Business objects reports >  Module Fixed Assets >  Report DEPSITUEXE (Depreciation plan situation)  

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This report associated with the Fixed assets Datamart (FIXASSET) displays the situation of a depreciation plan at the end of a given fiscal year; this situation is expressed in the currency used in the depreciation plan.
This situation is available:

  • In Detail: the assets are displayed grouped by company and financial site with an aggregation for each of the assets.
  • In Brief: the totals per financial year and per financial site are displayed.
  • The exploration of the information displayed in the report is possible thanks to the hierarchies pre-defined in the datamart.

    In the BO Infoview, this report has the following code: FAS-DEPSITU_EXE 

    User promptings



     Company ranges

    Company Start
    Company End

     Financial sites ranges

     Financial site Start
    Financial site End

     Depreciation plan

     Accounting by default

     Fiscal year ranges

    Fiscal year start date
    Fiscal year end date