Setup >  Purchasing >  Entry transactions >  Invoices/Credit memos >  Invoices/Credit Memos - Implementation  

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The table of access codes must be entered before any use of this function.

It is possible to assign an access code to each transaction which then makes it possible to filter the transactions by user profile. If the access code is not entered at the level of the transaction, this transaction is available regardless of the user profile. Otherwise, users can only access transactions with an access code identical to one of those indicated in their user profile, provided that the execution code for this access code has the value Yes. (see the Access codes documentation.)

It is therefore preferable to load this table with access codes prior to any transaction creation. If this is not the case, it will be necessary to modify the transactions one by one.

Activity codes

The following activity codes (sorted by type) may have an impact on the way the function operates :

Dependent activity codes

These codes are never entered in folder management, because their value is calculated :

  FEE (Fees declaration).


  DEB :  EU exchange declaration

  ECC :  Product version management

  PTX :  Regional taxes

  SVC :  Cost and revenue accruals


  PPR :  Max purchasing charge/discount


  KPO :  Portuguese Localization

  KSP :  Spanish localization

General parameters

The following general parameters may change the way the function is working :


  PORVAT (defined at level Company) : Portuguese VAT

  SPAVAT (defined at level Company) : VAT Spain


This function is object managed. The creation, modification, and deletion operations can be activated or deactivated for a given user. Filters by roles can also be associated with this function.

A filter by access code is performed, based on the field named ACSCOD. If an acess code is given, the inquiry and modification rights are granted according to the reading and writing rights associated with the code of the current user in their function profile.

Tables used

The following tables are implemented by the function :


Table description


Report dictionary


Texts to translate


Window button dictionary


Browser window dictionary


Window dictionary


Window parameters


Entered purchase transactions