The Datamart dedicated to the fixed assets corresponds to a BO environment (Business Object). It is part of the Datawarehouse X3 (DWX3) and it used, as well as the other Datamarts of the Datawarehouse, to reorganize the data of an X3 folder in order to facilitate the manipulation for inexperienced users and to allow an easy elaboration of the statuses in the Business Intelligence (BI). Only the most relevant information are conveyed in the datamart. Some information are reworked before being integrated in the datamart to ease their launch.
This datamart is more precisely used to launch Financial Data Extraction concerning the fixed assets and the evolution, over several financial years, of their depreciations, financial reintegration, professional tax bases, etc. .
It provides the user with direct access to analytical dimension types such as sites, analytical dimensions, the PCG/IFRS accounts, vehicles, VAT.
The detail level is the record line of the depreciation on which the information of the fixed asset are recovered.
It is made up of:
For this facts table can be defined:
- predefined conditions for filtering data,
- sub-classes or grouping indicators
The list of the Business Object reports delivered in standard for the Fixed assetsmodule, is given here.
The data on the following objects are not included in the functional perimeter:
- Lease contracts
- Concession contracts
- Accounting events (fixed assets, expenses, rental contracts, subsidies... )
- Inventory reconciliation
- Funds
Update 8.0.0 and higher:
Funds are subject to a dedicated Datamart. See the documentation on Fixed Assets Datamard - Funds.
Prior to update 8.0.0:
The free fields are not recovered either in the Fixed assetsenvironment.