This function is used to create, for a given language code, Crystal Report reports and report templates, that will be used in the mass mailing operations of Marketing campaigns.
A standard basic template is supplied in Sage X3. This template is called "MAILINGX.rpt". It is stored in the installation directory: ../REPORT/FRA (for French).
This template cannot be viewed nor modified. It is only used as the basis for the creation of new templates or reports. On the server, it is possible to duplicate it in the installation directories of other languages, for instance:.. /REPORT/ENG.
Upon creation of a new template or a new report in ENG, it is the template stored in this directory that will prevail over the template stored in the FRA directory.
In this function, the creation is carried out by a duplication process. The duplication is first performed from the "MAILINGX.rpt" template, and then from the new template, once this new template has been created.
The button [Copy to client] is used to download the report on the client workstation in order to start the personalization of the new template or report.
This personalization is carried out using the information contained in the template used. This template allows to retrieve a lot of the characteristics used in many different reports. The user can thus recover a large part of the message and simply modify such information as the dates or the amounts.
The report is ready to be issued from the usual merge fields.But these fields have been the object of previous interpretation processes. Indeed, certain fields used in X3 do not store the meaning of a value, but the code for this meaning. This is the case for example for local menus, miscellaneous tables, translatable titles, the fields associated with objects, etc.
For all these fields, an interpretation operation must be carried out to make their use possible. This is generally possible by writing complex formulas in Crystal Report.
To avoid this, all the fields proposed in this list are directly usable. The user need only be concerned by their position in the report.
The list of the fields and their meanings are given below :
Field | Contents |
BPRNAM_0 | BP name |
BPRNUM_0 | BP code |
CNTTTL_0 | Contact to be addressed as |
CNTNAM_0 | Complete contact name |
CCNNUM_0 | Contact code |
ADD1_0 | Address 1 |
ADD2_0 | Address 2 |
ADD3_0 | Address 3 |
ZIP_0 | Postal code |
CTY_0 | City |
CRY_0 | Country |
TEL_0 | Telephone |
FAX_0 | Fax number |
WEB_0 | E-Mail address |
REPNAM_0 | Complete name of the sales rep concerned |
REPFNC_0 | Sales rep function |
OPGNUM_0 | Mail-shot operation code |
MRENUM_0 | Order number of the addressee in the operation |
F501_0 | Technical field required for the correct functioning of delivery by fax |
F599_0 | Technical field required for the correct functioning of delivery by fax |
In this way, when the REPFNC_0 field is inserted in a document, the result does not display 1, 2, 3 or 4, but Sales Engineer, Sales Director etc.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The following fields are present on this tab :
This field specifies the language defined for the report. |
This field is used to specify the code of the report or template. |
This button can be used to copy the report to the client workstation in order to modify it with Crystal Report. |