Usage  >  Imports / exports >  Imports  

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Use this function to transfer data from a structured data file into a format which can be used by Sage X3.

This function uses templates to control the data import. The selected template converts the imported data into the right format to populate the details in the matching database table in Sage X3. Each template is defined using the function Import/export templates.

 Imported data is translated into language defined for the folder.


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Screen management

The Import function is based upon templates. You use an import template that reflects the features of the Sage X3 database table to be updated.

Entry screen


You use this screen to define which import template to use and to specify the location of the file to be imported.

An import log displays the results of the data import. Where appropriate it includes information which should be noted or acted upon before the imported data is processed further.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Use this field to define which template is to be used to extract data from the structured file into a format which can be used by Sage X3. Each template is defined using the function Import/export templates (Setup > Usage > Imports / exports).

Imported data is converted into the right format to populate the details in the matching database table in Sage X3.

  • Import/export temporary storage space (field AOWSTA)

Click this checkbox to move lines that are in an incorrect format to a temporary storage area. This enables rejected data to be corrected and reimported if necessary.


  • field TYPEXP

Use this flag to specify the location of the file to be imported.

  • Data file (field VOLFIL)

These elements are used to control the directory where files are written to or read from (depending on the context of the function).

  • If the option Server is selected, type in, or select the volume on the server where the files are to be written to or read from. Available volumes must be set up beforehand by a system administrator.
  • If the option Client is selected, files are downloaded to or read from the client through the web browser. In both cases you will be prompted to select the export/import directory/file.



Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task IMPORT is provided for that purpose.

Specific Buttons

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :


  • field LIGNE

Contains the lines in the process.


Click the Script action to view or amend the business logic (the development script) for the selected template. The script has the reference WWInnnnn, where nnnnn is a number that is assigned automatically.

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

  • File reading (field NOMFIC)

Defines the path for the file from which the read is made.

  • field NUMENG

Corresponds to a number for the group of data read in the file (in chronological order from 1).


  • Tables (field FICH)

Defines the code for the table in which the data to be imported is to be found.

  • Fields (field ZONE)


  • Values (field VALEUR)

Corresponds to the value of the record read in text mode for the corresponding field.


Click the Test action if you simply want the file to be validated and not imported. This will check the definition of the file to be imported is correct and enable you to return to the definition to correct it if necessary.

An import log displays the results of the data import.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Non-existent File to Import
Directory Non-existent

The file to import (or the directory in which it is searched) does not exist.

Import not allowed for this template

The template cannot be used for imports.

Tables used

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