Actions (Inquiry)

General Contents - Templates - Inquiry


AUTORIS At the very beginning of the template
OUVRE The tables and masks are open
TITRE Before opening the window
SET_DERLU As soon as the search key has been modified and an OBJect is set in the inquiry
LECTURE When starting the search
FILTRE From the read action, only for the specific/custom development
AV_AFFICHE After the search and just before the screen display
CLECUR When the supervisor has found out if a current record has been obtained at the end of the read by means of the search key
APRES_MODIF After any field has been modified
SETBOUT Before the window is displayed again
FERME At the very end of the template

Around the execution of a button or menu


EXEBOUT after a button at the bottom of the screen or a menu has been selected
AVANT_SUITE Before the execution of an action declared following a first action (on button or menu) in the action dictionary.


Around the GRAPHICAL button
GRAPH_SET after the GRAPHICAL button has been selected
GRAPH_SAI after the graphical parameters have been entered
GRAPH before the graph display


Around the radio buttons
AV_MAGNETO as early as a radio button is clicked
AP_MAGNETO after searching a record by radio button


Around the file/print
HCOPY as soon as the File/Print menu is clicked
AP_HCOPY after the print start screen
Around the file/list


LISTE1 as soon as the File/List menu is clicked
LISTE2 before the parameters are entered

Around the criteria screen


DEB_CRIT At the beginning of the template
EXEBOUT2 Before the parameters are entered (if there are parameters to be entered)
AP_CHOIX2 As early as clicking on a button
FIN_CRIT At the end of the template