Setup >  Customer relation >  Advanced targeting >  Criteria of target  

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The target criteria dictionary is designed to deliver a more intuitive and ergonomic presentation of the X3 tables.

It is possible to modify field characteristics for each table in the dictionary in the following manner:

  • It is possible to mask some fields either because they only have a technical justification or that their use is marginal.
  • It is possible to modify their name in order to improve the understanding of their meaning and use in the table.
  • Finally it is possible to modify their classification. This is used to obtain at the start of the list the most used fields while the remaining fields remain available later in the list.

All the alterations carried out on a table appreciably improve the ergonomics of the target definitions.

To recover the standard target criteria, it is necessary to launch a regeneration of the target criteria.


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Screen management




Table code

This mandatory field is to be assigned in the first place either to load an existing alteration description or to trigger the creation of a new alteration. This field must contain the code for a table in the X3 table dictionary. The user is aided in their search for a table code by an associated selection list.

Once a new valid table code is entered, the system loads a default standard alteration description. This automatic description corresponds exactly to the description in the X3 table dictionary. All the criteria are active by default. However, contrary to the table dictionary, the criteria are classified in alphabetic order by default.

This automatic loading gives the assurance of the availability of all the fields comprising the table whether they are standard or specific/custom.


It is possible to enter a target criteria category among the values in the miscellaneous table 452: Target criterion categories. A target criterion category can be initialized by default as a function of the value of the general or user setup AUSCRMI.

Denomination required

In this case where the standard denomination of a table is not considered comprehensive, this field is used to enter a clearer and more appropriate denomination: The user has available fifty characters to do this.




The following fields are present on this tab :

This mandatory field is to be assigned in the first place either to load an existing alteration description or to trigger the creation of a new alteration. This field must contain the code for a table in the X3 table dictionary. The user is aided in their search for a table code by an associated selection list.

Once a new valid table code is entered, the system loads a default standard alteration description. This automatic description corresponds exactly to the description in the X3 table dictionary. All the criteria are active by default. However, contrary to the table dictionary, the criteria are classified in alphabetic order by default.

This automatic loading gives the assurance of the availability of all the fields comprising the table whether they are standard or specific/custom.

This field is used to distinguish the setup of the standard target criteria for the specific setup.

All the standard setup have an empty category.

In addition to these standard propositions, it is possible to define as many variants as necessary in order

to adapt to the daily use of each user.

In fact, the AUSCRMI setup is used to define the setup of the target criterion preferred by each user.

The different categories for the setup can be defined in miscellaneous table number 452.

  • Required denomination (field CRITABAXX)




Tab Active criteria


This tab groups all the fields in the table that can be used as target criteria.


As a result of the automatic loading of the description of an X3 table, this field in in general of little use. It can nevertheless be useful when a new specific/custom field must be immediately added to an alteration description without affecting the rest of the description.

Denomination required

In this case where the standard denomination of the criterion is not considered comprehensive, this field is used to enter a clearer and more appropriate denomination: The user has available fifty characters to do this.


By a simple double click, this field is used to convert a criterion from an active status to inactive.

No. of the order

This field is used to modify the classification of the criterion in the list of active fields.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Criteria (field SELCRIFIE)

As a result of the automatic loading of the description of an X3 table, this field in in general of little use. It can nevertheless be useful when a new specific/custom field must be selectively added to an alteration description without affecting the rest of the description.

  • Required denomination (field SELCRIAXX)


  • Status (field SELCRIFLG)

By a simple double click, this field is used to convert a criterion from an active status to inactive.

  • Order no. (field SELCRISRT)

This field is used to modify the classification of the criterion in the list of active fields.



Action icon

Standard Rerouting Action

This menu is used to activate or deactivate the order number calculation.

Before exiting the function, the system checks the order numbers assigned to the different fields that will be displayed.

Deactivating the order number recalculation allows the user to exit the function more rapidly.




Tab Inactive criteria


This tab groups all the fields in the table that should not be displayed as target criteria.


As a result of the automatic loading of the description of an X3 table, this field in in general of little use. It can nevertheless be useful when a new specific/custom field must be selectively added to an alteration description without affecting the rest of the description.

Denomination required

In this case where the standard denomination of the criterion is not considered comprehensive, this field is used to enter a clearer and more appropriate denomination: The user has available fifty characters to do this.


By a simple double click, this field is used to convert a criterion from an inactive status to active.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Criteria (field SELCRIFIEX)

As a result of the automatic loading of the description of an X3 table, this field in in general of little use. It can nevertheless be useful when a new specific/custom field must be selectively added to an alteration description without affecting the rest of the description.

  • Required denomination (field SELCRIAXX)


  • Status (field SELCRIFLGX)

By a simple double click, this field is used to convert a criterion from an inactive status to active.



Specific Buttons

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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