Table | Abbreviation | Description | Module | Activity code |
SPAMOD1901 | SPM1901 | Spanish form 190 details | Financials | KSP |
Key | Description | Duplicates | Activity code |
Column | Normal title | Dim. | Type | Length | Menu | Link expression | Cancellation | Act |
AD35E | Disabled asc. 33-65 (whole unit) | C | 1 | |||||
AD35T | Disabled ascendant 33-65 y-o. | C | 1 | |||||
AD65E | Disabled asc. >= 65 (whole unit) | C | 1 | |||||
AD65T | Disabled ascendant >= 65 y-o. | C | 1 | |||||
ADMRE | Disabled asc. red. mob. (whole un) | C | 1 | |||||
ADMRT | Disabled asc. reduced mobility | C | 1 | |||||
AM75E | Ascendant < 75 y-o. (whole unit) | C | 1 | |||||
AM75T | Ascendant >= 75 y-o. | C | 1 | |||||
AMI75E | Ascendant >= 75 y-o. (whole unit) | C | 1 | |||||
AMI75T | Ascendant >= 75 y-o. | C | 1 | |||||
ANUALID | Yearly alimony | DCB | 9.2 | |||||
AUUID | Single identifier | AUUID | ||||||
CLAVE | Key | A | 1 | |||||
CODADM | Agency | L | 5 | |||||
CODPOS | Postal code | A | 5 | |||||
CODPROV | Province code | A | 2 | |||||
COMUNICA | Communication to main residence | M | 4 | 1 | ||||
CONTACTO | Person to contact | A | 100 | |||||
CONTADOR | Sequence number | C | 4 | |||||
CONTRATO | Contract or employment relationship | C | 1 | |||||
CPY | Company | CPY | [CPY]CPY0=[SPM1901]CPY | Delete | ||||
CREDATTIM | Date time | ADATIM | ||||||
CREUSR | User | AUS | [AUS]CODUSR=[SPM1901]CREUSR | Other | ||||
DD35E | Disabled desc. 33-65 (whole unit) | C | 2 | |||||
DD35T | Disabled descendant 33-65 y-o. | C | 2 | |||||
DD65E | Disabled desc. >= 65 (whole unit) | C | 2 | |||||
DD65T | Disabled descendant >= 65 y-o. | C | 2 | |||||
DDMRE | Disabled desc. red. mob. (whole un) | C | 2 | |||||
DDMRT | Disabled desc. reduced mobility | C | 2 | |||||
DISCAP | Disability | C | 1 | |||||
DM3E | Descendant < 3 y-o. (whole unit) | C | 1 | |||||
DM3T | Descendant < 3 y-o. | C | 1 | |||||
DRE | Desc. reduced mobility (whole unit) | C | 2 | |||||
DRT | Descendant with reduced mobility | C | 2 | |||||
EDEVENGO | Accrual FY | A | 4 | |||||
FIY | Fiscal year | A | 4 | |||||
GASTOS | Expenses | DCB | 9.2 | |||||
HIJO1 | Child 1 | M | 12 | 2114 | ||||
HIJO2 | Child 2 | M | 12 | 2114 | ||||
HIJO3 | Child 3 | M | 12 | 2114 | ||||
ICINCLAB | Payment on account for incapacity | DCB | 11.2 | |||||
INCLAB | Incapacity allowance | DCB | 11.2 | |||||
INGREF | Performed deposits | DCB | 9.2 | |||||
INGRRE | Collected deposits | DCB | 9.2 | |||||
LOCALIDA | Locality | A | 16 | |||||
MODELO | Form | A | 3 | |||||
MOVILIDA | Geographic mobility | M | 4 | 1 | ||||
NACIMIEN | Year of birth | C | 4 | |||||
NIF | Company tax ID no. | A | 9 | |||||
NIFCONY | Spouse TIN | A | 9 | |||||
NIFP | Tax identification | A | 9 | |||||
NIFREP | Representative TIN | A | 9 | |||||
NJUSTIFI | Supporting document no. | A | 15 | |||||
NOMBRE | Name | A | 15 | |||||
NOMBVIA | Street | A | 17 | |||||
NUMCASA | Street number | L | 2 | |||||
NUMDECL | Declaration number | C | 4 | |||||
PAGCOMP | Add. declaration page indicator | M | 4 | 1 | ||||
PAGINA | Page | A | 2 | |||||
PENSION | Compensatory allowance | DCB | 9.2 | |||||
PER | Period | A | 2 | |||||
PERCEPCI | Total payments received | DCB | 11.2 | |||||
PROVIN | Province | A | 15 | |||||
RAZSOCP | Beneficiary | A | 30 | |||||
REDUCCIO | Reduction | DCB | 9.2 | |||||
RENTAS | Ceuta/Melilla | M | 4 | 1 | ||||
RETENCIO | Withholdings | DCB | 11.2 | |||||
RINCLAB | Withholding on incapacity | DCB | 11.2 | |||||
SITUACIO | Marital status | C | 1 | |||||
SUBCLAVE | Subkey | C | 2 | |||||
TELEFONO | Telephone | A | 9 | |||||
TIPOVIA | Type | A | 2 | |||||
UPDDATTIM | Date time | ADATIM | ||||||
UPDUSR | User | AUS | [AUS]CODUSR=[SPM1901]UPDUSR | Other | ||||
VALORACI | In-kind valuation | DCB | 11.2 |