The presentation supports can be used for different ends within the framework of the target functionality.
They are used to define or modify the structure of the information presented by default for a given target. They make it possible to define a new personal presentation of the target information.
Similarly, they directly influence the axis of the graphical study of the sample.
It is possible to define as many presentation supports as required.
The presentation supports are used to display information coming from the target table itself as well as from the linked tables in the indexed fields database.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Support code
This field is used to assign an identifying code to a presentation support. This login should not exceed 15 characters.
A contextual menu Default personal support is used to define the current support as personal. This action makes it possible to obtain this presentation support by default during all the targeting carried out by the user concerned.
It is possible to enter a short text making it possible in a few words to understand the principal characteristics for the support.
This field is used to associate the presentation support with a target and as a consequence make it available for use.
The following fields are present on this tab :
This field is used to assign an identifying code to a presentation support. This login should not exceed 15 characters. A "Default personal support" contextual menu is used to define the current support as personal. This action means that this presentation support will always be obtained by default for all targeting carried out by the same user for the target. |
This field is used to associate the presentation support with a target and as a consequence make it available for use. |
This tab is used to define the operational characteristics of the support. This screen is accessible in two different management functions in X3. The presentation support management is used to define and to modify all the chosen supports.
This same screen used in the target management function only allows the modification of the default presentation support characteristics for a target.
Linked table
This field is used to specify in which table the user wishes to get the information to be displayed. This list is always made up of a minimum of the target table along with any additional linked tables set up in the target management.
This column is used to define the information to be displayed among the fields in the previously selected table.
Denomination required
This field displays to the user the label text that will be associated with the displayed information. This text label is obtained from the denomination entered in the target criteria dictionary. If the table is absent from the dictionary, the text label is generated from the field header in the X3 table description.
This column cannot be entered by the user. It is displayed purely for information purposes. If the denomination proposed is not considered satisfactory, it is then necessary to access the target criteria dictionary to carry out any necessary corrections.
No. of the order
This field is used to define the presentation order for the information. Two fields can have the same order number. In this case, a second alphabetical sort is carried out on the field codes to determine their display order.
NB: Even though it is possible to define numerous information in the selection support, only the first fifteen lines are taken into account in the display.
In addition, the field used as a sort criterion must figure among these first fifteen lines.
Sort field
This field is used to specify what information that compose the support will be used as a sort criterion.
NB: This field MUST exist in the first fifteen lines of the support.
Sort table
This field is only accessible when the sort field name is present several times among the columns that compose the presentation support. It is necessary in this case to specify the table in order that the system can determine the actual information to be used in the sort.
Taking the example of a presentation support in a BP target. The user can decide to display among the different information available the Country field from the BP table and the Country field from the Address table. These two fields share a common characteristic: They both technically have the same login. If the user wants a sort of the sample by country, it is indispensable to specify which of the two fields should be used (the Country field from the BP table or that of the Address table).
Sort direction
This field is used to specify the direction of the sort either ascending or descending.
Note on the display of information for the linked tables:
A presentation support is used to display information coming from the target table but also the tables linked by the setup.
This current section aims to explain the display differences that can arise during the use of linked tables.
Taking the example of a sample composed of 15 BPs. It is necessary to firstly define the presentation support with the following information:
Table | Field | Denomination |
In this support, all the information displayed comes from the target table. During the display of the sample contents, there will be fifteen lines. Each record corresponds to a BP.
In order to have a little more information on the business partner, it is possible to add the Post Code and the Town/City. The presentation support is then of this type:
Table | Field | Denomination |
BPADDRESS | CTY | Town/city |
The BPADRESS table is linked as standard with the BP table using the BPA0 index, with a cardinality of 1 for 1. If the sample is displayed from the presentation, the fifteen lines obtained will always correspond to the fifteen BPs.
The BP/Address link is of the 1 for 1 type, because the BPA0 index contains the default address of the BP In this way, even if a BP has several addresses, the display always reflects the postcode and town for the default address of the BP.
On the other hand, if the user defines a new custom/specific index (named for example BPAA) on the Address table, composed only of the "Entity header" and "Entity code", then it becomes necessary to update the setup of the table linked to the target.
In an example where thirteen of the fifteen BPs only have a single address, whereas the last two each have three, the result at the level of the sample as is follows: nineteen lines for a sample of fifteen BPs are displayed. In fact, it is the BP/Address relation with a multiple cardinality.
Thus, this type of display carried out with the tables such as the Telephone calls, Appointments, Service requests... can lead to the display of about two hundred lines and this starting from an initial sample of fifteen BPs.
To conclude, the nature of the link used to associate a table with a target directly influences the display contents of a presentation support. In this way, it is generally prudent to reserve the use of the fields coming from the tables with multiple cardinality with the target to "personal" supports. This is used to preserve the default support for the target with a "stable" behavior (there is then the reassurance of the number of lines always being equal to the population of the sample).
The following fields are present on this tab :
Grid Display fields
This field is used to specify in which table the user wishes to get the information to be displayed. This list is always made up of a minimum of the target table accompanying any additional linked tables set up in the target management. |
This column is used to define the information to be displayed amongst the fields in the previously selected table. |
This field is used to define the presentation order of the information. Two fields can have the same order number. In this case, a second alphabetical sort is carried out on the field codes to determine their display order. NB: Even if it is possible to define several items of information in the selection support, only the first fifteen lines are displayed. In addition, the field used as a sort criterion must figure amongst these first fifteen lines. |
Amongst the displayed fields, it is possible to select the information that will be used to sort the sample. The field specified here must be present amongst the first fifteen columns of the presentation support. This same field will also be used as a criterion to examine the sample during its graphical representation. |
This field is accessible when the sort field name is present several times amongst the first fifteen columns comprising the presentation. It is used in this case to specify the table containing the sort field. For example, this field is useful in the case of the "Country" field. The user can define a selection support displaying the Country field of the BP and the Country field of the Address at the same time. These two fields share an identical code. If the user wishes to sort by country, it is indispensable to specify which of the two countries should be used. Should it be the country from the BP table or the Country from the Address table? |
This field is used to specify the direction of the sort either ascending or descending. |
Action icon
This menu is used to activate or deactivate the order number calculation.
Before exiting the function, the system checks the order numbers assigned to the different fields that will be displayed.
Deactivating the order number recalculation allows the user to exit the function more rapidly.
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
It is not possible to define a presentation support for a target different to the selected target.
This message is displayed when the presentation support management function is accessed from the target management and that the target code entered is different to the current target for the context.
The sort field is not included in one of the first fifteen lines of the list above.
This message is displayed if a user attempts to confirm the creation or modification of a presentation support while the selected sort field is not present among the first fifteen columns that compose the support.
Error during the saving of the default support for the user.
This message is displayed when the system has not been able to save a new personal support assignment for a user.