Update 8.0.0 and higher:
The fact table Fixed Assets - Funds is singularly part of the FIXFLUX Datamart (Fixed Assets - Funds).
It contains elements coming from:
These data are reorganized in order to allow a simple elaboration of the reports in the BI:
- some information deemed secondary is not transmitted,
- conversely, other information is precalculated,
- finally, the information is restructured if needed.
To this fact table are linked:
These are the rules used to define the way the data are extracted from the database and the way the fact table is loaded. There are 2 rules for the Fixed assets fact table:
The table fields can be loaded directly via a base field or their value determined via a calculation formula or the call result to a function.
These are database tables such as the country tables, sites, etc.
Some dimensions are part of the Fixed assets module and others are common to all the modules (Company, Site, etc.) and can be linked to multiple fact tables. Links have been defined between these various dimensions.
When a field in a fact table is linked to a dimension, the corresponding link expression is defined in the fact table (Links tab). The dimension list linked to the Fixed assets - Funds fact table is given below.
These are conditions that will be used as filter criteria in the report itself. They are defined for each fact tables.
It can either be, simple conditions using fields or constants, or conditions requiring values (conditions corresponding to queries to be entered in the reports).
Their list is given below.
In the fact table, each field with the object type: Measure can be identified as belonging to a sub-class. Thanks to the BO Infoview tool, this classification is used to display this information grouped by sub-class in the Fixed assets environment.
The sub-classes list linked to the fact table Fixed Assets - Funds is provided below.
Code | Title | Dimension |
FLUXCOA | Chart of accounts |
FLUXCPYBEG | Company Start | FLUXCPY |
FLUXEXE | Financial year situation |
FLUXEXER | Financial year situation | FLUXFAS |
FLUXFCYBEG | Financial site Start | FLUXFCY |
FLUXFCYEND | Financial site Year | FLUXFCY |
FLUXFIYBEG | Fiscal year start date |
FLUXFIYEND | Fiscal year end date |
FLUXGACBEG | From accounting account | FLUXGAC |
FLUXGACEND | To accounting account | FLUXGAC |
FLUXPER | Fiscal year |
FLUXPERBEG | Period start date |
FLUXPEREND | Period end date |
FLUXPLN | Depreciation plan |
FLUXSTA | Funds status |
FLUXTYP | Funds type |