Use this entry point to intervene on a variable to know whether a movement type is valued and can thus be posted.
The variable is initialized with default values, in other words values managed in standard mode. Modifying a value requires to manage in specific mode the valuation of the movement type concerned.
There can be a transaction in progress (test the context).
There can be an open log file (test the context).
Variable or mask | Definition |
LTABTRS | Grid whose index corresponds to the movement type number. For each index the value 1 means that the movement type is not valued and not posted. The value 0 is used so that the movement type can be valued and posted. |
Use this entry point to modify the order price of the stock movements to generate when this order price comes from the order price of a source movement.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is an open log file if GTRACE <> ‘’.
This entry point is located in the LOAD_FROM_STJ label of the STKVALMAJ processing.
It is called once the order price of the source movement is retrieved.
The order price is retrieved in this way (when a original document exists), in the following update processings:
- Inter-site (and intra-company) supplier receipt
- Customer return
- Stock reintegration
- Supplier return
- Put-away plan
- Miscellaneous issue corresponding to the disassembly of an assembly
The significant variables are:
[M :STW]TRFFCY = Original site for the transfer (if inter-site supplier receipt)
[M :STW]TRSTYP = Movement type (local menu no. 704)
[M :STW]VCRTYP = Document type (local menu no. 701)
[M :STW]VCRNUM = Document number
[M :STW]VCRLIN = Document line
[M :STW]VCRTYPORI = Original document type (local menu no. 701)
[M :STW]VCRNUMORI = Original document number
[M :STW]VCRLINORI = Original document line
[M :STW]ITMREF = Product
The fields that must be entered are located in the [M:SVW] mask. Each line of [M:SVW]NBLIG is linked to the same line of [M:STW]NBLIG.
Each value added to the total price [M:SVW]PRIORD(I) and/or [M:SVW]PRIVAL(I) must also be added in its detail (material cost, machine, invoicing elements, etc.)
For example:
To add transportation costs (25 euros) to the order price for an inter-site receipt by considering that these costs are invoicing elements:
If we take into consideration that the additional cost must be added in the material part of the product cost group:
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
ITMMASTER | Yes | Products |
ITMFACILIT | Yes | Products sites |
STOJOU | No | Stock movements |
STOCK | No | Stock |
STOLOT | No | Lot |
STOLOC | No | Location |
TABLOCTYP | No | Location type |