This function is used to create and modify prepayment open items linked to the purchase orders that have not been invoiced yet.
This function uses the prepayment management screen submitted in Purchase orders in the menu bar (see the documentation onPurchase orders).
Prepayment processing is carried out in a single screen.
For each purchase order created and not posted in invoicing, prepayment open items can be generated and they will be submitted to payment management and deduced from the final invoice payment. These prepayments can be generated automatically depending on the payment mode set up for the purchase transaction (see the documentation onPayment conditions), or manually. Prepayment management makes it possible either to modify the automatically generated prepayments or to directly create prepayment open items.
In order to manage these accounts, it is thus required to specify the order numbers that will be attached to them.
Once the document number has been specified in the dedicated field, information relating to this order is displayed such as the total amount for the order.
The prepayment lines make it possible to enter a prepayment open item or to view the already existing open items.
The prepayment table contains the following information:
This column mentions whether the open item is a "Prepayment" or "Warranty retention" type.
The payment method indicates which payment type is going to be used, or can be suggested for prepayment settlement (see the documentation onPayment methods). This field is initialized by default if a prepayment open item has already been generated. Otherwise, it will be necessary to specify one to be able to proceed with the entry.
It is the amount that will be suggested for the payment. It is expressed in the currency indicated in the header.
It is the open item due date, and the date on which the issue of this open item is planned. These dates are used for the payments.
It is the tax code that needs to be applied to this open item. The tax codes are defined in a dedicated function (see the documentation onTax rates).
This field is used to reduce the part of the prepayment that will be deduced from the total amount of the final invoice when settling it.
The prepayment will be entirely settled, but it will be posted to the invoice in part.
Other fields are initialized at the end of the line. They cannot be modified. They are only used to easily and quickly view the line status: issued or to issue, amount already settled etc.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
Each order has its own order number. It is used to identify it. When a purchase order is copied, and it has an order date different from the current date, the user will be asked whether they wish to recalculate the prices and discounts according to the new order date. |
Automatic print flag used to define whether or not the Prepayment document should be automatically printed at the end of entry. |
Name of the Prepayment document to be printed |
Specify the open item payment type. Prepayment
Open item
The payment method defines the payment means (check, cash, bank card, instrument etc.). |
Amount of the open item line |
Open item payment due date. If the MAXPD - Maximum period (companies) activity code is activated, a blocking message is displayed if the last due date is greater than the period specified, depending on the case, at the level of the following parameters or of the Contractual period possibly specified at the BP level.
Date on which the open item issue has been planned. |
Amount of the prepayments to be deduced from the initial open item |