Entry points >  Module Stock >  Standard script FUNPKD  

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PACKDETMAJ: Update of the specific files after the update of a packaging line

This entry point is called in the packaging management in order to update specific tables.

It is called in the FUNPKP processing for the packaging management.

It is called during the creation of a packaging, upon entry of each package line. It is used to take over before each package line entry.

Context and operating mode


There is a transaction in progress (entry or cancellation transaction of the packaging). The GOK variable is used and tested. It is initialized to 1. It can be set to 0 if the transaction is to be terminated.

Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases

This entry point is called from each processing used to generate/cancel packages:

.         Packaging button from the delivery or preparation management

.         Packaging function from the stock menu

It is called at two levels:

.         During the creation of parcel detail line:

In the generation loop of the parcel detail. nolign-1. The [F:SPD] buffer is loaded.  This is just before the write of the [F:SPD] recordings.

The package header is not yet created. It will not be until after the creation of all the details.

It should be noted that the [F :SDH] delivery header buffer or [F:PRH] preparation header is on line. .         During the cancellation of a packaging. This cancellation is carried out at two levels:

.           When the cancellation button is used.

The delete instruction has just been carried out on the SPACK ([F :SPH]) and SPACKD ([F :SPD]) files for the delivery being processed. Therefore the complete deletion of the packaging has been carried out.

.          When using the Save button, just before the generation of the packaging.

The delete instruction has just been carried out on the SPACK ([F :SPH]) and SPACKD ([F :SPD]) files for the delivery or preparation being processed. Therefore the complete deletion of the packaging, if it already exists, has been carried out.

Located just before the parcel detail generation loop. To differentiate the two call levels (packaging cancellation, saving a package line), it is necessary to use the WPOINT_CODTRT variable. It is set to "C" for creation and to "A" for cancellation. 

The GVCRTYP global variable is used to know whether this is a delivery or preparation packaging.

                GVCRTYP = 3: Preparation

                GVCRTYP = 4: Delivery  

NUM_PAC: Entry point on packaging no.

This entry point is called in the packaging management (declared or after packing) in order to take over on the package sequence number. (PACNUM heading)

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress (save transaction). Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases

This entry point is called from each processing used to generate a package:

.         Packaging button from the delivery or preparation management

.         Packaging function from the stock menu

Setting the GPE global variable to 1 is used to avoid the assignment of the standard sequence number.

The GVCRTYP global variable is used to know whether this is a delivery or preparation packaging.

                GVCRTYP = 3: Preparation

                GVCRTYP = 4: Delivery  

 The GACTION global variable is used to know whether this is declared packing or after packing.

               GACTION  = TRTPKD or SAIPKD: Declared packing 

                GACTION  = TRTPKP or SAIPKP: After packing

 In the case of declared packing, the following screens are available and loaded: PKD0 and PKD1

 In the case of after packing, the following screen is available and loaded: PKP0

 The sequence number must be stored in the LNUM variable. 

CRITPACFLG: Packaging EP definition of packaging situation

This entry point is called in the packaging management (declared or after packing) in order to take over the packaging situation definition. (PACFLG heading of the preparation or delivery)

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress (save transaction). Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases

This entry point is called from each processing used to generate a package:

.         Packaging button from the delivery or preparation management

.         Packaging function from the stock menu

It is located in the COLISAGE_ORIGINE component of the FUNPKD processing with
the fowllowing buffers in line:  SDELIVERYD/SDD if delivery packing and STOPRED/PRE if preparation picking.
The LTYP variable is used to know the origin of the document    LTYP = 4: Delivery LTYP = 3: Preparation 
The EP is used to add a filter via the alphanumerical heading of 250 characters: CRITPACFLG made available.

A second heading is made available: CRITSPHFLG to filter the SPACK/SPH table for the update of weight and volume information

AF_TABTOPKD1: packaging PKD1 mask loading

This entry point is called in the (declared) packing management in order to take over the content of the PKD1 mask after its loading.

Context and operating mode


There is no transaction in progress.

 Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases

This entry point is called after each line picking of a document, it is used to modify the content of the PKD1 mask.

It is located in the CHARGE_LIGNE component of the FUNPKD processing.

            After loading the PKD1 mask with: If the packed product is in detail mode: the STOJOU or STOALL recordings of the document lines, or directly via the SDELIVERYD or STOPRED recordings.

           Before the loop on the PKD1 mask which is used to delete the lines with a null quantity to pack.      

Buffers in line:  SDELIVERYD/SDD if delivery packing and STOPRED/PRE if preparation picking.
The GVCRTYP global variable is used to know the origin of the document    GVCRTYP = 4: Delivery GVCRTYP  = 3: Preparation 

BEFWRISPH: Update of the specific files after the update of a packaging line

This entry point is called in the declared packing management before the write to the SPACK table (delivery package).

It is called in the FUNPKD processing for the declared packing.

It is called during the recording of a packaging, when creating package header recording (SPACK table).

Context and operating mode


There is a transaction in progress (entry or cancellation transaction of the packaging). The GOK variable is used and tested. It is initialized to 1. It can be set to 0 if the transaction is to be terminated.

Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases

This entry point is called from each processing used to generate/cancel packages:

.         Packaging button from the delivery or preparation management

.         Declared packing function from the stock menu

It is located in the processing for package headers and lines creation. 

 All the packing detail lines are created.

It should be noted that the [F :SDH] delivery header buffer or [F:PRH] preparation header is on line. .   

The GVCRTYP global variable is used to know whether this is a delivery or preparation packaging.

                GVCRTYP = 3: Preparation

                GVCRTYP = 4: Delivery  

CRITSTJSPE: Filter on the STOJOU recordings of a delivery

This entry point is called in the declared packing management in the read loop of STOJOU recordings.

It is called upon picking of a delivery line.

Context and operating mode


There is no transaction in progress. Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases

This entry point is called for each picking of a validated delivery line.

It is used to add selection criteria on the STOJOU table.

Available variables and masks

To add selection criteria, it is necessary to load the required filters in the CRITSTJ field.

They must be entered as follows:

CRITSTJ = "[F:STJ]xxx = Ident"

Note that the [F :SDH] delivery header, [F :SDD] delivery detail and [F:ITM] product buffers are on line.    

CRITSTASPE: Filter on the STOJOU recordings of a delivery

This entry point is called in the declared packing management in the read loop of STOALL recordings.

It is called upon picking of a delivery or preparation line.

Context and operating mode


There is no transaction in progress. Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases

This entry point is called for each picking of a non posted shipment line or preparation line.

It is used to add selection criteria on the STOALL table

Available variables and masks

To add selection criteria, it is necessary to load the required filters in the CRITSTA field.

They must be entered as follows:

CRITSTA = "[F:STA]xxx = Ident"

The GVCRTYP global variable is used to know whether this is a delivery or preparation packaging.

GVCRTYP = 3: Preparation

GVCRTYP = 4: Delivery

The [F :SDH] delivery header, [F :SDD] delivery detail and [F:ITM] product buffers are on line for a delivery line.

The [F :PRH] preparation header, [F :PRE] preparation detail and [F:ITM] product buffers are on line for a preparation line.  

TOT_GROWEI: Package weight modification

This entry point is called in the declared packing management, after the standard calculation of the package weight.

Context and operating mode


There is no transaction in progress. Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases

This entry point is called for each standard recalculation of the package weight. 

Available variables and masks

PKD1 mask

PCKCAP: Modification of a packing capacity

This entry point is called in the declared packing management, after the picking of a delivery or preparation line.

Context and operating mode


There is no transaction in progress. Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases

This entry point is called for each picking of a delivery or preparation line.

It is used to calculate the packing capacity (Heading: [M:PKD1]PCKCAP)

 In standard, this corresponds to the capacity of the first line of the document to pack.

 The EP is located before the standard processing. In order not to take into account the standard processing, the GPE variable must be set to 1.

 The packaging can be carried out on a delivery or a preparation. The same EP is called when the GVCRTYP variable must be tested.

 If GVCRTYP = 4, a delivery is packed.
                             [F:SDD]PCKCAP   delivery line packing capacity                  
                             [F:SDD]PCK   delivery line package
 If GVCRTYP = 3, a preparation is packed.
                             [F:PRE]PCKCAP   preparation line packing capacity                  
                             [F:PRE]PCK   preparation line package