All accounting journals processed automatically (invoice validation, depreciation charges, stock interface, payment validation etc.) are written in a temporary table within the database, and a batch process run by this function processes them for accounting. All matching operations are run in the same way.
Only journals processed directly can be directly entered in accounting and imported. All other journals are subject to a batch task: this batch task must be set up to find journals in accounting (or the journals will be on hold until the batch task is launched).
The accounting task can be set as 'Inactive' even when the launch query has already been saved. Several explanations can be provided:
For further problems, view the queries in progress or processes in progress in order to identify the origin of the problem.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Upon entering the function, a screen displays the following information:
The following fields are present on this tab :
Grid List
Status of the batch task which can have the values: Inactive
Shutting down
Restart in progress
This report provides additional information on the batch task status. The current values are 'Standby', 'In progress' and 'Finished'. |
Number of journals pending posting. |
Number of matching groups pending validation |
Number of balance updates still awaiting to be run. This column is displayed depending on the value of the UPDBALBTC - Balance update parameter (CPT chapter, ACC group). |
Action icon
This button can only be accessed if the task has not be launched yet. Between the moment when the starting order has been given and the moment when the task has really started, some time may elapse, depending on the parameters of the batch server. Therefore, after clicking on this button, the server status is not necessarily 'Active'. In order to check the server status again, go to the View > Refresh. |
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
The server is not active
This message is sent if the accounting task is launched but the batch server is not active. In this case, the launch request is recorded in the batch server but the task can only be launched if the batch server is running.