POQFILTRE: Additional filters on purchase order for closure |
PIHFILTRE: Additional filter on the purchase orders for confirmation |
MAJITP: Loading or modification of the product-supplier fields before the write |
MAJPPL: Loading or modification of the price list line fields before posting |
CUSSELFLT: Inserting additional filters. |
CUSSELFLT: Inserting additional filters |
CHECKPEO: Order selection |
CUSSELFLT: Inserting additional filters. |
MAJDELTA: Used to intervene in the commitment amounts to be updated |
SCOALL: Inserting additional filters |
BOMDET: Generation of the component list |
SCOLIBMAJ: Update of the specific fields in the SCOHEAD EO header file |
BOMDATCTL: Validity date of the selected components |
BPRSACFAC: Supplier control account |
GETVATDAT: date for tax rate |
PECINVDTA : Order invoicing elements taken into account upon invoice |
PIHOVEINV: Allocation with over-invoicing on receipt |
CUSADDCRIT: Adding filter criteria on lines |
CUSCTLSOH: Enabling modification of a signed intersite purchase order |
CUSUPDSOH: Specific update of an Intersite sales order |
PURQTYRND: Rounding type for the purchase quantity |
COPLINPOH : Additional loading when duplicating an order line |
TRTZONSPE: Buyer plan specific field processing |
PECFILTSUP: Additional filter in requirement selection |
PECBESOINS: Modification of the quantities to be considered |
PECFILTSUP: Additional filter in requirement selection |
PECBESOINS: Modification of the quantities to be considered |
FLTPECFAC: Additional filter on the invoice lines to be taken into account |
ALIPECFAC: Loading of the fields for the line to be taken into account |
PURTRS: Intervening in the specific field management |
PURTRSWIN: Intervention on the generated invoices |
PURTRSAWB: Intervention on the browsers of the generated windows |
UPDMATFCY: Component site update |
VALMAXSIGN: Amount for choice of signatures |
SIGNATAIRE: Modification of the delegates and substitutes |
ALIMSKPOH: Populating specific fields for purchase order generation |
CTLITMFCY: Preloading receipt site upon order entry |
CUSSPELOA: Modifying work variables |
ALIMSKPIH: Loading specific fields for purchase invoice generation |
ALISIHICO: Loading specific fields for purchase invoice generation |
PECBESOINS: Modification of the quantities to be taken into account |
ORDLEC: Modification of the quantities after the read of the WIP |
MAJDL: Loading the specific/custom fields before entry |
ALIUOMPOH : Modification of the order unit upon generation of the orders |
TRTZONSPE: Processing the specific/custom fields during the generation of the or |
PURCALQTY: Modification of the setups involved in quantity conversion (PCAL_QTY) |
REVALSTO: Price adjustment after completion or reopening of the receipt |
CUSMAJCMM: Deactivate the update of commitments when closing a receipt line. |
MAJPNHEND: Execution of a process after the validation of a return |
MAJVALRET: Additional updates upon confirmation of a return line |
PPDFILTRE: Filter on the selection of RFQ responses from the orders |
CHXPQHQTY: Choice of the quote quantity to take into account |
CUSITMFLT: Filter when selecting a product |
LTIPRICE: Calculation of the planned reception date with the price list deadline |
TARIFACH: Intervention on the values found during the price list search |