Use this entry point to replace the standard 'Link' (between the location table and the location assignments) and therefore, modify it or add extra filters.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is an open log file if the user requested it from the launch screen.
This entry point is located in the TRT_REAPPRO sub-program of the CALREO processing.
It is called after the loading of filters to apply in order to determine the recordings to process and before the link between the assignment and location tables.
It is used to describe a new 'Link' (addition of the location type table for example) and modify the existing filters, even to add new ones.
It is required to set the local variable WNEW=1 in order to avoid the execution of the standard 'Link'.
The accessible parameters are:
- [L]WNEW Set to 1
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content matches the context (the current customer is loaded…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
STOLOCAFF | No | Location assignments |
STOLOC | No | Locations |
TABLOCTYP | No | Location types |
ITMMASTER | No | Products |
ITMFACILIT | No | Products sites |
STOALL | No | Allocations |
STOREO | No | Reorders |
BPDLVCUST | No | Ship-to customers |
TABFOR | No | Formulas |
WORKSTATIO | No | Work centers |
Use this entry point to determine whether a location is to replenish for the product.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is an open log file if the user requested it from the launch screen.
This entry point is located in the TRT_REAPPRO sub-program of the CALREO processing.
It is called at the beginning of the loop on the assignment table and is used to determine whether the location is to replenish for this product.
It is necessary to set WOK=0 if, following the control, the location does not need replenishing.
The accessible parameters are:
- [L]WOK Set to 0
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content matches the context (the current customer is loaded…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
STOLOCAFF | Yes | Location assignments |
STOLOC | Yes | Locations |
TABLOCTYP | No | Location types |
ITMMASTER | No | Products |
ITMFACILIT | No | Products sites |
STOALL | No | Allocations |
STOREO | No | Reorders |
BPDLVCUST | No | Ship-to customers |
TABFOR | No | Formulas |
WORKSTATIO | No | Work centers |
Use this entry point to replace the standard available stock calculation of a location by another calculation that needs to be written.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is an open log file if the user requested it from the launch screen.
This entry point is located in the TRT_REAPPRO sub-program of the CALREO processing.
It is called in the loop on assignement table following the control on the recording to replenish.
It is used to replace the standard available stock calculation ($CAL_STO) by another.
It is necessary to set WNEW=1 if another calculation has been described.
The accessible parameters are:
- [L]WNEW Set to 1
- [L]WSTOQTYSTU Put the quantity in stock
- [L]WSTOQTYALL Put the allocated quantity
- [L]WSTOQTYRUP Put the shortage quantity
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content matches the context (the current customer is loaded...).
Table | Significant content | Table title |
STOLOCAFF | Yes | Location assignments |
STOLOC | Yes | Locations |
TABLOCTYP | No | Location types |
ITMMASTER | No | Products |
ITMFACILIT | No | Products sites |
STOALL | No | Allocations |
STOREO | No | Reorders |
BPDLVCUST | No | Ship-to customers |
TABFOR | No | Formulas |
WORKSTATIO | No | Work centers |
Use this entry point to add a filter on the stock file when calculating the quantity to reorder.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
The entry point is located in the CAL_STO label of the CALREO processing, in the read loop of the STOCK[STO] file.
A CRITSTO variable of 250 characters is available to define an additional filter on the STOCK[STO] file.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content matches the context (the current customer is loaded...).
Table | Significant content | Table title |
STOCK | No | Stocks |
CRITSTO | No | Alphanumeric variable of 250 characters |
Use this entry point to modify the calculation of the rounding of the quantity to replenish.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
It is called upon loading the STOREO/REO buffer before writing it.
It is used to replace the standard calculation of the rounding of the quantity to replenish.
It is necessary to set GPE = 1 if another calculation has been described.
The STOREO/REO file headings
In standard processing, the calculation is perfomed as follows:
The QTEARR component carrying out the rounding according to the number of decimals in STU.
Table Significant content Table title STOLOCAFF Yes Location assignments STOLOC Yes Locations ITMMASTER Yes Product CRITSTO No Alphanumeric variable of 250 characters
Open tables
Use this entry point to modify the content of the [F :REO] buffer.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
The entry point is located in the TRT_REA label of the CALREO processing, before the Write [REO] instruction.
Table / heading Significant content Table title WNBRLOTECA Yes EOQ number WQTYECOUS Yes Economic qty in STK WMANQUANT Yes Qty missing in STK WSTOQTYSTU Yes Stock in STK STOLOCAFF Yes Location assignments STOLOC Yes Locations ITMFACILIT Yes Product site ITMMASTER Yes Product
Open tables