Business objects reports >  Module Fixed Assets >  Report FASREINT3 (Fisc. reinstat evolution)  

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This report, associated with the Fixed assets Datamart (FIXASSET), displays the evolution of the fiscal reintegration over the 3 latest financial years.
This situation is available:

  • In detail: the assets are grouped per company, financial site and PCG accounts with, for each of these assets, the indication of the evolution percentage linked to the color alerts:
    - green: increase
    - blue: stability
    - red: decrease
  • In brief: the totals per company are displayed, with the indication of the evolution percentage also linked to the color alerts.
  • SEEINFO Only the assets "In property" are selected.

    The exploration of the information displayed in the report is possible thanks to the hierarchies pre-defined in the datamart.

    In the BO Infoview, this report has the following code: FAS-REINTFIS3E

    User promptings



    Company ranges

    Company start
    Company End

    Financial sites ranges

    Financial site Start
    Financial site End

    Depreciation plan

    Accounting by default

    Fiscal year N-2 end date


    Fiscal year N-1 end date


    Fiscal year N end date