Use this entry point to take over in subcontract order management when generating the component list. It is used to replace the standard algorithm in order to load the data from a specific source.
There is one transaction in progress.
To cancel the transaction if a problem occurs, the GOK variable must be set to 0.
There is no open log file.
The [F:SCO] buffer is loaded when calling the entry point.
The [F:SCI] buffer is loaded when calling the entry point.
The [M :SCOK] screen class, linked to the automatic creation of EO, is loaded.
The components are integrated in table [F:SCM]
At the time of the call, the following parameters are available:
Char LFCY Site
Char LITM Released product
Integer LALT BOM alternative
Date LDAT EO start date
Decimal LQTY Released quantity
Char LLOT Released Lot
Integer LOFS Implementation lead time (propagation via the phantom)
Integer LRET Return code
If this entry point takes over the list generation, the value 9 must IMPERATIVELY be returned in the LRET return code, in order to short-circuit the standard processing.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
SCOHEAD | Yes | WO header |
SCOITM | Yes | Released products |
SCOSRV | No | Operations |
SCOMAT | No | Materials |
ORDERS | No | WIPs |
BOM | No | BOMs |
BOMD | No | BOM lines |
FACILITY | No | Site |
Use this entry point to take over:
There is one transaction in progress.
To cancel the transaction if a problem occurs, the GOK variable must be set to 0.
In EO header creation: there is an open log file.
In EO header modification: there is no open log file.
This entry point being common to the creation and modification of the WO header, the specific processing is unique and the context can be determined via testing the CODMAJ variable:
[M:SCOK]CODMAJ= "C" EO header creation
[M:SCOK]CODMAJ= "M" EO header modification
The [F:SCO] buffer is loaded when calling the entry point.
The [M :SCOK] screen class, linked to the automatic creation/modification of WO, is loaded.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
In EO header creation:
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
SCOHEAD | Yes | WO header |
SCOITM | Yes | Released products |
SCOSRV | No | Department |
SCOMAT | No | Materials |
ORDERS | No | WIPs |
BOM | No | BOMs |
BOMD | No | BOM lines |
FACILITY | No | Site |
In EO header modification:
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
SCOHEAD | Yes | WO header |
SCOITM | Yes | Released products |
SCOSRV | Yes | Department |
SCOMAT | Yes | Materials |
ITMMVT | Yes | Product-site totals |
Use this entry point to take over in subcontract order management when generating the component list. It is used to replace the standard algorithm selecting the components according to the EO start date compared with the validity date of the components.
The conditions change with the function: this EP is triggered from MRP, from automatic generation of EO (planning workbench) or from the subcontract order creation screen.
UseThe GPE variable is set to zero in standard. Changing its value is used to replace the value of the variable used (WBOMDATCTL) for which the value 2 corresponds to the standard processing, namely the selection of components according to the calculated start date.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
SCOHEAD | Yes | WO header |
SCOITM | Yes | Released products |
SCOSRV | No | Operations |
SCOMAT | No | Materials |
ORDERS | No | WIPs |
BOM | No | BOMs |
BOMD | No | BOM lines |
FACILITY | No | Site |