Common data >  General accounting tables >  General >  Accounts  

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Use this function to set up accounts and to define the characteristics of an account used to save the general and analytical accounting entries.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

This field recalls the chart of accounts on which the account or the pyramid (general, analytical, both) will be created or to which they will be attached.
Before creating an account or a pyramid, click Chart from the Actions panel to specify the chart of accounts to be attached.

Account number that is used to identify it in the chart of accounts.
The codification of the account depends on the format and length options applied during the setup of the chart of accounts. 

SEEINFO Two accounts can share the same code but they cannot be part of the same chart.

If the account numbering with fixed length option is retained, the account numbers entered will automatically be completed with "0"s up to the length defined in the setup.

  • field DESTRA

Standard title of the current record.

  • Control (field SAC)

This check box is only available if the Control check box is selected in the Chart of accounts function (GESCOA).

Select this check box to indicate that the account is associated with a BP.




Tab General


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Short description (field SHOTRA)

Title used in some screens or reports when there is not enough space to view the long title.

By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
You can add your translation in another language using the Translation function:

  • Click Translation from the Actions icon in the corresponding field.
  • In the Translation window, add a new language code with the translation in this language.

A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.

SEEINFO The connection language must be defined as a default language for the folder.

  • Short code (field ACCSHO)

This field allows you to create a Short code that is used as a keyboard shortcut in entry mode for entries and documents. All short codes must begin with a letter.

Important points

Control accounts: If the Control check box is selected.

This field contains the control account code. For example, C1 for a customer control account.

You can enter up to 4 characters and you cannot modify the short code for these accounts.

Non-control accounts: If the Control check box is not selected.

The limit is 12 characters and must match the format of the actual account. For example, if the account code has 6 characters, the associated short code can only have 6 characters. You can modify the short code.

The short code must not be confused with the code setup in the journal record.

For the journal, the code setup is only one character (letter or number).

It is associated with a specific account and journal.

 When entering the Short code in a Journal entry, it is replaced with the actual account code.

This is the bookkeeping currency.
If the currency is specified, the entries are only assigned in this currency. If no currency is specified, every currency may be accepted upon entry.


  • Active (field ENAFLG)

Select this check box so that the data can be used in other records (documents, parameters, etc.) or during a batch process. If not selected, the data is considered to be inactive and it cannot be used in other records.

When assigned, the access code limits the operational rights on the accounts based on user profiles. (See the documentation Access codes). Only users who have this access code in their profile can modify or enter information in this account. According to the rights granted, the following operations are possible:

  • Inquiry: used to display the entries posted to this account (displaying the basic record is always possible)
  • Modification: allows the basic record to be modified
  • Completion: used to post entries to this account
  • Company/Site/Group (field FCY)

Enter or select a Company, Site, or Group to filter accounts accordingly.

If you enter a site, it must be a financial site.

  • field LIBFCY


  • Validity period from (field VLYSTR)

The start and end dates define the period during which the account can be used for posting entries.

If there is no Start date, the account can be used from the first day of the first fiscal year.

If there is no End date, the account can be used from the start date onward.

  • Validity period to (field VLYEND)


Enter a restriction code at this level or set one up at the dimension-dimension, account-account, or account-dimension Restriction code level.

To ensure the coherence of postings, you can forbid the entry of associated accounts with specific dimensions, accounts with other accounts, or dimensions with other dimensions.

The principle is to define "forbidding code" pairs that are not compatible when posting. When an account and a dimension have incompatible codes, they cannot be used together for posting the same entry line.


Enter the account class, which is composed of one to ten alphanumeric characters. This is the account class associated by default with the current chart of accounts. This value is taken by default from the chart of accounts setup.

It is used to specify:

  • The behavior of the closing process with respect to the account (CFE or not)
  • The sign of the account balance in the various reports and inquiries for the analytical accounts

The subdivision into classes enables the off-balance sheet accounts to be distinguished from the others.

  • field CLSNAM


Grid Default accounts

Enter in this field the chart of accounts, other than the original one, on which the account will be open to tracking.
For instance, for the SOC plan account, not declaring the ANA plan in this zone means that this account is never tracked on the ANA plan.

It is the default account which is tracked on another chart. If this field is not assigned, the account of the 'target' chart is tracked but without default association.
When the current account is tracked on another chart, it is possible to combine it with a default account on the 'target' chart. This line is used to define the propagation rules of the current account to another chart.
SEEINFO This field is optional if a default value is not requested.

The table Default account is used to set up the tracking of the account to other charts of accounts.
When creating an account, the propagation rules of the current account to the other charts of accounts of the folder come by default from the association rules specified in tab "Default accounts" of the chart of accounts of origin. This rule can be modified at account record level.

  • Account screening (field SCRACC)

A screen delivers a strict or open authorization.
If the code indicated in the previous zone is retrieved entirely in the Screen field, the account will not be open to modification and the account from the chart of current accounts and the account from the destination chart of accounts will strictly correspond.
If a code is indicated (for instance, "EN*"), the account will be open to modification but a validity control, regarding the screen, will be processed (according to the example, the account has to start with "EN").
If the field is left empty ("*"), the program will take into account the default account specified in the previous field and will authorize any other value.
The wilcards are:

  • "*" to replace any character chain,
  • "?" to replace a single character.
  • Mandatory allocation (field OBYIPT)

You can select whether posting to an account is mandatory or optional.
If the field is set to Yes, tracking on the specified chart of accounts is mandatory in the journal/document entry.
If the field is set to No, tracking on the specified chart of accounts is optional in the journal/document entry.



Tab Management



You can manually change the Default VAT code (VAT field) and enter a list of authorized or prohibited VAT codes for the account in the Tax code control grid.

Tax control grid

This grid is enabled if the following conditions are true:

The Tax management check box is selected for the chart of accounts (GESCOA).

Tax management is any value except Not subjected.

You can enter up to 10 tax codes in the grid with the following rules:

  • The tax code must exist.
  • The legislation must be the same in the chart of accounts.
  • The tax type must be VAT in the Tax rates function (GESTVT).

The Control type field determines how tax codes are entered in the grid. If you change the Control type, all codes are removed from the grid.

Inactive: You cannot enter tax codes in the grid.

Authorization: The Default tax code must be included in the list. If you change the Default tax code, the updated code is automatically added to the next open line.

Restriction: You must enter at least one tax code. The default tax code cannot be included in the list.

 Fields in the Taxes block can only be accessed if the Tax management check box is selected in the Chart of accounts function (GESCOA) linked to the current account.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Recurring entries

A recurring task account (usually, a class four account) can be associated with the current account (often, a load or item type). The automatic balance function of recurring tasks is used to automatically close an account as a counterpart to the recurring task account associated with it.
This field is used by the recurring task automatic function to know the account on which the recurring task closure journal must balance. If this account is a control account, you need to give the BP code corresponding to the following field.


Exchange difference

  • Automatic variances (field DIFFLG)

Clear this check box to disable automatic variances for accounts for which the difference of conversion has no consequence. This can be useful for accounts that can be matched.

When matching entries in currency, there could be an automatic difference of conversion on payment.

Variance type

  • Assessment method (field DIF)

The fields in this block are only available if the current account is linked to a Classification on the General tab whose Category type is set to Normal in Account class function (GESCLS).

As a result, if the account class of the current account is Exceptional, the Assessment method is forced to None.

Select the one of the following options to determine the assessment method:

None – No conversion variance calculation will be run on the current account.

By journal entry – Calculation based on detailed journal entries.
If this assessment method is chosen, three evaluation types are eligible when running the Conversion variance function (CNVECAR): Fixed rate, Lower-value principle, or Higher-value principle in the Evaluation type field.

Note: With this assessment method, carry-forward journal entries are not considered. As a result, when launching the Conversion variance function (CNVECAR), start date and end date ranges might need to cover several fiscal years.

By account balance – Calculation based on account balance (BALANCE table).
When processing the conversion variance calculation, carry-forward amounts are taken into account as soon as the indicated start date matches the fiscal year start date of the calculated ledger type.

By journal entry and By account balance methods can be chosen based on the value of the Currency field (empty or filled) on the General tab.

  • Rate type mgmt. (field TYPRATFLG)

This check box is only available if the assessment method is set to By journal entry or By account balance.

It allows you to assign a dedicated rate type to the current account so that conversion variance is calculated according to this rate type, rather than using the one entered in the Rate type field in the Conversion variance function (CNVECAR).

  • Rate type (field TYPRAT)

If the Rate type mgmt. check box is selected, you can choose from the existing rate types that need to be used when the conversion variance is calculated for the current account.


  • Tax management (field FLGVAT)

An account can have five different situations regarding the VAT (Value Added Tax):

  • Subjected -  An account could receive postings that must be taken into account to determine the taxable basis on VAT declaration. The sales and purchase accounts must be set up as Subjected.
  • Not subjected - An account has no relation with the VAT. The employee expense accounts, depreciation expense accounts or VAT accounts to adjust or declare must be set up as Not subjected.
  • VAT account - An account receives postings that must be taken into account to determine the tax amount to declare.
  • EU Tax account - An account receives postings that must be taken into account to determine the tax amount to declare in other EU countries.
  • Prepayment account - account 409 or 419
  • Tax allocation (field VATIPT)

Select the tax declaration to set the tax amount to declare in the tax preparatory report.

If an account is set up as Subjected, Tax account, EU tax, or Prepayment account, you must specify the tax type to declare.

Select the tax allocation appropriate for your VAT declaration:

  • Collected sales
  • Collected fixed assets
  • Deductible purchases
  • Deductible fixed assets
  • Deductible G & S
  • State rules
  • Company rules
  • Collected G & S

By default, each account can have up to three tax accounts that determine the tax calculation, posting, and declaration terms. For more information, see the documentation on Tax rates.

The first code to enter is the VAT code. The two other codes must be a different type.

If the SAITAX - Mandatory Tax Code (CPT chapter, VAT group) parameter value is set to Yes, it is mandatory to specify at least one tax code in account creation mode. If the SAITAX parameter is set to No, the account can be created without a tax code. The tax code is then searched for via the invoice tax rule in miscellaneous table no. 1, "Tax code" field.

  • Service provisions (field ESDTRK)

Select this check box to identify accounts concerned by the European Open Declaration, which can only be accessed for accounts subject to VAT management.
In account creation mode, this option is selected by default if the account is subject to payable VAT and if the default tax code is linked to a EU nature.

Grid Variance accounts

  • Variance accounts (field CNVACCDES)

You cannot edit these fields if the selected Assessment method is None. If you change the Assessment method to None from another method, those accounts are removed from the grid.

These accounts are used to post the conversion variance journal entries generated by the Conversion variance function (CNVECAR).

Accounts can only be selected from those available in the current Chart of Accounts. These accounts cannot be control accounts.

If an account or several accounts are indicated in this grid, they have priority over those indicated on the Miscellaneous accounts tab (lines 5 to 8), in the Chart of accounts function (GESCOA).

Tax code control

  • Control type (field TYPVATCTL)

This field determines how tax codes are entered in the Tax control grid. If you change the Control type, all codes are removed from the grid.

Inactive: You cannot enter tax codes in the grid.

Authorization: The Default tax code must be included in the list. If you change the Default tax code, the new code is automatically added to the next open line.

Restriction: You must enter at least one tax code. The default tax code cannot be included in the list.

Table number 2

Enter a VAT tax code. You can enter up to 10 existing VAT tax codes that are the same legislation as the chart of accounts.

If the Control type field is set to Inactive, this grid is disabled.

If the Control type field is set to Authorization, the Default tax code is required. If you change the Default tax code, the updated code is automatically added to the next open line in the grid.

If the Control type field is set to Restriction, you cannot add the Default tax code to the grid.



Tab Miscellaneous


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Matchable (field MTC)

All general and/or analytical accounts can use matching.
SEEWARNING This option is only applied if the ledger is matchable.

  • Profit and loss (field LOSGAIGNR)

  • Summary reporting (field CEN)

Select this check box for a summary report of entry subtotals sorted by journal when printing the general ledger.

  • If you select this check box, a global amount per journal and per month display in the general ledger.
  • If not selected, entry details display in the general ledger. This field does not impact data storage.

Whether the account is summarized or not, entry details are still stored in the database for traceability.

  • DAS2 (field DAS)

This field indicates if the account receives postings that should be declared within the framework of the Declaration of fees (DAS 2: fees, royalties, etc.).
If this check box is selected, the type of the amounts to be declared must be specified.

This check box can not be modified when an entry is final and if the parameter FRADGI -  French fiscal regulation  (TC chapter, CPT group,) is set to Yes.

  • DAS2 nature (field DASTYP)

The nature of fees is used by the DAS2 declaration automatic process.
An account can only receive one type of fees, therefore the user must create as many general ledgers as fees types.

  • 281.5 (field FLG281)


  • 281.5 category (field TYP281)


  • Carryforwards in currency (field FRWCUR)

Select this check box to generate carry forward entries in currency. If not, the carry forward entries are generated in the ledger currency.

This field defines the management rule to be applied to carry forward entries if Carry forward entries is selected for the account class.

  • Subject to discount (field FLGDEP)

  • Credit level update (field UPDBLC)

This field determines if the postings on this control account trigger the update of the balance sheet for the customer or supplier record. If the value in this field is changed, you need to recalculate the corresponding balance sheets.

  • Charge type (field RITTYP)

Select the charge type for the account to determine whether it is included when calculating a hold.

  • Exempt
  • Benefits
  • Charges
  • Commission
  • INPS
  • VAT
  • Other


Grid BP authorization

  • Control (field DESIG)


  • Authorization (field AUZBPR)

This grid specifies if a control account can accept entries on all BP types. The different BP types correspond to the settings in the BP record.
SEEINFO BP types with the Authorization field set to No cannot be linked to a control account.

Fixed assets

  • Fixed asset tracking (field FLGABL)

Select this check box to authorize using accounts on assets and expenditures that are managed in the Fixed assets module. If selected, it is mandatory to enter the accounting nature for this account.

When Fixed asset tracking is selected, the Expense creation, Accounting nature, and LVA management fields are available.

  • Expense creation (field FLGEXPCRE)

This check box is only available if the Fixed asset tracking check box is selected.

Select this check box to indicate:

  • That the validation of an invoice line posted on this account must result in the creation of an expense in the Fixed asset module. This system only works if the following setup is also implemented:
      • Document type:
        - The Expense creation must be selected to authorize the automatic creation of an expense in the Fixed asset module when entering a document assigned to the document type.
      • Journal entries:
        - Category must be: Actual
        - Status must be: Final
  • That for a purchase invoice or supplier BP invoice payment, creating an early discount line chargeable to this account creates a negative capitalized expense in the Fixed Assets module. This system only works if the following setup is also implemented:
      • The company is submitted to the German or Austrian legislation.
      • The DEPMGTMOD - Discount management mode parameter (TC chapter, INV group) is set to Distribution by VAT (invoice level).
      • Payment attribute: The setup of the discount line accounting code is compliant with:
        - The Expense creation box is selected.
        - The Early discount/Late charge box is selected.
        - The generated entry matches this pattern: Account <=> BP.
      • Accounting codes: The accounting allocations for Tax type codes (determined from the tax code on the payment line) are defined for line 13 Adjustment to deduct. These are used for the accounting allocations of the negative expense.
  • Any Stock miscellaneous issue can create a capitalized expense in the Fixed Assets module, upon the Posting of the movement. This system only works if the following setup is also implemented:
      • Product:
        It must be managed in stock.
        It must be Capitalizable.
      • The STKISSACC - Accounting code line index parameter (AAS chapter, FAS group) is entered.
        This parameter applies to the accounting codes of the Product type. It indicates the entry line number used to specify the fixed assets account allocated upon generating the expense.
      • Product accounting code:
        A fixed asset account is specified on the line defined at the level of the  STKISSACC - Accounting code line index parameter.

  • Accounting nature (field GACACN)

This field must be entered when the Tracking of assets is active.
It is used to enter the accounting nature associated with the account

  • LVA management (field LVATYP)

This field is only active if the following conditions are met:

  • The legislation is German or Austrian.
  • The Fixed asset tracking check box is selected.

It is used to define whether the LVA (Low Value Asset) management type for the account is:

  • LVA
  • Pool (only for the German legislation).


  • Default sign (field SNSDEF)

It is possible to define the default sense of the account. This information is used to set automatically the cursor in the column "debit" or "credit" of the posting entry mask.

  • Balance sign (field SNSBLC)

The sign of the balance is the usual balance sign for the specific account.
This information is controlled at the end of the fiscal year and is used to give the list of accounts which balance sign is not coherent with this information at the end of the fiscal year. If the value "not determined" is chosen, no control will be processed.



Action icon

Address copy




Tab Reporting


Reporting codes

A reporting code is an account grouping code meant to simplify the generation of overview reports via the Financial data extraction setup function, in accounting. There are 10 reporting codes. Some of them are used for financial reports.

 Please consider carefully the format of the reporting codes. If the reporting codes contain a numerical element the data extraction will total all lines starting with that number. For example, if a debit reporting code is DB1 the data extraction will total all accounts showing a debit balance for the reporting codes that start with the code DB1. These could include the codes DB11, DB12, DB13 and so on.

 For an analytical account, reporting codes cannot be used in an analytical syntax financial data extraction.

 Reporting codes




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Reporting codes

  • Debit (field RPTCODDEB)

Enter the reporting code to use if the account shows a debit balance. When this is a control account, the balance of the single account is taken into account. 
Note: For Portuguese legislation, the first line stores the taxonomy code required to issue the SAF-T file. You need a taxonomy code linked to each account.
If this field is blank, you receive an error on SAF-T file extraction.

  • Credit (field RPTCODCDT)

Enter the reporting code to use if the account shows a credit balance. When this is a control account, the balance of the single account is taken into account.

Note: For Portuguese legislation, the first line stores the taxonomy code required to issue the SAF-T file. You need a taxonomy code linked to each account.
If this field is blank, you receive an error on SAF-T file extraction.


  • Consolidation analysis (field CSLFLG)

If this field is checked, the pre-consolidated balance gives the details of the account by BP. Otherwise, the account balance is simply deferred. You can indicate an account number that identifies the current account in the balance and the Pre-consolidated general ledger.
SEEINFO This information is used in the consolidation interface.

  • Flow management (field CSLFLGFLW)

For a current account, this field is used to specify whether entering a flow code on the entry line is Optional, Mandatory, or Not entered.

If the CSL- Consolidation activity code = Yes: 

On journal entry, the Flow field can be accessed if at least one account on the line is Optional or Mandatory.

On journal entry, the Flow field is mandatory if at least one account on the line is Mandatory.

When saving a journal, all the entry lines with the same nature, that is the same identifier, have the same flow code if Flow management for the account is Optional or Mandatory. The flow propagation is made according to the display order of Accounts, Charts, and Type of reference.

If the PRCSL - Pre-consolidation activity code = Yes:

On journal entry, the Flow field can be accessed if one of the ledgers set up in the journal entry transaction has consolidation management selected, and if the account defined at the line level is Optional or Mandatory.

On journal entry, the Flow field is mandatory if one of the ledgers set up in the journal entry transaction has consolidation management selected, and if the account defined at the line level is Mandatory.

The Flow on carry-forwards records is initialized by the CSLFRWFLO – Carry-forward flow parameter (CPT chapter, CSL group). This parameter is defined at Company level. In carry-forward records, the Flow is initialized even if Flow management is not selected for the account.

Flow initialization: The initialization rule only applies to accounts with Optional or Mandatory flow management selected and only for the first ledger defined in the journal entry transaction whose consolidation management is selected.

When creating or posting a journal entry, the journal entry line flow code defaults as follows:

If a flow code is parameterized on the journal, it defaults to that value.

If there is no flow code on the journal, the flow code defaults to the value defined on the account.

The flow depends of the direction on the journal entry line.

If the direction is Credit, the flow defaults to Flow if Credit

If the direction is Debit, the flow defaults to Flow if debit.

If the amount is 0 for both debit and credit, the flow defaults to Flow if debit

If there is no flow code on the account, the flow code defaults to the flow defined in the CSLFLODEF - Default flow parameter.

If this parameter is not defined, there is no default flow code value.

Note: When the journal entry transaction has several ledgers with consolidation management selected, the flow initialized on the first ledger is propagated to the other consolidated ledgers. If for any reason no flow has been initialized on the first ledger but is mandatory on another ledger, you receive a blocking error message that flow management is mandatory for the current account.

  • Account if debit (field CSLDEB)

Enter the account number to use for the extraction if the account shows a debit balance.

This is the default flow code in the journal entry if Flow management for the account is set to Optional or Mandatory.

The initialization can be different if the entry line is Debit or Credit.

  • Account if credit (field CSLCDT)

Enter the account number to use for the extraction if the account shows a credit balance.

This is the default flow code in the journal entry if Flow management for the account is set to Optional or Mandatory.

The initialization can be different if the entry line is Debit or Credit.

  • Partner management (field CSLFLGBPR)

For non-control accounts when the PRCSL activity code is active, you can select Optional or Mandatory.

For the current account this field is used to specify whether or not to enter a Partner code on the entry line, or if it is managed at all.

On journal entry, the partner field can be accessed if one of the ledgers set up in the journal entry transaction has consolidation management selected, and if the account defined at the line level has Partner management set to Optional or Mandatory.

On journal entry, the partner field is mandatory if one of the ledgers setup in the journal entry transaction has consolidation management selected, and if the account defined at line level has a Partner management set to Mandatory.

Partner initialization: The initialization rule only applies to accounts with Optional or Mandatory Partner management selected and only for the first ledger defined in the journal entry transaction with consolidation management selected.

For control accounts
The Business Partner defined at the journal entry line level setup is the default partner.

If no Business Partner is defined at the journal entry line level setup, the partner defaults to the CSLBPRDEF – Default partner (CPT chapter, CSL group) parameter value. If this parameter is defined, there is no default partner value.

For General accounts
If the Entry partner check box is selected for the general account defined at the journal entry line level setup, the partner for this general account line defaults to the partner defined in the first control line.

If the Entry partner check box is not selected for the general account defined at the journal entry line level setup, the partner defaults to the CSLBPRDEF – Default partner parameter value. If this parameter is not defined, there is no default partner value.

If no control account line has been found, the partner defaults to the CSLBPRDEF – Default partner parameter value. If this parameter is not defined, there is no default partner value.

Limit: If the journal entry is posted with several control account lines, the partner defaults from the first control account line. The partner is the same for all the general account lines where the Entry partner check box is selected.

Note: When the journal entry transaction has several ledgers with consolidation management, the partner initialized on the first ledger is propagated to the other consolidated ledgers. If for any reason no partner can been initialized on the first ledger but is mandatory on another ledger, a blocking message appears notifying you that partner management is mandatory.

  • Entry partner (field CSLBPRACE)

For control accounts, this check box is selected by default and cannot be modified.

For general accounts, this option is available if Partner management is set to Not entered.



Tab Analytical


This tab can only be accessed for an analytical account or accounts.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Budget tracking

  • Budget tracking (field BUDTRK)

Budget tracking can be used if and only if the account is attached to analytical ledger that can be budgeted. Checking this box gives the authorization for budgetary entry on this account.

The allocation key is used to define the allocation conditions of the annual budget, by assigning a weighing coeffcient to each month (refer to the Allocation documentation).
If the field is left empty, the same coefficient will be assigned to every month.

Nonfinancial unit

  • Nonfinancial unit entry (field FLGUOM)

The value posting, either analytical or budgetary, can be complemented by a quantity posting, on the basis of the non-financial unit associated with the analytical account. For this, the  Nonfinancial unit entry box must be checked.

The quantity entered for each accounting document is expresses in this unit
If applicable, the default value given to this unit will be used for the automatic calculation of quantities upon any entry of documents or BP invoice or in budget entry mode.
The default value must be inficated in common currency, the conversion in entry currency is managed automatically by Sage X3.

  • Default value (field VALUOM)

The standard value indicated here makes it possible to pre-initialize the quantity according to the amount.
It is expressed in the common currency.


Default values

The analytical distribution codes are used to automatically distribute the amount of an accounting posting line over several analytical lines according to weighting factors and this, via a single entry.

Grid Dimensions

This field is used to enter or select any analytical dimension type parametrized in the database.
By default, if the account is subject of a screen defined in the chart of account, the loaded dimension types' codes come from the associated chart of accounts' setup. This list can be modified. If a dimension type is declared on this list, it means that the account is tracked on this dimension type.
On the contrary, if a dimension type is not declared on this list, it means that the account won't allocate it.

It is possible to specify for each dimension type a default dimension that will be submitted on entering a posting or a document in this analytical account.



Tab Pyramids


The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Pyramids

Principally used for reports and inquiries, the pyramids are used to characterise the summary (roll-up) level and order of the information to be retrieved. This process is automatic and is updated retroactively.
Depending on the objectives of analysis and synthesis, it is possible to assign each general or analytical account to several pyramids. On the other hand, an account can only be attached once to a pyramid (to a group of accounts).
It can also be done within the specifications of the groups of accounts.

Pyramid Group in which the account is included.

  • Level (field LEV)

Definition level of the group of accounts.

  • Row (field PRNROW)

This is the printing order for groups of the same level.

  • Screen (field CRI)

A screen delivers a strict or open authorization.
If a code is indicated (for instance '60*'), the current account can be modified but a validity control will be processed for this screen (here, the account's name should start with 'FR').
If the zone is left empty ('*'), the program will automatically take into account the default account defined in the previous zone and authorize any other value.
The 'wildcards' that can be used are the following:

  • "*" to replace any character chain,
  • "?" to replace a single character.

SEEINFO If the screen is empty, the account is attached directly to the group but it can be 'removed' by deleting the line. On the contrary, if it is attached via a screen, the line cannot be deleted and the link cannot be broken.



Tab Addresses


For a Control account, entering addresses can be useful for sending check-letters.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Addresses

  • Address (field CODADR)

This code is used to identify the various addresses associated with the managed record (user, company, site, business partner of any description, etc.).
Each address code is unique to a given record.
In general, it is mandatory to enter an address for each record, and one of them must be declared as the default address using the corresponding box.

You cannot modify or delete an address code when it is used at the level of a Bank ID number or for a contact.
In this case, to be able to modify or delete an address code, you first need to remove it from the level of the Bank ID number or contact.


  • Code (field XCODADR)


  • field XBPADES



  • field XCRYNAM


  • field XADDLIG1


  • field XADDLIG2


  • field XADDLIG3


  • Postal code (field XPOSCOD)


  • City (field XCTY)


  • field ITINERAIRE

Click this icon to open a mapping site and locate the entered address.

  • Region (county, state, ..) (field XSAT)


  • Website (field XFCYWEB)


  • External identifier (field XEXTNUM)


  • Default address (field XBPAADDFLG)



  • field ATYPTEL


  • field XTEL1


  • field XTEL2


  • field XTEL3


  • field XTEL4


  • field XTEL5



  • field ATYPWEB


  • field XWEB1


  • field XWEB2


  • field XWEB3


  • field XWEB4


  • field XWEB5




Action icon

Enter local BID




Tab Bank ID


The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Bank details

This code is used to identify the country associated with the bank account.

The country table, containing this code, gathers information that is useful to perform controls, and namely:

  • the telephone number format,
  • the format of the number identifying a company or an activity (SIRET, NAF in France),
  • the postal code format,
  • the format of the Bank ID number code.
  • IBAN pref (field IBAN)

The IBAN is an internationally agreed standard of identifying bank accounts in a structured format.
IBAN can be used in national and/or international payment transactions (country-specific).
The IBAN code consists of: 

  • A 4-digit IBAN prefix composed of:
    - a country code (2 letters),
    - two check digits
    This prefix is displayed. It is calculated automatically upon the bank account information entered in the Bank ID field. the bank account information (country specific, up to 30 characters).
  • The bank account information (country-specific, up to 30 characters).

SEEINFO Not all countries support IBAN. The IBAN format applied to bank accounts is controlled by the IBAN management option, defined in the Countries setup.

  • Bank acct. number (field BIDNUM)

This number identifies the bank account of a given bank, for a given country.
The entry format of a Bank ID number is dependent on the country where the bank is domiciled.

For the entry of the Bank ID number to be correct, it is necessary to predefine the entry format in the Country table and to activate the option IBAN management for those countries supporting the IBAN format.

SEEINFO In case of an IBAN this field has to contain the bank account part only, beginning from the 5th character of the IBAN. The first 4 characters of the IBAN (country code and check digits) are calculated automatically and displayed in the field IBAN pref.

  • Default (field BIDNUMFLG)

This field indicates that the Bank ID number is used by default for payments (in the absence of a more precise rule).

  • Addr. (field BIDBPAADD)

This field specifies the address code of the bank ID number, controlled in the address codes of the managed entity (company, site, customer, supplier, etc.).

This address code is used to define the default bank ID number in payment contexts where an address is known.

This code is used to identify the currency associated with the bank account.
It is managed in the currency table.

It is recommended to use the ISO coding during the creation of a new currency.

  • ISR customer no. (field BVRNUM)


  • Paying bank (field PAB1)

This field, which is mandatory for payments, defines the paying bank related to the account number. The first line contains the name of the bank.

  • Beneficiary (field BNF)

This field identifies the bank account's beneficiary (physical or moral person).

  • Paying bank 2 (field PAB2)


  • Paying bank 3 (field PAB3)


  • Paying bank 4 (field PAB4)


  • BIC code (field BICCOD)

To perform the automatic processing of payment requests, the sender's bank needs the BIC code of the recipient's bank. This code is an ISO identifier managed by the international banking system, and namley the SWIFT system, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication.

The BIC code is the only standardized bank identifier at international level. All banks can have a BIC code, even if they do not belong to the SWIFT network.

The BIC code can be comprised of 8 to 11 characters. In both cases, the first 8 characters of the BIC code generally designate the bank's head office and are structured under the form BBBB PP AA, which correspond to the following information :

  • BBBB is the bank mnemonic identifier;
  • PP is the ISO country code;
  • AA stands for a service code often to serve a geographic purpose.
  • Intermediary bank (field MIDPAB1)

In some commercial exchanges, upon the request of Business Partners or payment issuing banks, an intermediary bank is sometimes used. For that purpose, the identifiers of this bank must be entered (BIC code, paying bank, country). This information remains optional (it does not need to be entered if no intermediary bank is mandatory).

  • Paying bank 1 (field MIDPAB2)


  • Paying bank 2 (field MIDPAB3)


  • Paying bank 3 (field MIDPAB4)


  • BIC code (field MIDBICCOD)





Action icon

Copy bank ID
Enter local BID





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  GLGRP : GL journal account details

  GLGRPDEV : General ledger/currency

  PLAN : Chart

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

An account is necessarily attached to a chart of accounts which will have been defined before creation of the account. Two accounts can have the same number, but then, they are attached to different charts of accounts.

The current function opens up with the elements of the chart of accounts last dsplayed.

To gain access to the elements of a different chart of accounts, click on the Chart button.
The Chart button opens a list of charts of accounts, and the elements relating to the selected chart of accounts are displayed in the left list.

The access can be restricted to only one chart of accounts for a specific user. The function General accounts has to be set up in Functional authorizations (GESAFP) for this user. The option Change plan should not be available (the code '1' should not be displayed in the Options field of the grid).

When the user opens the function, the first chart of accounts that contains data is grayed out.

To choose the chart of accounts that will be displayed by default for this user, the user must fill the Chart of accounts field in the Menu profile (GESAPN) and associate the desired chart of accounts.

Menu bar

Functions/Account Inquiry

Use this function to perform an Account query.

Functions/Analytic account inquiry

Use this function to perform an Analytical account query.

Functions/Copy chart of accounts

Use this function to copy the chart of accounts associated with the current account.

Copying can be useful during a preparatory phase or for two separate companies to take advantage of the same chart of accounts, except for a few accounts. In the latter case, it is more convenient to copy a chart of accounts and then make a few modifications.

You can copy

  • From the current folder to the current folder
  • From the current folder to another folder
  • From another folder to the current folder

Functions/Chart of accounts

Use this function to view the description of the chart of accounts for the current account.

DATEV / DATEV G/L account assignment

This takes you to the DATEV G/L account assignment function (GESDTA).


  • For specific accounts, the key change tool does not apply to the Accounting codes and Automatic journals functions.
  • The number of links that can be created on synchronizing a pyramid is limited to 10,000.
  • If the journal entry is posted with several control account lines, the partner defaults from the first control account line. The partner is the same for all general account lines where the Entry partner check box is selected.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Already-existing Key

The call code entered is already used for another account.

You do not have access to this code.

The entered access code does not exist in the table or the user creating the account does not have access to this code. The Selection function should be used to find out an existing or authorized code.

BP incompatible with the control account

The BP type (customer, supplier, miscellaneous) entered here must be consistent with the setup of the control account entered in the Recurring account field. You need to change the BP or the control account. This message also appears when no BP has been entered in this field. Entering a BP is required if a control account is used in the Recurring account field.

Incorrect option

The variance type Result can be selected only if the account is managed in one currency. The Currency field must be entered to choose this option.

This is not a financial site

The site entered is not a financial site. Use the Selection icon to find a financial site.

Too many distributions on this journal

It this message appears, it is necessary to modify the value of the VTP - Number of distributions per journal activity code and revalidate the VENTILE2 analytical distribution screen.

The default tax code must exist in the table of authorized codes

If the Control type field is set to Authorization, the Default tax code is required. If you change the Default tax code, the updated code is automatically added to the next open line in the grid.

The default tax code must not be included in the table of prohibited codes

If the Control type field is set to Restriction, you cannot add the Default tax code to the grid.

The controlled tax code must be related to the VAT tax type

You can only add VAT type tax codes to the Tax control grid.

At least one authorized tax code must be entered in the table of authorizations

If the Control type field is set to Authorization, you must enter at least one tax code to the Tax control grid.

At least one prohibited tax code must be entered in the table of prohibitions

If the Control type field is set to Restriction, you must enter at least one tax code to the Tax control grid.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation