Setup >  Stock >  Entry transactions >  Validate stock transactions  

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This function is used to manually launch the mass validation of stock entry transitions, as well as the reorder plan transactions.

Screen management

A selection window is used to choose the transaction types, as well as the transaction codes that should be included in a validation.

Entry screen


Transaction type: Each transaction type corresponds to an identified stock movement. It is necessary to enter one of the dozen stock and plan transactions types, that is to say:

1 : Miscellaneous receipts

2 : Miscellaneous issues

3 : Stock change

4 : Lot modification

5 : Put-away plan

6 : Stock counts

7 : Assembling/Disassembling

8 : Quality control

9 : Consumption area reorder plans

51 : Enterprise Workbench

52 : Workbench

53 : Grouping

When the type is not entered, it leads to the mass validation of all the stock and plan transactions types.


Transaction: When several transaction codes have been created for a given type, this field is used to choose the code that should be validated. When this field is left empty, it means that all transaction codes will be validated.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • All transactions (field TRSTYPALL)


  • Transaction type (field TRSTYP)

Type of the transaction to be set up, to be chosen among the various proposed values. Each transaction type corresponds to an identified stock movement.
The access to some parameters of the transacrtion or to some values of local menus depends on the chosen transaction type.

  • Transaction (field TRSNUM)

The code of the transaction is used to identify the stock transaction setup.

If several transactions have been set up for a same transaction type (input, issue,etc.), a window appears to select one of them.

  • field TRSDES




Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task FUNSTKTRS is provided for that purpose.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation