Table | Abbreviation | Description | Module | Activity code |
SPAMOD115 | SPM115 | Spanish form 115 | Financials | KSP |
Key | Description | Duplicates | Activity code |
Column | Normal title | Dim. | Type | Length | Menu | Link expression | Cancellation | Act |
ADEDUCIR | To be deducted | DCB | 11.2 | |||||
AUUID | Single identifier | AUUID | ||||||
CNOMBRE | First name start | A | 4 | |||||
CODADM | Agency | L | 5 | |||||
CODELECT | Digital code | A | 16 | |||||
CODPOSTAL | Postal code | A | 5 | |||||
COMPJUST | Previous supporting document | A | 13 | |||||
CONTACTO | Person to contact | A | 100 | |||||
CPY | Company | CPY | [CPY]CPY0=[SPM115]CPY | Block | ||||
CREDATTIM | Date time | ADATIM | ||||||
CREUSR | User | AUS | [AUS]CODUSR=[SPM115]CREUSR | Other | ||||
CUENTAING | Bank account no. | A | 10 | |||||
DIA | Day | A | 2 | |||||
DIGCONTING | Check digit | A | 2 | |||||
ENTIDADING | Entity | A | 4 | |||||
ESCALERA | Staircase | A | 2 | |||||
FIY | Fiscal year | A | 4 | |||||
FORMPAG | Payment method | M | 15 | 2111 | ||||
IBAN | IBAN code | A | 4 | |||||
IMP11 | Number of recipients | L | 6 | |||||
IMP12 | Retained amount | DCB | 11.2 | |||||
IMP21 | Withholdings | DCB | 11.2 | |||||
LOCALIDAD | Locality | A | 20 | |||||
MES | Month | A | 10 | |||||
MODEL | Form | A | 3 | |||||
NIF | Company tax ID no. | A | 9 | |||||
NOMBRE | Number | M | 4 | 1 | ||||
NOMBREVIA | Street | A | 17 | |||||
NUMCASA | Street number | L | 2 | |||||
NUMDECL | Declaration number | C | 4 | |||||
OBSERVACI1 | Notes 1 | A | 100 | |||||
OBSERVACIO | Notes | A | 250 | |||||
PAGCOMP | Add. declaration page indicator | M | 4 | 1 | ||||
PAGINA | Page | A | 2 | |||||
PER | Period | A | 2 | |||||
PISO | Floor | A | 2 | |||||
PROVINCIA | Province | A | 15 | |||||
PUERTA | Door | A | 2 | |||||
RAZSOC | Company name | A | 30 | |||||
RESULDEC | Amount to be deposited | DCB | 11.2 | |||||
RESULTADO | Result | DCB | 11.2 | |||||
SUCURSAING | Branch | A | 4 | |||||
TELEFONO | Telephone | A | 9 | |||||
TIPDEC | Declaration type | ADI | [ADI]CODE=318;TIPDEC | Block | ||||
TIPOVIA | Type | A | 2 | |||||
UPDDATTIM | Date time | ADATIM | ||||||
UPDUSR | User | AUS | [AUS]CODUSR=[SPM115]UPDUSR | Other | ||||
YEARDEC | Declaration year | A | 4 |