Setup >  Sales >  Price lists >  Structures  

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This function is used to define the structure codes used to determine the various discount and charges columns that can apply to a company.
The definition of sales price lists breaks down into four major stages:

  • Setting up the invoicing elements to define the different invoice footers that can influence the price setting of a customer.
    SEEREFERTTO See the Invoicing elements documentation for further information.
  • Setting up the structure codes to define the different discount and charges columns that can be applied to a company.
  • Setting up the price list codes to define the different price setting rules that can be applied to a structure code and thus to the companies linked to this structure code.
    SEEREFERTTO See the documentation on the price list setup for further information.
  • Entering the price list records to define the actual values of the product price, discounts and charges, for each price list code.
    SEEREFERTTO See the documentation on the price list entry for further information.

This function is the second major stage in the supplier price list setup cycle.
In the sales transaction, the user is asked to enter, for each line, the minimum quantity and a unitary price. But it is also possible to define for the line other values such as discounts and charges.
As a rule, the structure of the document line can be presented as follows:

Unitary price


Value 1

Value 2

Value 3

Value 4

Value n

Thanks to these different values, it should be possible to calculate the following elements:
SEEREFERTTO These values can be entered at line level or assigned to price lists that can be set up. See the documentation on the setup of price lists and on price list entry.

  • the net price of the line. This price is stored in the invoice line and corresponds to the amount that will be posted to the sales account,
  • some amounts are totalled in the invoice footer, before being posted separately (and do not form part of the net price on the line).
  • informative amounts which will not be used but appear in the document display.

The purpose of this function is to define these columns dedicated to the price list management and the associated calculation rules. This way, the sales conditions to be applied can be determined.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The setup of the discount and charges columns applied to or appearing in the line is made in a single table (on up to a maximum of 9 lines) where each line represents a column likely to appear during the entry of the sales transaction.

It is possible to set up as many structure codes as necessary. This structure code is then associated with the Supplier record.

SEEREFERTTO See the documentation on the Suppliers for further information.

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

It is the structure code defining the price list conditions.
It is necessary to create a structure code (on a maximum of 10 alphanumeric characters). It is also possible to set up as many price list structures as necessary.
The Sales or Purchasing price list structures are not shared. They are filtered according to the module for which a price list structure is defined.
This structure code is then associated according to the module to:

  • a company record, when a Sales price list structure has been defined,
    SEEREFERTTO See the Companies documentation for further information.
  • a company record, when a Purchasing price list structure has been defined.
    SEEREFERTTO See the Suppliers documentation for further information.

When a Sales or Purchasing document is entered, the price list structure used will depend on the movement company or the movement supplier.
If a codeless price list structure is defined, it will be automatically assigned by default to a company or supplier record. Then, it will be necessary to change the structure if it does not correspond to the price list conditions the user wants to assign to the company or the supplier.
Once the structure code entered, each column of charges and discounts are defined when necessary.


  • Description (field DESAXX)

This long description is used as a title in screens and reports.

By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
You can add your translation in another language using the Translation function:

  • Click Translation from the Actions icon in the corresponding field.
  • In the Translation window, add a new language code with the translation in this language.

A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.

SEEINFO The connection language must be defined as a default language for the folder.

  • Short description (field SHOAXX)

Short title used in the screens and reports. This title is recorded in your connection language.

By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
You can add your translation in another language using the Translation function:

  • Click Translation from the Actions icon in the corresponding field.
  • In the Translation window, add a new language code with the translation in this language.

A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.

SEEINFO The connection language must be defined as a default language for the folder.

  • +/- (field INCDCR)

The sense of this column (decrease or increase) is defined. An increase corresponds to a charge, a decrease corresponds to a discount.
SEEINFOThe amounts or percentages will always be entered as positive numbers.

  • Value (field VALTYP)

This information is used to define whether the value is an amount or a percentage.
When it is a percentage, it can be combined with percentages previously defined, or applied in series to these elements.
There are thus two choices in this case: % combined, and % series.

Examples and where-used cases

  • Amount : this amount is expressed in the currency used to enter the document. This can be the case for discounts expressed in amounts, additional charges or carriage charges entered in the line,
  • Combined percentage : in this case, percentages are added. For instance, a discount of 20% combined with charges of 10% are combined to subtract 10% from the amount,
  • Percentage in series : in this case, the two percentages are applied to the basis in a row. Thus, the discount of 20 % combined with the charges of 10% means that a discount of 12 % is applied to the amount.

The distinction between combined percentage and percentage in series is useful only for columns that are after the first one in the price list structure.

  • Calculation basis (field CLCRUL)

The calculation basis can be performed:

  • 'by Unit', which means that the column amount is a unit amount applied to the sales unit entered.
    It will thus be multiplied by the quantity.
  • 'by Line', which means that the column amount is a fixed amount for the line.
  • 'by Document', which means that it is a column that is added up in the invoice footer and for which price setting rules by line group exist (for example the discount amount based on the invoice total). The principle of this calculation basis is linked to the use of grouped price lists.
    For instance
    If, in a grouped price list, rules for the application of a charge have been defined, for example: for an invoice whose total amount is greater than €1,000, 10% of carriage charges will be applied.
    The Carriage charges column is defined in the structure code with a calculation basis By Document and the attached invoicing element is Footer carriage charges. If the total amount of the invoice is greater than €1,000, €100 of carriage charges will be calculated for footer Footer carriage charges. The price list column Carriage charges can be used for the entry of amounts (or percentage according to the setup) that will impact the net price of the line and thus will be independently posted on the lines.
    This setup is used to combine specific grouped price list terms directly on a footer, while keeping the possibility to use the column for another charge or discount that can be entered on the line.

SEEINFO In the case of percentages, the percentage calculation is made only by unit.

  • Net price -tax (field NPRNOTFLG)

Whether the value plays a role or not in the calculation of the net price for the line is defined via the drop-down list:

  • 'Yes': the value is taken into account in the calculation of the line net price. The discount or charge is posted in the account.
  • 'No': the value does not play a role. The discount will be thus taken into account in the invoice footer and posted to a footer account (if an invoice footer is defined) or simply used for information purposes.
  • Invoicing element (field INVDTA)

If this setup is different from 0, the column in the invoicing element which number is corresponding is accumulated. The calculated amount is either entered, or calculated from a percentage entered according to the type of the column.

If this setup is entered, the value of the document lines will be cumulated in the corresponding invoicing element (See the Purchase invoicing elements and Sales invoicing elements documentations). If it is a column of the type Amount, the amounts are combined, if it is a column of the type Percentage, the calculated amounts are combined by applying the percentage to the line amount.

This column is only accessible if the discount or charge is not used in the calculation of the line net price. The invoice footer used must be defined as present in the order line and the value type must be of the amount type.

  • Column format (field FMTCOL)

This setup is used to define an entry format in the column. This format can take the following values:

  • variable format: limited to ten significant characters.
    The '3.2#" format is suggested by default to the percentage columns.
  • valuated format: "=[F:TCU]CURFMT2" is the format suggested by default to the amount columns.

For instance: the format indicated for the currency table will be entered in the corresponding function.



Inter-company management

In the inter-company situation, it will be necessary to create a price list structure for suppliers (corresponding to the sales sites) identical to the sales price list structure. In fact, in the reciprocal invoicing situation, it is imperative that the price list conditions are applied in the same manner. Some settings such that the calculation basis by document are excluded from the setup or must not be used in this context.

Specific Buttons

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

  • field OBJET


  • field CLES


Block number 2

  • From folder (field DOSORG)

Use this field to define the folder from which the record will be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the Dedicated appendix.

  • All folders (field TOUDOS)

Use this option to copy the record to all the folders defined in the dictionary (ADOSSIER table of the current solution).

  • To folder (field DOSDES)

Use this field to define the folder to which the record will be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the Dedicated appendix.


This button is used to launch the copy of the record definition from (or to) another folder.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation