The local menus that are used for the entry of data organized in a combo-box are defined in the APLSTD table, by a dedicated setup operation. But it is also necessary that the values for these menus, and the association between the dictionary fields and the menus, are stored locally on the client workstation, in order to make it possible to use them by the dedicated Crystal Report functions.
For this, there exist files on the client workstation, whose the names are menus (local field-menu assignment), and menuXXX (list of the local menu values for the XXX language). These files are stored in the Report\FOLDER_server_service sub-directory, FOLDER being the folder code, server is the name of the server and service the service number.
These files are automatically loaded from the server, from the reference files with the same name, from the moment that the reference files are more recent than those situated on the client workstation.
The generation function of the local menus make it possible to carryout this operation. It is necessary to launch it at the moment when the data printed in the reports should show the local menu titles that have changed.
The launch of this function is automatically proposed when the local menus have been changed; thus it is only necessary to launch this function if the response was No to the question posed, for example after having carried out mass modifications or by maintenance of local menus.
Upon launch, it is only necessary to specify if a generation in all languages is needed (otherwise, the generation is only made in the current language).
The following fields are present on this tab :
If this box is checked, all languages are taken into account by the operation. If this box is not checked, depending on the case:
Once the execution of this function is finished, it is necessary, so that the transfer to the client workstation takes place, to disconnect and reconnect each client workstation concerned.