Sales >  Orders >  Prepayment management  

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This function is used to create and modify prepayment open items linked to sales orders that are not invoiced yet.

This function uses the prepayment management screen submitted for sales orders in the menu bar (see the Sales orders documentation).

This function is used to access pre-payment due dates of a closed order in order to carry out adjustments. From a closed order, prepayments cannot be modified.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


For each sales order created and not posted in invoicing, prepayment open items can be generated and they will be submitted to payment management and deduced from the final invoice payment. These prepayments can be generated automatically depending on the payment mode set up for the sale transaction (see the Payment conditions documentation). Prepayment management makes it possible either to modify the automatically generated prepayments or to directly create prepayment open items.

In order to manage these accounts, it is thus required to specify the order numbers that will be attached to them.

Once the document number has been specified in the dedicated field, information relating to this order is displayed such as the total amount for the order.

The prepayment lines make it possible to enter a prepayment open item or to view the already existing open items. It is thus possible to rapidly view and modify the existing open items.

The prepayment table contains the following information:

  • Payment type
    This column mentions whether the open item is a "Prepayment" or "Warranty retention" type.
  • Payment method
    The payment method indicates which payment type is going to be used, or can be suggested for prepayment settlement (see documentation Payment methods). This field is initialized by default if a prepayment open item has already been generated. Otherwise, it will be necessary to specify one to be able to proceed with the entry.
  • Currency amount
    It is the amount that will be suggested for the payment. It is expressed in the currency indicated in the header.
  • Open item/Planned issue
    It is the open item due date, and the date on which the issue of this open item is planned. These dates are used for the payments.
  • Tax
    It is the tax code that needs to be applied to this open item. The tax codes are defined in a dedicated function (see the Tax rates documentation).
  • Prepayment to be deduced
    This field is used to reduce the part of the prepayment that will be deduced from the total amount of the final invoice when settling it.
    The prepayment will be entirely settled, but it will be posted to the invoice in part.
Conditions for calculating prepayment amounts:

According to the TPT - Payment with VAT conditions activity code, prepayments are generated either on the excl. tax amount or on the incl. tax amount of the order.

The prepayment generation is based on incl. tax Valuation tables of the order (that can be accessed from the Incl. tax Valuation field of the order lines) grouping, by tax code, both the various excl. tax amounts and the various invoicing elements.

When the prepayment is generated from the incl. tax amount, its amount is calculated as follows:

* If order lines are associated with one single tax code, one prepayment is generated with the tax code. 

* If order lines and/or invoicing elements are associated with different tax codes, the system searches the tax code to be applied.
Note : only VAT type taxes are taken into account; the levy and local taxes are never taken into account.

Several cases can occur:

  • If an amount covering the whole prepayment exists, one single prepayment is created with the tax code.
    See Example 1 below.
  • If several amounts covering the whole prepayment exist, the tax code of the highest amount is taken into account upon creating the prepayment.
  • If no amount covers the whole prepayment, then several prepayments are created. Each prepayment is created with the corresponding tax code, beginning with the highest amount until reaching the total amount of the prepayment to be created.
    See below, examples 2 and 3.
    SEEINFO To the extent where, unlike the VAT type taxes, levy and local taxes are not taken into account in the calculation, a residual amount can remain. In this case, a final prepayment is created by associating the exempted tax code specified by the parameter EXETAX - Exempted tax code (TC Chap. - VAT Group).

Example 1
Order with no invoicing element applying to products sharing the same tax code.

Including-tax Valuation


Ex-tax amount



Tax amt

Amount incl tax







Payment conditions: 1 prepayment of 50% on order, 1 prepayment of 50% after 30 days.
Prepayment amounts: 59.80

Generated prepayments:

  • Prepayment on order with FR1 tax code: 59.80
  • Prepayment after 30 days with FR1 tax code: 59.80

Example 2 :
Order with no invoicing element, applying to products with two different tax codes.

Including-tax Valuation


Ex-tax amount



Tax amt

Amount inc tax













General total






Payment conditions: 1 prepayment of 50% on order, 1 prepayment of 50% after 30 days.
Prepayment amounts: 112.55

Generated prepayments:

  • Prepayment on order with FR1 tax code: 112.55
  • Prepayment after 30 days with FR1 tax code: 7.05 
  • Prepayment after 30 days with FR2 tax code: 105.50
    Or a total of 112.55

Example 3 :
Order with invoicing element and 3 different tax codes: 2 tax codes for lines and 1 tax code for the invoicing element.

Including-tax Valuation


Ex-tax amount



Tax amt

Amount inc tax













Invoicing element






General total






Payment conditions: 1 prepayment of 50% on order, 1 prepayment of 50% after 30 days.
Prepayment amounts: 143.80

Generated prepayments:

  • Prepayment on order with FR1 tax code: 119.60
  • Prepayment on order with FR2 tax code: 24.20
    Or a total of 143.80
  • Prepayment after 30 days with FR2 tax code: 81.30
  • Prepayment after 30 days with FR9 tax code: 62.50
    Or a total of 143.80




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Document no. (field NUM)

Each order has its own order number. It is used to identify it.

If the order sequence number is to be manually assigned, the user must also enter an order number. Where the order number sequence assignment is automatic, a number will be assigned at the end of the creation.

When a purchase order is copied, and it has an order date different from the current date, the user will be asked whether they wish to recalculate the prices and discounts according to the new order date.

  • Order total including tax (field TTVORD)



  • Order total excluding tax (field TOTORD)


  • Auto print (field SNSFLG)

Automatic print flag used to define whether or not the Prepayment document should be automatically printed at the end of entry.

Name of the Prepayment document to be printed


  • No. (field NOLIG)


  • Payment type (field PAMTYP)

Specify the open item payment type.


The open items are paid before the invoice is issued.

Open item

The open items are paid on the invoice issue date.


The invoice is considered as closed, although no payment has been made. No specific set of accounting entries is triggered.


The payment method defines the payment means (check, cash, bank card, instrument etc.).

  • Currency amt. (field AMTCUR)

Amount of the open item line


  • Due date (field DUDDAT)

Open item payment due date.

If the MAXPD - Maximum period (companies) activity code is activated, a blocking message is displayed if the last due date is greater than the period specified, depending on the case, at the level of the following parameters or of the Contractual period possibly specified at the BP level.

  • Send (field AEMETTRE)


  • Expected issue (field EXPSENDAT)

Date on which the open item issue has been planned.

  • Prepayment to deduct (field IBDAMT)

Amount of the prepayments to be deduced from the initial open item

  • Control (field SAC)


  • Issue date (field SENDAT)


  • Issued (field SENINS)


  • Paid (BP currency) (field PAYCUR)


  • Prepayment deducted (field DINAMT)




Action icon


This button is used to issue a prepayment in other words to print it directly.
The mass issue of prepayments is possible in the Issue Prepayments function.
One the prepayment has been issued, the Issue flag is checked.
The control on paid prepayments in orders does not take issued prepayments with a reached due date into account (see parameter LOKORD - Order blocked if prepayment not received, EN chapter, ORD group).


This button is used to re-print the prepayment.




Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation