Use this function to define types of tasks that are used with projects such as analysis, manufacturing, transportation and quality assurance.
You use the task categories with individual tasks in a project operational structure. They are key to the consolidation of expenses against a particular project.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The Task category function contains a header information section, fields applicable to each type of task and free-format fields for providing supporting detail.
The header information provides an overview of the task category.
As every task in the project operational structure is assigned to a task category you must consider this when defining the task categories. Before creating your codes you should decide on their structure. Do you want to use a single code or a structured, multiple level code? In a 2-level structure the first part of the structure could be the type and the second, the detail part of the code. For example, a typical task category could be LAB-MANUAL, for manual labor.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Use this field to define a task category. Task categories are used by Project management. Project task categories define types of tasks that are used in projects such as design, assembly and quality assurance. In a 2-level structure the first part of the structure could be the type and the second, the detail part of the code. For example, a typical task category could be LAB-MANUAL, for manual labor. |
Type in a description for this record (maximum 30 alphanumeric characters). |
Enter the short description. By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.
Use this flag to activate (field Active=selected) or deactivate (field Active=clear) this record. Inactive records are not available for selection. |
Use these fields to group individual task categories into one of four logical types: Labor, Material, Mixed (labor and material) or Miscellaneous. Labor-based tasks (Labor, Mixed) indicate that an operation can be linked to a task; Material-based tasks (Material, Mixed) indicate that a product can be linked to a task; a Miscellaneous task is not associated with a specific business rule and can be used to define a milestone on a project, for example. As each project task is assigned to a task category, each project task can belong to a group.
You can also add free-format descriptive details or comments to support the purpose of this category.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Use this field to group this task category into a logical type. Select from the following types of task:
Use this field to define how dates are to be calculated for tasks assigned to this task category, when a new operation (task) is created against a project. This field is only used with 'Labor' and 'Mixed' (labor and material) task types. Select one of the following values:
Type in or select a cost type code. Cost types are used by Project management. Project cost types define types of cost that can affect a project such as raw materials, labor costs and indirect costs. This cost type will be used by the project financial overviews in the event that the cost type codes assigned to the project operational structure cannot be determined by the determination rules.
Use this field to provide a clear, supporting description for this record. This is a free-format narrative field. As task categories are used for consolidating expenses against a particular project you might use this field to explain the structure of the category code. It might also serve to provide a facility for listing category types acceptable for individual project codes or customers, for example. |
Use this field to add comments to this record. This is a free-format narrative field. The comments should be specific to this record. They should not just 'describe' the record. As task categories are used for consolidating expenses against a particular project you might use this field to explain the structure of the category code. It might also serve to provide a facility for listing category types acceptable for individual project codes or customers, for example. |
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
This message is displayed if the selected Planning mode is not compatible with the selected Task type. 'Material' and 'Miscellaneous' task types can only be set to 'No operation', for example.