The escalations ensure a permanent control with respect to the procedures applicable to the after-sales organization.
The escalations function according to the Conditions / Actions principle, that is to say that for a group of conditions an action is carried out. A single condition can be associated with different escalations.
The triggering of the escalations is controlled by the Customer support general setup ESCCTLMOD.
Two values are possible:
The standard batch task CRMESC is used to execute the escalations on the batch server. This batch task only concerns active service requests.
Refer to documentation Implementation
A single tab is used to set up an escalation rule, corresponding to the conditions determined in the header.
This field contains the unique identifier for each escalation. It is limited to a maximum of 10 characters and it does not rely on a sequence number counter.
This option is used to activate or not an escalation. An inactive escalation is neither tested nor executed.
This field is used to enter a name for each escalation in such a way as to identify it and determine its application field.
For certain complex escalations, it is preferable to use the File / Comments menu to add additional explanations on the precise nature of the actions carried out and the discounted services.
This field is used to confer a severity level to a specific escalation. It is necessary to enter one of the escalation categories from amongst those in miscellaneous table 453 : Escalation categories.
There are three types of escalation :
This field is used to define all the execution conditions at the source of the triggering of the escalations. It is necessary to enter one of the escalation condition codes in the miscellaneous table 454.
For each record in table 454, an entry point must be developed to test the favourable conditions to the triggering of an escalation. The name of this entry point is made up of ESCCND_ followed by the miscellaneous table code entered in the escalation. For example, if the condition A1 is filled, the entry point is entered ESCCND_A1.
An escalation cannot contain actions. These are then escalations considered "informative", where the sole aim is to maintain the service request history.
A single condition can be associated with different escalations.
The following fields are present on this tab :
This field contains the unique identifier for each escalation. It is limited to 10 characters. |
This option is used to activate the escalations. The inactive escalations are neither tested nor executed. |
This field is used to enter a denomination for each escalation for identification purpose and understanding within its area of application. For certain complex escalations, the menu File / Comment is used to add additional explanations on the precise nature of the actions carried out and the benefits obtained. |
The category is used to assign an urgency or severity level to an escalation. These distinctions then make possible an analysis in the Escalation statistics inquiry window. |
Three types of escalation exist : 1/ Invisible escalations : These escalations are executed if the condition indicated is fulfilled. Their execution is totally transparent to the user and no history is maintained on them. It is possible to compare them to a sort of conditional entry points. 2 / The archived escalations have been the object of a log in the executed escalation history for a service request. 3/ The incremental escalations are archived and posted to the responsibility of the employee in charge of the request at the time of its execution. |
Miscellaneous table 454 is used to define all the execution conditions at the source of the triggering of the escalations. For each record in this miscellaneous table, an entry point must be developed to test the conditions that are favorable to the triggering of the escalation. A single condition can be associated with different escalations. |
The Actions tab is used to enter the enterprise actions for the escalation.
Miscellaneous table 455 is used to define all the actions executable for the escalation.
A single escalation can control the execution of 10 different actions. Just like for the conditions the actions are identified by an entry point ESCACT_ followed by the code for the specified miscellaneous table.
An escalation cannot contain actions. These are then escalations considered "informative", where the sole aim is to maintain the service request history.
A single condition can be associated with different escalations.
This field displays the title for each escalation action.
The name of each action code is entered by default with the title defined at the level of the record in the miscellaneous table. If this title is not considered sufficiently efficient and satisfactory, it can be modified and completed, within a limit of 100 characters.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Miscellaneous table 455 is used to define all the actions executable via the escalations. These actions are executed via entry points. For each record in this miscellaneous table. an entry point must be developed to carryout the desired action. A single action can be associated with different escalations. It is possible to assign up to 10 actions to a single escalation. |
The denomination of each escalation action is entered by default with the title defined in the record in the miscellaneous table. If this denomination is not considered sufficient explicit, it can be replaced by a more complete description with a maximum of 100 characters. |