Entry point BEFQTESUG |
LOA_EQUIV: Specific equivalences selection |
CUSLOASAD: Screen loading |
FILTRE: Addition of classification criteria. |
FILTER_ORD: WIP filter when displaying available stock on ordered quantity |
CALSTOSPR: Available stock calculation |
LNK_SKW: Managing a link between the received lot and the consumed lot |
CONSULT_SLO: Traceability of all the sub-lots of a lot |
FILTRE: Addition of classification criteria. |
INITSCS: Initialization of the [M:XASC] screen |
SYNREWSTC: Used to modify the characteristics of the location |
AMTRND: During a change of site |
STKABCITM: After reading the ITMFACILIT file |
MAJABCITF: Before rewriting the ITMFACILIT file |
STKABCHISTO: Before reading the ITMMASTER files |
CRITSUPPL: Inserting additional filters |
LNKSTKACC: Inserting additional tables |
FILACC: Filter on the records to be processed |
FILACCNUL: Posting of records with a null value |
CTRBEFTRT Used before the read of the stock and its processing |
CTRBEFTRT: Used before the read of the stock and its processing |
BEFREWITV: Before rewriting product-site total |
MOD_RNDVAL : to modify the rounding accuracy |
REASTJ: After reading the stock movement |
BEFWRISTV: Before writing the work entry |
REAART: Before the processing of a product |
CHK_SO: specific tests on a customer order |
CHK_TP: specific tests on an inter-site request |
DOC_SOW: Transfer of the data from a document line using the storage screen |
LOAD_STOCK: Can skip loading stock into the [STCW] screen |
CTL_STOENT: Controls that the lines of a document can be recorded |
STJTOENT: Used to enter the STOENT mask (input detail) |
MAJEMPSTR: Before update of the stock changes for a document line |
MAJEMPEND: After the update of the stock changes for a document line |
MAJINVSTR: Before updating the stock count of a product |
MAJINVEND : After updating the stock count of a product |
MAJSORSTR: Before the update of the stock issues for a document line |
MAJSOREND: After the update of the stock issues for a document line |
SOR_STOSTJ : Before updating the issue transaction |
DEFPRI: Obtaining a price different from the one of the valuation method |
DEFPRIMKI: Defining the actual price for a production reporting |
TRSTYPACC: Indicating if a movement type is valued and can thus be posted |
CHGPRIORD: Accessing the order price coming from a source movement |
MAJ_ITH: Updating the Products-sites totals history |
MAJPMP: Calculating the average cost |
BEFWRIITW: Before entry in the product-warehouse table |
AFTLIGSEL: "After line" action, product selection grid |
PEMODSLO: Inhibiting the copy message of the lot complement on sub-lots |
MOD_ENTL Modifying the content of the STOENTLOT mask |
CALREPART: distribution calculation type according to trend profile |
CHG_ALLTYP: to choose the allocation method on the pick ticket |
BEFWRIPRH: Before writing the pick ticket header |
BEFWRIPRE: Before writing the pick ticket details |
INTEGRE_SOS: Processing before import |
MOD_FILLOC: Possibility to modify a location to a customer location |
CRITSTO4: Possibility to modify the status filter on the STOCK table |
MOD_FILLOC2: Possibility to modify a location from a BP location |
TRF_OWNER: Possibility to transfer stock without being the owner |
STW_SLM1: After loading the STOWORK mask |
SLM1_STO: After loading the SLM1 mask |
BEFFILSPR: Before loading the table |
ALISCRSLP: After loading a table line |
MAJ_LBP: Loading of table LABELPRN |
SORTASLP: Modifying the sort upon printing |
CTL_LOT: Modification control of the lot characteristics |
APRESNBLIG : detail screen opening |
PEWRIQLA1: Before writing the QLYCRDASW file (Quality records - answers) |
PEREWQLA1: Before rewriting the QLYCRDASW file (Quality - Answers records) |
MAJ_STQ1: Update of the data in the quality control screen |
BEFWRISTC: Before writing the Location |
DETSTJ: Used to define the value of the average cost. |
DETSTJTRS: Used to define the value of the average cost when changing the site |
BOMDETBY: generation of the component grid |
BOMPHABY: enables a management of the phantom components different from the stan |
ALIM_SHTS: Used to modify the content of the STKSHTSEL screen |
LECTAB_SHTS : Used to force the loading of the STKSHTSEL screen |
AFFSHTS: Prevents the selection screen from being refreshed |
INI_SSC: Before automatic adjustment following a receipt to stock |
INI_SSC: Used to filter suspended transactions and shortages |
CUD_SNL: Before stock count detail write |
FUNSSLCRI: Before loading the table |
FUNSSLTRI: Used to intervene in the sorting of the table |
NO_REAJUST: Re-adjustment of the STK quantity to the complete sales unit |
PIC_STOCK: Picked stock control |
SGW_SCD: Transfer of stock change data from the storage screen to the entry scre |
STJ_SCD: Data transfer from the STOJOU stock chge records to the entry screen |
UPD_COPYLINE: modification of the stock detail characteristics when copying a li |
CTL_DOC: Document line controls |
MAJ_SQD: Update of the data in the screen of a quality control line |
SGW_SQD: Transfer of data from the stock change storage screen to the quality de |
STJ_SQD: Transfer of the data in the stock journal file to the quality details e |
CTRQTYREFS: Used to deactivate the control on the rejected quantity. |
MAJ_SMP1 : Used to populate the STOSMP1 mask |
SGW_SMP: Transferring fields from STOCHGW screen to STOSMP screen |
STJ_SMP1: Transferring fields from STOJOU table to STOSMP1 screen |
SGW_SMP1: Transferring fields from STOCHGW screen to STOSMP1 screen |
STJ_SOM: Transfer of the stock movement data to the entry screen |
SORT_PREP: Used to sort the table containing the lines to pick. |
DOC_SOW: Transfer of the data from a document line using the storage screen |
ALL_LOTQTY Before prompting for quantity |