This function is used to manually enter and modify the bank statements so as to reconcile them with the internal transactions.
Refer to the function ‘Import of the bank statements’ for the automatic integration of the statements transmitted by file to the banks.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The left window indicates the list of the entered statements, regrouped by bank account.
To enter a new statement, enter the bank account, then the former account balance, as well as the period start and end dates in the header.
The new balance is calculated as the lines are entered.
Then, all the lines should be entered, by entering as much information as possible. In particular, the entry of the Inter-banking code will enable a more reliable reconciliation.
Create when OK. Upon creation, the statement number is automatically assigned.
In order to modify a statement entred manually, it should be selected in the left window (the imported statements cannot be modified). Perform modifications , then Save when OK.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
Bank statement number. Upon creation, the statement number is automatically assigned. This field does not need to be entered.
The statements that have been imported cannot be accessed. Only statements that have been entered can be inquired and modified. |
Bank code of the statement Bank code of the statement |
Amount of the last bank balance. This is the balance from the previous statement. |
Sense of the last statement amount: Debit or Credit. It is the sense of the bank. |
Date of the last statement. |
Date at which the statement balance is stopped. |
Grid Details
Date of the bank operation. This information is mandatory. |
Date of the bank sense. This information is mandatory. |
Bank currency Amount of the operation expressed in the bank currency. This information is mandatory. |
Operation interbank code. |
Operation value date. |
Operating description. |
Check, transaction, picking, document or discount number. This fields is used for an automatic reconciliation of the entries. |
Reference of the operating bank: Loan number and other miscellaneous information. |
Code that indicates the reason for denying the operation. |
Commission exemption index. |
Non availability index. |
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
RELBANK02 : Bank statements (date to date)
RELBANK01 : Bank statement listing
This can be changed using a different setup.
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
Loading of a statement whose number of lines exceeds the table dimensions.
This message appears when the user profile code does not authorize access to the "Bank statement entry" function for the selected bank.
The date of each operation must be included between the date of the last bank balance (i.e. the last statement) and the date of the new balance (date upon which the statement being entered ends).
The bank account is called by one of the following operations:
Reconciliation - Reconciliation reversal - Banking reconciliation - Reconciliation without offset - Sttement deletion.