This function is used to visualize the statistics generated on the data base when the database under utilization is Oracle™.
It can also be used to generate or delete statistics.
Warning, this type of function facilitates, via a user interface homogenous with the software, the launch of live procedures dedicated to a database admin. It is made to be launched by such an admin (usually called DBA).
To be used optimally, the user should be familiar with the functioning of databases and their optimization.
Conversely, an inappropriate use of the function can be problematic for the performances of the system and might compromise the utilization of the software.
This function is used to visualize, generate or delete statistics on the database.
These elements are displayed in three tabs: the first one gives the list of tables and the statistics report for each of them, the second one gives the list of indexes and the statistics report for each of them, the third one gives the list of database parameters linked to the optimizer and linked to the use of statistics.
Used to identify the characteristics of the database used.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Name of the database. |
Version number of the database. |
Description of the database version. |
This tab displays the list of tables and the statistic report for each of them.
It is possible to generate or delete the statistics:
The delete of statistics on a table will delete all the statistics generated for it and, as a consequence, for its indexes.
The generation of statistics on a table will not generate statistics on its indexes.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Used to define if the line must be processed in generation or deletion of the statistics, using the corresponding buttons at the bottom of the screen. |
Name of the table in the database. |
Indicate if the valid statistics are generated in the database. |
Date of the last analysis of the statistics |
Time of the last analysis of the statistics |
Action icon
When faced with an entry grid with multiple choices and a Yes/No answer on each line, this function makes it possible to answer Yes to all the lines starting from the current line.
When faced with an entry grid with multiple choices and a Yes/No answer on each line, this function makes it possible to answer No to all the lines starting from the current line.
Used to refresh the display of the grid's current line
Used to generate statistics for the grid's current line.
Used to delete statistics for the grid's current line.
This tab displays the list of indexes and the statistic report for each of them.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Used to define if the line must be processed in generation or deletion of the statistics, using the corresponding buttons at the bottom of the screen. |
Name of the table in the database. |
Name of the index in the database |
Indicate if the valid statistics are generated in the database. |
Date of the last analysis of the statistics |
Time of the last analysis of the statistics |
It is possible to generate or delete the statistics:
Action icon
When faced with an entry grid with multiple choices and a Yes/No answer on each line, this function makes it possible to answer Yes to all the lines starting from the current line.
When faced with an entry grid with multiple choices and a Yes/No answer on each line, this function makes it possible to answer No to all the lines starting from the current line.
Used to refresh the display of the grid's current line
Used to generate statistics for the grid's current line.
Used to delete statistics for the grid's current line.
This tab displays the list of database parameters linked to the optimizer and the utilization of statistics.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Grid Optimizer parameters
Display the parameters, linked to the optimizer and the use of the statistics. The parameters present depend on the Oracle version. These parameters cannot be modified from this option. |
It is not possible to act on these values.
Action icon
The following fields are present on this tab :
Grid Optimizer parameters
Display the parameters, linked to the optimizer and the use of the statistics. The parameters present depend on the Oracle version. These parameters cannot be modified from this option. |
This button, also accessible using the short cut, used to refresh the display of the tabs. |
Used to generate statistics for all the selected lines in the Tables and Index tab's grids. |
Used to delete statistics for all the selected lines in the Tables and Index tab's grids. |
It depends on the change rate and volume of the data from the database.
The statistics of an object become obsolete when an important DML activity volume is operated on the object.
The user should pay attention to process to a new analysis after an insert or a delete so as to be sure that the dictionary statistics the distribution and the content of the grid's line match. If the table contains afterwards an important number of lines and if the statistics are about a small proportion of them, the execution plan built by the optimizer might not be optimal.
The optimization based on cost is declared by the optimizer_mode parameter which can have three values
The statistics optimization is declared by the value RULE. In that case, the optimizer uses the syntax of the request in order to perform the best execution plan. The optimizer of syntax is not compatible with Oracle 10.
It is important that statistics be generated for all the objects within a framework. Indeed, the presence of partial statistics for an instruction "select" can cause the evaluation of statistics for objects that do not have statistics. This type of statistics sample carried out during the execution is not entered permanently in the data dictionary. Therefore, it is repeated at each execution of the same request.
All information on tables, indexes and statistics are read directly in the database via Oracle tables and views:
The statistics dates correspond to the column LAST_ANALYZED of the Oracle views USER_TABLES et USER_INDEXES.
Statistics are generated thanks to the package Oracle DBMS_STATS.
The processes used are: