Common data >  Product tables >  Product lines  

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A product line is used to define identifier fields which are specific to a product group (e.g. size, color, ingredients...). The product line consists in 6 numeric fields and 6 alphanumeric fields. It is also used to define equivalence rules between products: these rules are used by the configurator so as to suggest products having the same characteristics during a configuration.


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Screen management



The product line header is used to create, modify or delete product lines.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Product line (field CFGLIN)

A product line is used to:

  • define spcific indentifying fields for a product group,
    SEEINFO  The 'Configurator' module is based on the item product lines, but product lines can be used separately from the configurator.
  • define matching rules between products.
  • Description (field CFGLINAXX)


Enter or select the configuration scenario number (maximum 5 characters and description with up to 30 characters).



Tab Fields


The "Fields" tab consists in two blocks. The first one is dedicated to numeric fields and the second one to alphanumeric fields. The field title must exist in local menu 760; when the field is not used, "Non affected" is its default value. The "Input" column can have multiple values:

  • 'Mandatory entry',
  • 'Optional entry',
  • 'Display'.

In the latter case, the fields of the product line are updated by the configurator. A control table can be associated with each field in order to control the entry.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Alphanumeric attributes

  • Field title (field CFGALP)

Choose the field title.

Titles have been previously entered in the local menu 760.
The choice "Not assigned" means that the field is not used in this product line.

If the selected title is already used in another field on one or several other product lines, the function will generate a warning message.

It is recommended whenever it is possible to position a "Color" field in the same section of all the product lines.
  • Entry (field CFGALPCOD)

Select the entry mode.
- Mandatory entry
- Optional entry
- Display (this choice can be used to display a value calculated by the configurator, like a

If the entry choice has been made in favor of "Mandatory entry", a control table must be associated in order to check the entry.

Grid Numeric attributes

  • Field title (field CFGNUM)

Choose the field title.

Titles have been previously entered in the local menu 760.
The choice "Not assigned" means that the field is not used in this product line.

If the selected title is already used in another field on one or several other product lines, the function will generate a warning message.

It is recommended whenever it is possible to position a "Color" field in the same section of all the product lines.
  • Entry (field CFGNUMCOD)

Select the entry mode.
- Mandatory entry
- Optional entry
- Display (this choice can be used to display a value calculated by the configurator, like a

If the entry choice has been made in favor of "Mandatory entry", a control table must be associated in order to check the entry.



Tab Equivalence


The Equivalence tab is used in the configurator search.

The search key field is used to specify the access key for the search.

The equivalence fields are used to define the fields of which the content must be of use in the equivalence search. The equivalence fields are identified in the ITMMASTER table, from CFGFLDNUM1 to CFGFLDNUM6 for numeric fields and from CFGFLDALP1 to CFGFLDALP6 for alphanumeric fields.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Search key (field SEAKEY)

Select the access key for the match search:
- Product number
- Product description
- Search key
- Product line (recommended)


  • Equivalence field (field ITMFLD)

Enter or select the fields of the product record that must establish a match between two products.
A maximum of 15 fields is authorized.

  • Description (field ITMFLDTXT)


  • Index (field INDFLD)

For sized fields (e.g. statistical groups), enter the index value from value 1.




By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  PRTSCR : Screen print

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

This button makes it possible to generate the product line window.

This button is used to view the product line window.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

This description is already assigned to another field for the line(s) of product XXXXX

This non-blocking message is displayed if the entered field is already used for another product line.

Code already exists in line XXXXX

This blocking message is displayed if the entered code is already present in another line of the product line.

Tables used

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