Actions for an import template with simple OBJect

General Contents - Templates - Import Export


The import template uses both actions of the OBJect and actions of the import. When, for an event, the two types of action are available, the OBJect action precedes the import action. In the grids below, (+ IMP ) means that the OBJect action is followed by the import action (identical name preceded by the IMP_ root). For the OBJect action, like for the import action, the specific/custom processing is run, then the standard processing.

During the generation process of the import processing
OBJect action Import action Call context
IMP_COMPILE Before the creation of the import processing:
IMP_TRTSUP After the creation of the import processing


During import execution (record creation)
OBJect action Import action Call context
AVANT_OUVRE  ( + IMP ) First action executed
DEFTRANS Start of the OBJect window analysis
OUVRE  ( + IMP ) After opening the tables and screens
AP_IMPORT After loading class [F] via the record to be imported of each table declared in the 1st tab of the template.
SETBOUT ( + IMP ) CHAINE="C", action used to prohibit creation
RAZCRE ( + IMP ) When a new record is about to be created
IMPORT After initializing class [M].
IMP_DEFTRT Before entry simulation of each screen
IMP_ZONE On each enterable field of the list block, before the control action.
IMP_TAB On each enterable field of the grid block, before the control action.
VERIF_CRE ( + IMP ) Before the creation transaction
INICRE ( + IMP ) Just before writing the record
CREATION ( + IMP ) Just after writing the record
APRES_CRE ( + IMP ) After the creation transaction (exit by commit)
AB_CREATION ( + IMP ) After the creation transaction (exit by rollback)
FERME ( + IMP ) Last executed action


During import execution (record modification)
OBJect action Import action Call context
AVANT_OUVRE  ( + IMP ) First action executed
DEFTRANS Start of the OBJect window analysis
OUVRE  ( + IMP ) After opening the tables and screens
AP_IMPORT After loading class [F] via the record to be imported of each table declared in the 1st tab of the template.
VERROU  ( + IMP ) Before symbol locking
LIENS ( + IMP ) After loading class [M] by the record to be modified.
SETBOUT ( + IMP ) CHAINE="M", action used to prohibit modification
AVANT_MOD ( + IMP ) After the SETBOUT action, if the CHAINE variable contains "M"
IMPORT After initializing class [M] via the record to be modified of each table declared in the 1st tab of the template.
IMP_DEFTRT Before entry simulation of each screen
IMP_ZONE On each enterable field of the list block, before the control action.
IMP_TAB On each enterable field of the grid block, before the control action.
VERIF_MOD ( + IMP ) Before update transaction
AVANT_MODFIC ( + IMP ) Before updating class [F]
INIMOD ( + IMP ) Before updating the record
MODIF ( + IMP ) After updating the record
APRES_MOD ( + IMP ) After the update transaction (exit by commit)
AB_MODIF ( + IMP ) After the update transaction (exit by rollback)
FERME ( + IMP ) Last executed action