This function is used to start, in simulation or in real mode, one of the previously parameterized price list update processings.
Refer to documentation Implementation
An update processing is started from a single screen, via the selection of the concerned revised code. This revision code has been defined during the parameterization (definition) of the price list updates.
It is necessary to specify if the processing must be launched:
The following fields are used to specify the selection criteria and modifiers. They are each considered below.
It concerns the selection criteria of the price list records to be processed. Depending on the parameterization of the selected update code, it will be possible, or not, to update these criteria.
The selection can take place via:
This concerns criteria defining the processing action. It is thus possible to modify:
The OK button is used to launch the processing.
The End button is used to access the log file.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
Code used to identify the price list revision. A revision code identifies a setup giving access to the rules that modify the price lines for price lists and discounts. To parametrize a revision code, a type, a price list and the price list records (of the specific price list) are defined, as well as tha calculation rules to be applied to the price and discount data. Once the setup is specified, the user can access an execution screen in which the user can give the selection of records for revision and values for the variables that have been defined in the calculation formulas. For instance: The record xxxxxx calid from 01/01/99 to 03/31/99 must be duplicated in order to create a valid price list record from 04/01/99 to 06/30/99. for lines of the Product group (from the product record) that correspond to the selection, the basic price has increased by 2% and the Discount has increased from 1.5% to 7%. for lines in FRF currency, the prices are rounded to the inferior franc. |
No help linked to this field. |
Record selection
Record number that allows the record to be identified in a unique way. This number is automatically generated or entered upon each creation of a price list record following the sequence number counter parameterization defined for the Sales price list records. |
In order for the record to be processed, it must be valid at this date. |
This field defaults to the value defined in the field Validity start date in the price list update rules. Leave the default date displayed or select the date from which the new or updated price lists must be valid. |
Validity end date of the record under update. |
Currency change
Data that can be accesssed only if there is a change of currency. |
Data that can be accesssed only if there is a change of currency. |
This field is controlled by local menu and can take the following values: current exchange rate/monthly exchange rate/average exchange rate. The exchange rate type proposed by default is the exchange rate type associated with the supplier entered in the order header. As long as the order has not been created, it can be modified except when a line with a cost structure has already been entered. An exchange rate type is used to determine the currency exchange rate in the exchange rate table taking into account the order date. This information is used to determine the prices and discounts on the basis of the price lists authorizing the conversion between currencies. If order lines have been entered, or during the copy of an order, a question will be posed to the user about whether to re-calculate the prices and discounts depending on the price lists. If the user decides not to apply the price lists, the prices and discounts will be simply converted into the new currency at the rate determined by the exchange rate type and the order date. If the currency is equal to the company currency, the exchange rate type will not be accessible since it will have no influence in this context. |
Grid Processing variables
No help linked to this field. |