Business Intelligence Module >  Datamart >  Module Fixed Assets >  Datamart FIXFLUX (Fixed Assets - Funds)  

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Update 8.0.0 and higher:

The Datamart dedicated to fixed asset funds corresponds to a BO environment (Business Object). It is part of the Datawarehouse X3 (DWX3) and it is used, as well as the other Datamarts of the Datawarehouse, to organize the data of a Sage X3 folder in order to facilitate the manipulation for unexperienced users and to allow an easy elaboration of the statuses in the Business Intelligence (BI). Only the most relevant information are conveyed in the datamart. Some information are reworked before being integrated in the datamart to ease their launch. 

This datamart more specifically aims at issuing dashboards for fixed assets funds.
The detail level is the record line of the depreciation on which the information of the fixed asset are recovered.

It is made up of:

  • the Facts table FIXFLUX(Fixed asset funds) loaded according to synchronization rules defined based on information coming from:
            • fixed assets
            • depreciation plans

For this facts table can be defined:
- predefined conditions for filtering data,
- sub-classes or grouping indicators