Translations >  Software >  Functions >  Description translation  

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Use this function to translate the descriptions linked to setup or usage data stored in the various available languages. These descriptions are stored in the ATEXTRA table.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

  • In the header, select the source language, the translation language and the table containing the texts to be translated.
  • In the Tablefield, click the Selection icon to open the list of tables that manage texts to be translated. For instance, select the TABLAN table in order to translate the language descriptions of this table.
  • If you only want to process part of the texts to translate, enter a quick selection filter in the Quick selectioncolumn. This filter will only apply to the texts in the source language.

Entry screen


  • The table displays the messages in the Sourcecolumn.
  • Already completed translations are displayed in the Translation column. You can modify them.
  • Enter your translation of untranslated messages in the Translationcolumn.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

This code is controlled in the language table and defines the default language used for translation.

It is advisable to select a default language for the company.

Define the language in which a text is expressed.

No help linked to this field.

  • Quick selection (field TEXPAT)

Vous pouvez utiliser les caractères * et ? pour restreindre ou étendre votre recherche des textes à traduire.

Table number 1

  • Source (field TEXTEORI)

Ce champ affiche la langue d'origine du texte.

  • Translation (field TEXTETRA)


  • Field (field ZONE)


  • Identifier 1 (field IDENT1)

This field is used to identify the text to be translated thanks to the field code and the keys.

  • Identifier 2 (field IDENT2)




Specific Buttons

Click Text update in order to update the entered texts.

Menu Bar

Options / Texts without links

Options / Deletion of texts without links

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation