This function is used to define the structure of the journal lines that must be passed for accounting validation. See the documentation on automatic journals for information about setup general principles.


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Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Line (field LINNUM)

This number identifies in a unique fashion an entry line or a group of entries before they are generated in the accounting document during validation.

  • field DESTRA




Tab General


The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Legislations

  • Active (field ACT)

 This field indicates if the automatic journal line is active for every legislation set up in the folder.


Grid Ledgers

  • Ledgers (field LEDTYP)



Defined here is the name of the linked table, from which will make it possible to generate the different entries in the accounting document.

Defined here is a second table linked to the first, if multiple analytical postings need be given to each line in the entry.

  • Analytical link (field LIKTBL2)

This field is used to describe the analytical key and thus to create a link between the records of the general table (General field) and the ones of the analytical table (Analytical field).

Grid Linked tables

  • Linked fields (field LIKFLD)

Line type

  • Line type (field LINTYP)

This field takes one of the following values:

  • unique: only a single entry line is generated; its characteristics are given by the next fields of the screen.
  • repetitive: a variable number of lines are generated, according to the value of an index that varies within a range evaluated from the formulas shown in the table below. 
  • linked table: an entry is generated for each record in a table linked to the first table (generally a table of lines associated with the header table). In this case, it is possible to have a second linked table to specify analytical distributions.

  • Condition (field FORCND)

This is one of three logical conditions relating to the values of the fields of the principal table, as well as the general table if it is a line of linked table type (this includes, if necessary, constants and functions). If these conditions exist, they must be verified for the line to be generated. In the case of the setup of a repetitive type line, these conditions can use the index variable.

The conditions differ depending to the type of line:

  • linked table: use the values of the principal and general tables. If these conditions exist, they must be verified for the line to be generated.
  • repetitive: use the index value in the conditions.

If this condition, expressed in the form of a logical expression, is false, then the entry is not generated.


This code is used to assign default dimensions different from those defined in the setups used to assign dimensions to the original documents of the entry. Use of this code remains exceptional.
For example, in the case of inter-company BP invoices: when counterpart entry lines are generated, if the counterpart account is processed in analytical mode and one or several companies contain an analytical ledger checked Mandatory dimension type entry, Sage X3 only considers the default dimension setup when assigning dimensions to the propagated analytical accounts.
When an analytical ledger is not checked Mandatory dimension type entry but a dimension type is defined as Mandatory at company level in the associated dimension, Sage X3 initializes the dimension linked to the account record as a last resort.
Finally, note that the corresponding setup must only use the variables linked to the on-line tables as they are defined in the automatic journal (no mask is on-line in the execution context).

  • Detail line condition (field DETCND)

This field may contain a logical expression. If this expression exists, it is evaluated and it conditions the use of the detail criterion to aggregate or breakdown the lines (this criterion will only be used if the condition is true). If the expression does not exist, the detail criterion is used (as if the expression exists and if its result is true).

  • Netting (field DEBCDT)

If the answer to this field is No, all the entries generated from this parameter line are grouped together only if they are have all the characteristics listed below in common:
site, general account, business partner account, analytical distribution, nature, tax code, sign
Thus, two entries that have opposite signs but the other characteristics in common are not accumulated.
If the answer is Yes, entries with opposite signs and common characteristics are offset (if the resulting amount is null, the entry is not generated).
Entries done with postings on analytical dimensions without distribution will be grouped together if the other characteristics are identical (a distribution in amount, associated with the general entry line, will then be created)

When several lines generated by a repetitive or linked table line type have the same characteristics (general ledger account, site, BP account, nature, tax code and analytical distribution in the case of of postings done with distribution keys), they are grouped into a single line. If the postings differ by the analytical dimensions, a distribution of the analytical posting amount is created by grouping on a single line at the level of the general accounting. This tick box is used to specify whether the posting sign must also be taken into account during the generation. If the box is ticked, the postings with similar characteristics and different signs are grouped (the total amount being the algebraic sum of the amounts). If not, there will be a posting line for the debit and another for the credit posting.

  • Control account (field FLGDUD)

The "Control accounts" box is checked by default on the first line of the automatic journals of the purchase, sales and BP invoices. This first line is used to generate the BP tax incl. line.

If an invoice automatic journal is set up to generate the BP line elsewhere than the first line, the "Control accounts" box must be checked. Upon invoice validation, the BP tax incl. line is associated with its open items, and the invoice is then matched.

  • Double entry line (field CPALIN)
  • Group of lines (field LINGRP)


  • Traceability (field TRCFLG)

Grid Accounting codes

  • No. (field NUMLI2)


  • Accounting code (field TYPACCCOD)

This field defines the accounting code type used. This local menu defines all the tables in which an accounting code that may be used in the entry generation can be found.

There are numerous accounting code types. These include the following types: Product, Customer, Supplier, Commercial, Buyer, Document, Company, Site, Currency, Tax, Footer, Discount, Bank, Payment, Fixed asset, etc.

For a given type, a group of definition lines characterized by a title is attached. For example, Purchase modifier, Sales modifier, Fixed asset modifier… in the case of a Product code type. Each of these lines is used to define either a general account, or a general account section (the non-defined characters being represented by x) and an analytical nature. The setup that is used to define the lines associated with an accounting code is defined in a dedicated function.

During the automatic generation of the journal entries, the determination of the general account is made by successive searches of the accounting codes in the order declared, by looking to assign only the portions of the account not yet determined. The analytical nature is successively searched for by checking the accounting codes and stopping when a nature is defined.

  • Index (field ACCNUM)

The index you enter refers to the accounting code line to be used. The selection function displays the exact title of the accounting code lines.

  • The set of lines linked to an accounting code type is defined at the level of the Accounting code lines function.
  • The standard titles of accounting code lines are taken from Local menu 853 - Texts of accounting code lines and the specific and editable titles are defined and recorded in Local menu 2820 - Account specific text (853).
  • Description (field LIBIND)

This non modifiable field displays the title of the selected index.

  • Identification key (field ACCKEY)

The user specifies here an expression that assign the value of the table key, for which the accounting code is searched for.

  • Condition (field ACCCND)

If this field is filled, the search for the account code is only done if the result of the evaluation of this logical expression is true.



Action icon

Select all
Unselect all
Inverse selection




Tab Formulas


The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Formulas

  • No. (field NUMLIG)


  • Description (field INTIT)


  • Formula (field FORCLC)

The expression entered here is used to define each of the fields making up the posting lines. It is evaluated at the time of the posting. The previous column is used to identify the name of the corresponding field.

Other than the constraints and the functions, this expression can be used in any of the fields in the following tables :

- the triggering table for the posting.

- the general table associated with the line

- the analytical table (if it exists) associated with the line.

- the tables defined by the accounting codes



Tab Actions


The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Dimension formulas

  • No. (field NUMAXI)


  • Description (field INTITAXI)


  • Dimension types (field FORCLCAXI)

The expression entered here is used to define each of the fields making up the posting lines. It is evaluated at the time of the posting. The previous column is used to identify the name of the corresponding field.

Other than the constraints and the functions, this expression can be used in any of the fields in the following tables :

- the triggering table for the posting.

- the general table associated with the line

- the analytical table (if it exists) associated with the line.

- the tables defined by the accounting codes

  • Dimensions (field FORCLCCCE)

The expression entered here is used to define each of the fields making up the posting lines. It is evaluated at the time of the posting. The previous column is used to identify the name of the corresponding field.

Other than the constraints and the functions, this expression can be used in any of the fields in the following tables :

- the triggering table for the posting.

- the general table associated with the line

- the analytical table (if it exists) associated with the line.

- the tables defined by the accounting codes



Tab Actions


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Action after links (field ACTAFTLIK)

It is possible to take control of certain places in the accounting process by the calls to the sub-programmes.

The name of the action corresponds to the name of the label defined in the process that will be execute during the generation of the automatic journal line.

It is possible to intervene in three places in the accounting process :

- after the links defined in the automatic journal line.

- before the creation of an entry line in the automatic journal line.

- after the creation of an entry line in the automatic journal line.

  • Program (field PRGAFTLIK)


  • Action before line creation (field ACTBEFLIN)


  • Program (field PRGBEFLIN)


  • Action after line creation (field ACTAFTLIN)


  • Program (field PRGAFTLIN)




Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation