Usage  >  Trade connectors >  PLM >  PLM interface launch  

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The PLM interface is used to import in the X3, the data of the Products and Production BOMs database coming from the PLM @UDROS product.

This interface processing uses the setups specified in the PLM setup function to load:

  • The Productstables:

    - ITMMASTER - Products
    - ITMFACILIT - Products Sites
    - ITMBPS - Products Suppliers
  • the BOMstables
    - BOM - Header BOMs
    - BOMD - Detail BOMs

SEEREFERTTO The principles of the interface functioning and the loading terms of these tables are given in the documentation about the PLM setup.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


It is only necessary to enter the reference identifying the PLM interface setup to use and also to modify, if required, the storing directories of the interface files.

A log file is systematically displayed by default at the end of the processing.

Note: if the processing ends with an error and/or rejects, an email will be sent to the two recipients indicated in the setup function.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Identifier (field ID)

Identification code of the interface setup.

  • field INTIT


Block number 2

  • field FILLER


  • Destination type (field TYPEXP)

Select the type of sender: customer or server.

  • Log (field TRACE)

Cochez cette case pour visualiser le fichier de trace après le lancement.

SEEINFO Un fichier de trace est créé dans tous les cas.

Sont tracés :

  • Les répertoires,
  • Les fichiers importés avec :
      • le nombre de lignes lues / traitées / rejetées
      • le nom du fichier des rejets
      • la liste des lignes rejetées avec la raison.

SEEINFO Si des lignes sont rejetées, un mail contenant le fichier trace est envoyé aux destinataires dont l'adresse mail à a été renseignée lors du paramétrage.

  • Directory to be scanned (field VOLFILRCP)


  • Index destination (field VOLFILISS)


  • Storage directory (field VOLFILSTO)




Processing result

REFITMxxx.csv File

This file, generated at the end of the interface, contains the list of X3 references of the products, determined by a counter on the category.
It is stored in the Load directoryindicated in the PLM setupfunction.


Reference of the corresponding
field in X3

(max length/format

Product reference @UDROS


 Alphanumerical (70)

X3 Product referenceX


 Alphanumerical (20)

SEEINFO  The products for which a new reference has been assigned are the only one to appear in this file.

Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task PLMINT is provided for that purpose.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation