another 1099 file (DADS) for the salaries via another software:
Number of DADS = 2

  • CRAM number (field CRAM)

This field indicates the identification number at the CRAM (French Health Insurance system).
This field can be left empty if the user does not know the number.

  • Business (field JOB)

This field indicates the main activity or job of the DADS (yearly salary declaration) site.

  • Tax on salaries (field TAXWAG)

This checked box indicates that the site depends on the tax on salary.

DAS2 signer

  • Last name (field RPBSURNAM)

These fields specify the surname, name and detailed duties of the DADS (yearly salary declaration) in-charge person of the site.

  • First name (field RPBFIRNAM)


  • Telephone (field TEL)


  • Email address (field EMAIL)


  • Function (field RPBJOB)

These fields specify the surname, name and detailed duties of the DADS (yearly salary declaration) in-charge person of the site.



Tab Warehouse


This tab is only displayed if the WRH - Warehouse management activity code is active.

It indicates if warehouse management is authorized for this site. When it is authorized, it is possible to specify a default warehouse for each movement of the stock receipt or stock issue type.

Input movements

  • Receipt (supplier, subcontract),
  • WO receipt,
  • Internal movement [miscellaneous receipts, assembly (for the parent product), disassembly (for the component)]
  • Return (delivery, loan, subcontract),
  • Stock reintegration.

Issue movements

  • Shipment (delivery)
  • Material consumption,
  • Internal movement [miscellaneous issues, assembly (for the component), disassembly (for the parent product)]
  • Subcontract shipment,
  • Subcontract consumption.

SEEINFO Warehouse management is only available when the site has been identified as a Stock site in the Details tab.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Warehouse management (field WRHGES)

La présence de cette case est soumise au code activité WRH.
Une fois cochée, elle indique que le site autorise la gestion des dépôts. Il est alors possible d'indiquer un dépôt par défaut pour chaque type de flux.
Elle est accessible uniquement si le site est identifié comme étant un site de stock (paramétrage effectué sur l'onglet Détails).

SEEINFO Lors de la gestion des flux, les dépôts par défaut indiqués au niveau du site ne seront toutefois pas prioritaires par rapport à celui éventuellement précisé, par défaut, au niveau du paramétrage de l'utilisateur.

Default warehouses

  • field WLIB1


When the warehouse management is authorized for the site, it is possible to specify a default warehouse for each receipt or issue movement.



Tab Dematerialization


The following fields are present on this tab :




Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

xxx: non-legal

The company you want to assign a site to is not a legal company (the concept of non-legal company is indeed applied, essentially for reporting purposes).
SEEREFERTTO Please refer to the documentation on site grouping for further information.

XXX: this site is not a financial site

The financial site you want to attach a site to is not of the accounting type (it cannot receive the corresponding entries).

An address must be defined as default

In the Addresses tab, define a default address. If you select the Default address check box several times, only the first address is kept as default (only one default address is authorized).

This code exists already as a company

You tried to create a site with the code of an existing company.

At least one address must exist

This message is displayed if you try to create a site without the related address. You are then redirected to the Addresses tab.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation