Activity codes >  Module Financials >  Activity Code VAT (Tax management)  

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This activity code is used to de-activate the management of the VAT codes used in certain legislations.

Recommended values

This code MUST be activated for the French legislation, and must not be de-activated except for those countries that specifically require it done.


This activity code, combined with the CNA activity code (management of natures) is designed to replace the USA/EUR activity codes existing in version 120. These codes have an important structural impact on the database:

In effect, if CNA is activated, it gives access to the following functions:

*    CNA: GESCNA Natures

*    CNA: GESDSP Prior allocation keys

*    CNA: GESGAC Accounts

*    CNA: GESNDF Default analytical natures

*    CNA: SAIPCEANA Analytical journal entry

If VAT is activated, access is provided to the VAT management section at the level of the Chart of Accounts.

If CNA and VAT are active, then this is a combination equivalent to where the activity code EUR was active in version 120, conversely, if CNA and VAT are deactivated, then the combination is equivalent to where the activity code USA was activated in version 120.

In addition, the combination of the activity code CAN and VAT generate different codes for the accounting transactions:

*    for the STD transaction (former USA2 transaction for the US), it is recommended to use the STD screen with two tabs, with:

      If CNA and VAT are active, the GACCENT0, GACCENT1, GACCENT2 screens

      If CNA is de-activated and VAT activated, the GACCENT0, GACCENT1, GACCVAT2 screens

      If CNA is activated and VAT de-activated, the GACCENT0, GACCENT1, GACCCNA2 screens

      If CNA and VAT are de-activated, the GACCENT0, GACCENT1, GACCUSA2 screens

*    for the STD transaction, if it is necessary to use a screen with a single tab (ex-transaction USA for the US), it is recommended that the following screen be used:

      If CNA and VAT are activated, the GACCENT5 screen

      If CNA is de-activated and VAT activated, the GACCVAT1 screen

*    for the STDA transaction, (only if CNA is active), the GACCENT9 screen will be used

*    for the STDL transaction (ex-transaction USAL for the US), the following will be used:

      If CNA and VAT are activated, the GENTLOT1 screen

      If CNA is de-activated and VAT activated, the GENTLOT2 screen

      If CNA is activated and VAT de-activated, the GENTLOT3 screen

      If CNA and VAT are de-activated, the GENTLOT4 screen