Use this entry point to intervene on some of the parameters of the algorithm determining automatically the stock to allocate or to issue.
There is no transaction in progress.
No trace file is open.
This entry point is located in the STOCKALG sub-program of the STKALL processing.
The accessible parameters are:
- [M :ALP]LOC Location to be processed as a priority
- [M :ALP]PECSCOLOC: Authorizing subcontract locations (1=no / 2=yes)
Default value = 1
- [M :ALP]PECPLFLOC: Authorizing the locations awaiting put-away (1=no / 2=yes)
Default value = 2
- [M :ALP]PECCUNLOK: Authorizing the locations in stock count (1=no / 2=yes)
Default value = 2 (if order or WO), 1 for other documents
- [M :ALP]PECQLYCTL: Authorizing the stocks being the object of an analysis request (1=no / 2=yes)
Default value = 2 (if order or WO), 1 for other documents
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
ITMMASTER | Yes | Products |
ITMMVT | Yes | Product movements |
ITMFACILIT | Yes | Products sites |
ITMCATEG | Yes | Product categories |
STOLOT [STL1] | No | Lots |
STOCK [STO1] | No | Stock |
STOALL [STA1] | No | Allocations |
TABALLRUL | Yes if WTRUCOD<>’’ | Allocations/issues rules |
TABSTORUL | Yes | Management rules |
This entry point concerns the filtering of the stock in the algorithm of automatic determination of stock to allocate or to issue.
It is used to insert additional logic after the loading of the filters in the LOT and STOCK tables in order to complete them.
There is no transaction in progress.
No trace file is open.
This entry point is located in the STOCKALG sub-program of the STKALL processing.
To add additional filters on stock lines to be processed, the screen field [M :ALP]FILSTO (length= 100) must be loaded by defining criteria on the [F:STO1] table.
Example: only consider the stock lines where the identifier 1 is equal to the content of the WIDENT variable.
To add additional filters on the lots to be processed, the loading of the WCRITLOT variable must be completed (length still available = 60) by defining criteria on the [F :STL1] table.
Example: only consider the lots where the user 1 field is equal to " BANC1".
to WCRITLOT += ‘&[F :STL1]USRFLD1 = “BANC1”’
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
ITMMASTER | Yes | Products |
ITMMVT | Yes | Product movements |
ITMFACILIT | Yes | Products sites |
ITMCATEG | Yes | Product categories |
STOLOT [STL1] | No | Lots |
STOCK [STO1] | No | Stock |
STOALL [STA1] | No | Allocations |
TABALLRUL | Yes if WTRUCOD<>’’ | Allocations/issues rules |
TABSTORUL | Yes | Management rules |
Use this entry point to take into account stock lines selected and sorted by the algorithm of automatic determination of stock to allocate or to issue.
It is used to take over in order to reject a stock line normally selected by the algorithm.
There is no transaction in progress.
No trace file is open.
This entry point is located in the STOCKALG sub-program of the STKALL processing.
It is called during the automatic determination of stock to be processed in order to carry out an allocation, an issue, an allocation or issue suggestion.
It is used to reject a stock line that do not match the conditions that have been defined when setting the GOK variable to 0.
The significant variables are the following:
- The section 1 of the ALLPAR [ALP] mask contains the execution characteristics of the algorithm: movement and document types, site, product, allocation and management rules, quantity to be processed, etc.
- [M :ALP]TYPQTY indicates which quantity type is being used: 1 = quantities in physical units 2 = quantities in active units (standard case)
- The grid section 4 of the ALLPAR [ALP] mask contains the stock lines selected and sorted by the algorithm. The current line is indexed with J.
- Warning: the following fields on the line are not significant: [M :ALP]WQTYSTU(J), [M :ALP]WQTYSTUACT(J), [M :ALP]WFLG(J), [M :ALP]WCOND(J)
Warning: the content of the ALLPAR screen field must be modified in no case. The only action to be carried out is to set GOK=0 to reject a stock line.
Additional note: with GPE=1, it also allows to prevent the execution of the quantity processing standard code. In that case it is necessary to perform this operation in the entry point.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
ITMMASTER | Yes | Products |
ITMMVT | Yes | Product movements |
ITMFACILIT | Yes | Products sites |
ITMCATEG | Yes | Product categories |
STOLOT [STL1] | No | Lots |
STOCK [STO1] | No | Stock |
STOALL [STA1] | No | Allocations |
TABALLRUL | Yes if WTRUCOD<>’’ | Allocations/issues rules |
TABSTORUL | Yes | Management rules |
Use this entry point to modify the order in which the stock lines are processed during the automatic determination of stock to allocate or to issue.
This modification only concerns the stock lines of the lot currently being processed, the order of the lots being defined by the allocation/issue rule.
There is no transaction in progress.
No trace file is open.
This entry point is located in the STOCKALG sub-program of the STKALL processing.
It is called as follows during the automatic determination of stock to be processed in order to carry out an allocation, an issue, an allocation or issue suggestion.
If GPE<>0 Return Endif
It is necessary to entirely re-write the stock line loading loop in the [M :ALP] grid (as done in the $LEC_STOCK label in the STKALL processing) and to strictly comply with the following instructions:
The re-written processing must follow this structure:
Filter [STO1] Where ...
& & evalute(WCRITSTO1) & evalute(WCRITSTO2) & evalute(WCRITSTO3)
& & evalute([M:ALP]FILSTO)
& Order By …
For [STO1] …
# Loading of the stock line
Elsif WRET=2
Filter [STO1]
The elements that can be modified are:
- In the ‘Filter’: the concerned table that can be either [F :STO1] or the result of a link between [F :STO1] and another table ([F :STC] for example)
The selection (‘Where’) Warning: the evaluations of WCRITSTO1,WCRITSTO2,WCRITSTO3 and FLISTO must be saved.
The order (’Order by’)
- In the ‘For’: the concerned table that can be either [F :STO1] or the result of a link between [F :STO1] and another table ([F :STC] for example)
Warning: the content of the ‘For’ loop must absolutely be saved.
Warning: It is necessary to bypass the standard processing by setting the GPE variable to 1.
The standard processing is the following:
# If product managed with R/I serial number, FIFO or LIFO classification of serial numbers
When 1,3 : # By serial number
& &
& & evalute(WCRITSTO1) & evalute(WCRITSTO2) & evalute(WCRITSTO3)
& & evalute([M:ALP]FILSTO)
& Order By SERNUM
When 4 : # LIFO
& &
& & evalute(WCRITSTO1) & evalute(WCRITSTO2) & evalute(WCRITSTO3)
& & evalute([M:ALP]FILSTO)
& Order By RCPDAT Desc;SERNUMDesc
When Default: # FIFO
& &
& & evalute(WCRITSTO1) & evalute(WCRITSTO2) & evalute(WCRITSTO3)
& & evalute([M:ALP]FILSTO)
For [STO1] Hint Key STO3
# Loading of the stock line
Elsif WRET=2
Filter [STO1]
When 4 : # LIFO
& &
& & evalute(WCRITSTO1) & evalute(WCRITSTO2) & evalute(WCRITSTO3)
& & evalute([M:ALP]FILSTO)
& Order By LOC Desc; STOCOU Desc
When Default: # FIFO
& &
& & evalute(WCRITSTO1) & evalute(WCRITSTO2) & evalute(WCRITSTO3)
& & evalute([M:ALP]FILSTO)
& Order By LOC; STOCOU
For [STO1] Hint Key STO3
# Loading of the stock line
Elsif WRET=2
Filter [STO1]
Warning: It is necessary to bypass the standard processing by setting the GPE variable to 1.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
ITMMASTER | Yes | Products |
ITMMVT | Yes | Product movements |
ITMFACILIT | Yes | Products sites |
ITMCATEG | Yes | Product categories |
STOLOT [STL1] | No | Lots |
STOCK [STO1] | No | Stock |
STOALL [STA1] | No | Allocations |
TABALLRUL | Yes if WTRUCOD<>’’ | Allocations/issues rules |
TABSTORUL | Yes | Management rules |
Use this entry point to prohibit the deletion of an allocation in the deletion component of document line allocations.
It is used to take over in the read loop of the allocations to delete in order to decide whether the read allocation must be canceled or not.
There is one transaction in progress.
No trace file is open.
This entry point is located in the DELALL sub-program of the STKALL processing.
To prohibit the deletion of the allocation, you must set the GOK global variable to 0.
The allocation record is located in [F :STA1].
The stock record corresponding to the allocation is not on line.
GFONCTION contains the function being executed: FUNDESALL = automatic deallocation of orders
FUNMDESA = automatic WO deallocation
For example:
Deleting only allocations with the ‘R’ status in the automatic order deallocation
If GFONCTION = ‘FUNDESALL’ : # Automatic order deallocation
If [F:STA1]ALLTYP=2 : # Detailed allocation
If clalev ([F:STO]) = 0: Local File STOCK [STO]: Endif
If !fstat & left$([F:STO]STA,1)<>’R’ : # Read OK and status different from ‘R’
GOK=0 : # The allocation is not to be deleted
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
STOALL [STA1] | Yes | Allocations |
This entry point concerns the automatic deallocation of orders.
It is used to insert additional logic in the deallocation of an order line, when deleting allocations in order to add elements to the log file.
This entry point is located in the STKALL processing.
There is a transaction in progress (allocation update transaction, with update of the order line, deletion of allocations, the corresponding credit and the order header).
The GOK variable is used and tested. It equals 1. It can be set to 0 if the transaction is to be abandoned.
There is an open log file.
It gives for each processed order line, the deallocated quantity (allocated quantity and/or shortage quantity). The purpose of this entry point is to add lines to this log file.
This entry point is called in the STKALL processing in the SUPALL sub-program for allocation deletion. This sub-program is itself called by the DELALL sub-program that carries out the deletion of all allocations for a document line.
It is located in the deletion transaction of the allocation on an order line in the automatic deallocation of orders function.
. A lock has been set on the order header.
. The [F:SOQ] order detail line has been read.
. The DELALL sub-program is called. It is located in the read loop of all the allocation lines. For each allocation line to delete
. The allocation line has been read. The [F:STA] buffer is loaded.
. The corresponding stock line has been read and updated (Decrease of the total allocated quantity). The [F:STO] buffer is loaded.
[F :STO]LOT : Contains the lot number
[F:STO]LOC : Contains the location
The lot expiry date can be easily found by reading the Lot number in the corresponding file STOLOT. This read requires the file to be open.
. Carried out just before the deletion of the allocation line.
. Carried out just before the update of the order line detail.
The entry point is called only if a log file is open (GTRACE is not equal to blank). Adding a new line to this log file is carried out using the following instruction:
Call ECR_TRACE("Description of the message to be added", 0 or 1) From GESECRAN.
(If 1, the line will appear in red).
NB: Knowing that this entry point is located in the SUPALL sub-program, it can be used by all functions that carry out deletions using this means. GFUNCTION can be used to identify the original function.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded…).
This grid is valid for the function of automatic deallocation of orders.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
SORDER | Yes | Order headers |
SORDERQ | Yes | Order line quantities |
SORDERP | Yes | Order line prices |
SORDERC | Yes | Product / customer orders (open orders) |
ITMMASTER | Yes | Products |
ITMMVT | No | Product movements |
ITMFACILIT | Yes | Products sites |
FACILITY | No | Sites |
STOALL | Yes | Allocations |
STOCK | Yes | Stock |
Use this entry point to use the stock data of a detailed allocation upon allocation update.
There is one transaction in progress.
No trace file is open.
This entry point is located in the $TRT_STO label of the STKALL processing that is used in the CREALL, MODALL and SUPALL sub-programs of the STKALL processing.
It is called upon each creation, modification or deletion of a detailed allocation before it is updated.
[F :STA]VCRTYP contains the document type which the allocation originates from.
[L]WQTA contains the quantity to be allocated/deallocated
this quantity is positive in the case of a creation or an increase
it is negative in the case of a deletion or a decrease
The stock information associated with this allocation (serial no., lot, sub-lot, location, …) is located in the [F :STO] file class.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
STOCK [STO] | Yes | Stock |
STOALL [STA] | No | Allocations |
Use this entry point to cancel the execution of the resynchronization processing for the quantities being processed upon calling the processing determining the stock to be issued.
There can be one transaction in progress. It is necessary to test the value of the "adxlog" supervisor variable in order to know the context:
adxlog = 0 : There is no transaction in progress.
adxlog = 1 : There is one transaction in progress.
Log file
No trace file is open.
This entry point is located in the STOCKALG sub-program of the STKALL processing (determination of the stock to be issued).
It is used not to execute the resynchronization of quantities being processed in an automatic manner (performance issue in the case of large volume, for example upon creation of sales deliveries).
It will be necessary to launch the resynchronization via the FUNSTOWIPW function in batch or in direct mode.
To inhib this automatic launch, set the local variable [L]WSTOWIPW = 0 in the STOWIPW entry point of the STKALL processing.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
Use this entry point to authorize the automatic reorder of reorder requirements from locations that can be replenish.
There is no transaction in progress.
No trace file is open.
This entry point is located in the $TRAITE_STOCK label called in the STOCKALG sub-program of the STKALL processing (determination of the stock to be issued).
When using this automatic determination of the stock to be processed as part of the reorder plan, the locations that can be replenish are not taken into account.
To do so, you must set the variable GPE=1
Use this entry point to take into account stock lines selected and sorted by the algorithm of automatic determination of stock to allocate or to issue.
It is used to sort again the stock lines selected and sorted by the algorithm.
There is no transaction in progress.
No trace file is open.
This entry point is located in the STOCKALG sub-program of the STKALL processing.
It is called during the automatic determination of stock to be processed in order to carry out an allocation, an issue, an allocation or issue suggestion.
It is used to sort again the stock lines selected and sorted by the algorithm.
The significant variables are the following:
- The section 1 of the ALLPAR [ALP] mask contains the execution characteristics of the algorithm: movement and document types, site, product, allocation and management rules, quantity to be processed, etc.
- [M :ALP]TYPQTY indicates which quantity type is being used: 1=quantities in physical units and 2=quantities in active units (standard case)
- The grid section 4 of the ALLPAR [ALP] mask contains the stock lines selected and sorted by the algorithm.
Warning: The grid has only been sorted on the [M :ALP]WCOND and [M:ALP]NLIG columns since the other columns have not been moved --> when a loop is carried out from 0 to [M:ALP]NBLIG, the values of these columns can be accessed via the [M:ALP]NLIG index.
Warning: the content of a field on the ALLPAR screen must never be modified.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
ITMMASTER | Yes | Products |
ITMMVT | Yes | Product movements |
ITMFACILIT | Yes | Products sites |
ITMCATEG | Yes | Product categories |
STOLOT [STL1] | No | Lots |
STOCK [STO1] | No | Stock |
STOALL [STA1] | No | Allocations |
TABALLRUL | Yes if WTRUCOD<>’’ | Allocations/issues rules |
TABSTORUL | Yes | Management rules |
Use this entry point to intervene on some parameters of the automatic allocation such as the quantity to allocate.
There is no transaction in progress.
No trace file is open.
This entry point is located at the beginning of the GENSTOALL sub-program of the STKALL processing.
For example, it is used to intervene on the quantity to allocate.
The accessible parameters are:
- [M:ALP]QTY: Quantity to allocate (in active stock unit)
- The fields in section 1 of the ALLPAR setup screen are entered and accessible. Warning: any modification on these fields must be performed according to an informed decision.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
ITMMASTER | Yes | Products |
ITMFACILIT | No | Products sites |
ITMCATEG | No | Product categories |
STOLOT [STL1] | No | Lots |
STOCK [STO1] | No | Stock |
STOALL [STA1] | No | Allocations |
TABALLRUL | No | Allocations/issues rules |
TABSTORUL | No | Management rules |
Use this entry point to modify the allocation/issue rule used upon automatic determination of the stock to allocate or issue.
There is no transaction in progress.
No trace file is open.
This entry point is located in the $APPEL_ALGO label in the STKALL process after loading the allocation/issue rule to use.
It is used to change the rule to be used by modifying the WTRUCOD local variable.
The accessible parameters are:
- [M:ALP]VCRTYP: Entry type (local menu no. 701)
- [M:ALP]PECSCOLOC: Consideration of subcontract locations (1=no, 2=yes)
For example, in order to modify the allocation rule of a subcontract WO, the value of WTRUCOD must be edited as follows:
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
ITMMASTER | Yes | Products |
ITMFACILIT | No | Products sites |
ITMCATEG | No | Product categories |
STOLOT [STL1] | No | Lots |
STOCK [STO1] | No | Stock |
STOALL [STA1] | No | Allocations |
TABALLRUL | No | Allocations/issues rules |
TABSTORUL | No | Management rules |
This entry point is positioned in the processing loop of the STOSORW work mask lines.
It is used to take over when allocating a document line (while possibly deallocating an original document).
There is one transaction in progress.
No trace file is open.
This entry point is located in the ENRSTOALL sub-program of the STKALL processing.
The LTRT variable is used to identify the call context:
0: allocation only
1: source line allocation + deallocation.
The STOSORW [SOW] screen is loaded.
The I variable corresponds to the index of the STOSORW mask line being processed (from 0 to NBLIG-1).
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
STOALL [STA1] | No | Allocations |