Use this entry point to transfer data of a document line entry screen to the receipt data storage screen (STOENTW).
It is called in all the documents dealing with the receipt flows.
No transaction in progress.
No log file open.
This entry point is located in the STKFILLENTW sub-program of the STKENT processing.
It is called in all document dealing with the receipt flows at the end of the entry of a new line when using the data entered to determine the stock to receive.
It is thus possible to load the information entered in the document line onto the STOENTW ([M :ENTW]) receipt storage screen.
The variable containing the name of the document line entry screen is:
LABR = Document line entry screen in the form of: XXX (Example: SMR1 for miscellaneous receipts)
The indexes to be used in the screen grids are :
LLIG = Index of the document line in the ‘LABR’ screen
The significant variables are:
LFCY = Site
LTRS = Movement type (local menu no. 704)
LVCR = Entry type (local menu no. 701)
This entry point is only designed to manage new fields.
The standard content of the STOENTW screen must not be modified.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
ITMMASTER | Yes | Products |
ITMFACILIT | Yes | Product-sites |
Use this entry point to load the STOENTW storage screen when location management is activated for the product.
No transaction in progress.
No log file open.
It is called only for products associated with location management, in all documents dealing with receipt flows at the end of the entry of a new line when using the data entered to determine the stock to receive.
It is thus possible to load the locations of the sub-lot lines onto the STOENTW ([M :ENTW]) receipt storage screen
and to manage the alternate types.
The variable containing the name of the document line entry screen is:
LABR = Document line entry screen in the form of: XXX (Example: SMR1 for miscellaneous receipts)
The indexes to be used in the screen grids are:
LLIG = Index of the document line in the ‘LABR’ screen
The significant variables are:
LFCY = Site
LTRS = Movement type (local menu no. 704)
LVCR = Entry type (local menu no. 701)
The standard content of the STOENTW screen must never be modified.
For example: # Recovery of the product-site default location for the movement type
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded…).
Table |
Significant content |
Table Title |
Yes |
Products |
Yes |
Product-sites |
Yes |
Management rule |
Yes |
Location type |
No |
Locations |
Use this entry point to load the quantity of sub-lots onto the STOENTW storage screen.
It is called in all the documents dealing with the receipt flows.
No transaction in progress.
No log file open.
This entry point is located in the CUTLIGSLO sub-program of the STKENT processing.
The CUTLIGSLO sub-program is called from the STKFILLENTW sub-program if the number of sub-lot is > 1.
It is called in all document dealing with the receipt flows at the end of the entry of a new line when using the data entered to determine the stock to receive.
The significant variables are:
LABR = Abbreviation of the entry mask
LLIG = Entry screen line number
PQTY = Quantity entered on the document line
PNBSLO = Number of sub-lot entered on the document line
PUOM = Unit entered in the document line
PTABQTY = Quantity grid of each sub-lot. This grid is sized based on the number of sub-lots entered.
This grid is the one that the entry point must load
GPE = Flag indicating the quantity management mode (0 = standard mode , 1 = EP mode)
The standard content of the STOENTW screen must not be modified.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
ITMMASTER | Yes | Products |
ITMFACILIT | Yes | Product-sites |
Assign the first sub-lot number with a value different from "00001".
Use this entry point to assign the first sub-lot number with a value other than "00001" by entering the LSLO alphanumeric variable. The new alphanumerical value must have a length complying with GLONSLO and must end with at least one numerical character.
No transaction in progress.
There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).
Systematic call.
Use this entry point to replace the read loop of the stock movements of an original document in order to improve its performance.
Use this entry point to replace the stock movement standard read loop of an original document when picking the concerned document.
Performances are thus improved (by using a reckey, for example), for example when serial numbers are managed.
It is necessary to set the global variable GPE=1 and to rewrite the corresponding sequence as follows:
For [STJ1]STJ2 Where UPDCOD = 2 &
& REGFLG <>2 &
& QTYSTU > 0
# If identical stock data, the quantity already returned/received is deducted
No transaction in progress.
There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).
Call on receipt of a shipment, customer return or stock reintegration.
In an intersite context, use this entry point to modify the lot and supplier lot allocation when loading stock characteristics for a document line by retrieving the stock movements from an original document line.
No transaction in progress
There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test)
This entry point is located in the STKFILENTW sub-program of the STKENT processing.
It is called in the following cases when the product is managed in lot:
- picking shipment on receipt (if intersite)
- picking receipt return on shipment return (if intersite)
- picking shipment on delivery return
- Stock reintegration
- disassembly of an assembly (component processing)
The [M:ENT]TRSTYP variable is used to identify which movement type is being processed. It corresponds to the local menu no. 704.
It is used to discard the lots of the original document, and to allocate new ones. This is only relevant in an intersite context when receiving a shipment for example.
It is therefore necessary to set the global variable GPE=1 and to rewrite the corresponding sequence as follows:
For example, in order to retrieve the lot of the original document in the supplier lot and assign the lot by sequence number when receiving a shipment, the following sequence must be written:
Use this entry point to add a filter when retrieving the stock movements from an original document to the receipt data storage screen (STOENTW).
It is called in all the documents dealing with receipt flows after an original document has been selected.
No transaction in progress.
No log file is open.
This entry point is located in the STJSTOENTW sub-program of the STKENT processing.
It is called in all the documents dealing with the receipt flows, after an original document has been selected, when retrieving stock movements pertaining to this original document in order to store them in the STOENTW screen.
A filter can thus be added to the stock movements to retrieve.
This filter must be defined in the variable WFILPE.
For example:
During a customer return, it is used to filter the stock movements of the original shipment on a specific lot:
If LTRS=12 & [M:ENT]VCRTYPORI=4: WFILPE="LOT=lotsaisi": Endif
The significant variables are:
LTRS = Movement type (local menu no. 704)
LTYP = Entry type (local menu no. 701)
[M:ENT]VCRTYPORI = Original document type (local menu no. 701)
[M:ENT]VCRNUMORI = Original document number
[M:ENT]VCRLINORI = Original document line
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
STOJOU | No | Stock movements |
Use this entry point to force the reloading of the receipt data storage screen (STOENTW) from a receipt document line when this line has a single corresponding line in STOENTW.
Thus, the stock characteristics that have been entered in the document line can be reused even if the stock was already characterized.
Remember that using this entry point when stock characteristics come from an original document (delivery receipt, delivery return, etc.) is likely to generate anomalies.
It is called in all the documents dealing with the receipt flows.
There is no transaction in progress.
No trace file is open.
This entry point is located in the OUVENT sub-program of the STKENT processing.
It is called in all the documents dealing with receipt flows after the entry or modification of a document line to store stock characteristics in the STOENTW screen.
To force the reloading of stock characteristics in the STOENTW screen, it is necessary to set GPE=1
The significant variables are:
LFCY = Site
LABR = Screen abbreviation
LTRS = Movement type (local menu no. 704)
LVCR = Entry type (local menu no. 701)
LLIG = Screen grid line number
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
Use this entry point to assign a lot number (by sequence number) when the receipt is done on a location pending putaway.
No transaction in progress.
No log file open.
This entry point is located in the STKFILLENTW subprogram of the STKENT script.
You use it to force the assignment of a lot number (if no number has been entered) in the case of a stock receipt on a location pending putaway. The GPE variable must be set to 1.