Entry points >  Module Stock >  Standard script CFGLIBD  

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LOA_EQUIV: Specific equivalences selection

This entry point is used to modify the list of equivalent configurations found by the standard processing and to correct the list obtained.

Context and operating mode

Equivalence at the "Configuration history" level: this entry point is triggered only when the "History" box is selected on the scenario ([F:CSC]HISFLG = 2).The W_ITM(50)(3) grid contains the retained configurations completed with the product code in case of creation.

The I_ITM indicator contains the retained number of configurations.

Example of loading of the grid:

    If I_ITM < dim(W_ITM)
      If [F:CHH]ITMCRE = 2
        W_ITM(I_ITM) += "("+[F:CHH]ITMREF+")"
      I_ITM += 1 

Called at the end of the standard processing in the sub-program: RECH_EQUIV(LSCE)
