Setup >  Customer relation >  Marketing >  Mass mailing XML  

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The XML mass mailing provides a solution that can be set up for the users that do not use either Microsoft Word nor Crystal Reports, at the time of steps 6/8 in the mass mailing assistant.  


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management




The XML file can be generated in the client machine or the server. For large files it is advisable to carry out the generation on the server.

Two standard sets of setups for XML mass mailing are provides as standard:

  • MAILBPR: Adapted from the Business partner (BP) type mass mailing extraction
  • MAILCCN: Adapted from the Contact type mass mailing extraction

The XML file can be set up in terms of the contents and the XML tags.

The Name field describes the name given to the XML mass mailing.

The XML mass mailing is either of the type BP or the type Contacts. It can take one of the two values from the local menu 3021.

The Object XML field takes the name of the table on which the XML mass mailing is applied.

The Order attribute facilitates the management of the postal sort. It reflects a sort based on the country, the state/county, the postcode, the town...

The Generic title is used to give a title to the XML mass mailing.

The Extract the sales rep function field is used to recover the function code for the sales representative entered at the level of the user setup AUSCRMA.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Name (field NUM)

This code contains the unique identifier for each XML mass-mailing setup.

It is limited to 10 characters.

It also conditions the name of the XML tag that will be used as the root of the generated document.

Two values deserve a particular attention:

MAILBPR: This value corresponds to the standard setup proposed by default for mass-mailings of the type

BP (business partners).

MAILCCN: This value corresponds to the standard setup proposed by default for mass-mailings of the type


If these two mass-mailings are modified, all the regeneration of the standard setup will lead to a return

to the initial status of these two setups.

  • Long title (field MXLDESAX3)


  • Short description (field MXLSHOAX1)


  • Type (field TYP)

The mass-mailing assistant can be used for two different types of mailings:

BP mailings

Contact mailings

A specific setup structure is adapted to each of these two types.

  • Object XML (field ROT)

This field is used to enter the name of the XML tag that will be used as BP or Contact node according to the mass-mailing type.

  • Order attribute (field SRT)

This field is used to define the name of the order attributed to each mass-mailing.

This order available from a unique numeric value reflects a sort based on the following information:

Country, State/county, Postcode/Zip code, Town/city, Recipient

  • Generic title (field TTR)

This field is only used for the Business partner type mass-mailings.

It is used to define the name of the XML tag that will store the generic title for the recipient contact.

For instance: Commercial director.

  • Extract the sales rep function (field REPFNCFLG)

This option is used to activate the extraction of the function of the sales representative in charge of the mail recipient.

The function will be extracted in two fields named:

AUSCRMA: This field contains the code for the sales representative's function.

AUSCRMACLA: This field contains the function of the sales representative in the current language.



Tab Setups


Contained in this tab is the combination between the table, the standard field as well as the XML tab.

The XML tag can be set up completely. It is possible to enter the exact name of the field in the table, or even to enter a free denomination.

For instance: For the BPAADD field in the BPADDRESS table, it is possible to pick up as the XML tag, the exact title from the BPADDRESS table – BPAADD field, or even to enter a free and personal title. The setup ensures the checking for tag duplication.




The following fields are present on this tab :



  • Field (field FIE)


  • XML tag (field LBEXML)

This field is used to indicate a name for the XML tag that contains the selected information.

The name entered must respect the XML specifications in terms of the format for the tag names.

A contextual menu Name by default is used to activate the extraction of the information by using the name

of the field as it is defined in X3.

A second contextual menu Extract all the fields makes it possible via a simple click to generate a setup

on the extraction of all the proposed fields.

It should be noted that is prohibited to enter duplicated XML tags in a single setup.

In the case where duplicates are detected, they can be repaired in the following manner:

** TAG **.



Action icon

Standard Rerouting Action

This menu is used to recover as the XML tag the default name of the field in the table being considered.

Standard Rerouting Action

This menu is used to recover as the XML tags all the names of the fields in the tables being considered.




Specific Buttons

Menu Bar

Functions / To gen std parameter setting

In the case of the modification of two XML setups, their standard versions can be re-established at any time for this menu.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

XML tag duplicates have been detected among the list of fields.

This message appears if the system detects XML tag duplication. The duplicate is then identified by stars, while the button will reset the tag with the standard field name.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation