Refer to documentation Implementation
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
Segment code defined over 3 characters. |
No help linked to this field. |
Grid Details
Code for the elementary or composite data. The elementary data can be grouped as composite data. To declare a composite data, the composite header code is entered here. Elementary data is codes over 4 integers (e.g. : "0062"). Composite data is coded over 4 characters and starts with "C" or "S", followed by 3 integers (e.g. : "C516"). |
Composite code to which the elementary data belongs. Entered here is the composite header code defined previously in the "Data" field. If the data is not part of a composite, the field is left empty. |
Status of the elementary or composite data. Below is the meaning of the different values : - Mandatory : the data is mandatory in all standard UNSM messages. - Required : mandatory for this message. - Dependent : mandatory as a function of the other data in the message. - Advised : useful information. - Optional : can be useful to the recipient but not necessary for the processing of the operation. - Not used : the item of data will be ignored by the recipient. The status defined at the level of the composite data is determined by the status of the elementary data from which it is composed. Ex : elementary data with the status "Mandatory" belonging to an item of composite data with the status "Not used" will not be taken into account. |
Type of elementary data. This field accepts 3 possible values : Alphanumeric, Numeric or Alphabetic. |
Maximum length of the elementary data. |
No help linked to this field. |